I used to think pen and paper is enough for brain storming and so-called mindmap drawing softwares are less functional than general charting tools. Yet
Mind Manager has really changed my mind. The auto-layout/linking function feels natural and isn't disturbing. Creative icons extends the usage senarios of MM to tasks like project management, reference orgnization, and scheduling. It forces you to classify rather than be messed up and also gives you a high level picture. When I was drawing my todo maps, I recalled that one of my professors said, "One day, you will realize your life is a system."
《Thinking in Java》专门有一章详细介绍集合框架,包括`List`、`Set`、`Map`等主要接口及其实现类。这一章被认为是本书中的亮点之一。 #### 2. 异常处理 异常处理是Java中管理程序错误的一种机制。书中详细介绍了...
5. **STL(标准模板库)**:STL是C++库的一部分,包含了一系列高效的数据结构(如vector、list、set、map等)和算法,为C++程序员提供了强大的工具箱,简化了代码编写,提高了代码复用性和效率。 6. **文件I/O**:...
- Gary Entsminger(《The Tao of Objects》作者)表示Bruce Eckel在C++领域的洞察力令人惊叹,本书是解答复杂问题的最佳指南。 - Richard Hale Shaw(《PC Magazine》特约编辑)称本书是每个C++开发者书架上的必备...
Explore functional programming and discover new ways of thinking about code. You know you need to master functional programming, but learning one functional language is only the start. In this book, ...
4. **Standard Template Library (STL)**: The STL is a collection of container classes (such as vector, list, map) and algorithms (like sort, search) that provide a powerful framework for manipulating ...
It provides a different way of thinking about how you should develop your apps, and has already gained a massive adoption among web developers. Join the revolution, build web apps faster, and have ...
Another way of thinking about Action class is as the Adapter design pattern. The purpose of the Action is to "Convert the interface of a class into another interface the clients expect. Adapter lets ...
Table of Contents Header Files The #define Guard Header File Dependencies Inline Functions The -inl.h Files Function Parameter Ordering Names and Order of Includes Scoping Namespaces Nested Classes ...
:thinking_face: 什么单位? 您可能会问:工作单元到底是什么,为什么我要关心它? 工作单元维护受业务交易影响的对象(实体)的列表,并协调更改的注销。 身份映射通过将每个已加载对象保留在映射中来确保每个对象...
4. 实验目的与逻辑(map of thoughts):作者在写作时应有一张清晰的“地图”,明确实验的目的,逐步揭示结果,逻辑连贯,使读者能够跟随作者的思路理解每一个步骤。 5. 科研激情(passion):论文应体现作者对科研...
此外,"GoF23种设计模式"指的是Gang of Four的《Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software》中的23种经典设计模式。这23种模式是软件工程中的通用解决方案,涵盖了创建型、结构型和行为型三...
高科技大学实习项目 :sign_of_the_horns: 纳洛酮图 网站 :star: 我们工作的初始原型的 目的 一张地图,可将服药过量的旁观者引导到最近的纳洛酮试剂盒,并引导他们进行操作。 网站布局 登陆页面: index.html 紧急...
8. 完成思维导图(thinking map)活动:这是一个小组合作任务,学生们需要根据动画内容填写思维导图,包括动物的名称、数量和特征,以提高理解和应用能力。 9. "I can listen and follow." 这句话强调了听力理解和...
- It's easy to get lost in a big city like Shanghai without a map. 24. 我正在写信推荐李雷获得本年度“最佳学生奖”。- I am writing a letter to recommend Li Lei for the Best Student Award this year. 25....
28. "思考穿什么":用"think about what to wear","妈妈在思考今晚穿什么去参加晚会"可以表达为"Mum is thinking about what to wear to attend the party tonight." 29. "乐意给出一些建议":用"be happy to give...