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ArcGIS Server9.3之Eclipse开发环境配置


This document was published with ArcGIS 9.3.

In this topic

ArcGIS plug-ins for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) have been created to ease ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Server application development. This topic describes the necessary steps to install and configure Eclipse and their ArcGIS plug-ins.
  • Java EE 5 support
  • A graphical HTML/JSP/JSF editor
  • A new Quick Access feature (ctl-3) to enhance IDE navigation

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers has support for most popular Java Application Servers although, an application server is not included with any of the Eclipse download options. You must obtain an application server separately.
Relevant drivers for supported ArcGIS Server development include:
Increasing the Memory Heap Size in Eclipse
Eclipse allocates 256 megabytes of java heap memory by default. However to avoid out of memory errors during installation of ArcGIS plug-ins it is strongly recommended that you increase this amount (to 1024 megabytes).  It is also strongly recommended to add the Max Permgen size available to Eclipse and set it to 256M.
  1. Open the eclipse.ini file under the eclipse installation directory(eg. C:\eclipse) with a text editor.
  2. By default, eclipse.ini contains something like:


   3.  Which sets the heap space to 40MB initially and a maximum of 256MB, and also specifies a PermGen size of 256MB

   4.The suggested settings for ArcGIS Server development are:



   5.  Save and close the eclipse.ini file.

The ArcGIS Server for Java 9.3 Eclipse plug-in requires the latest version of Eclipse and Web Tools Platform (WTP 2.0.x).  Enhancements required by the plug-in include the JavaServer Faces Tools (JSF) project.  Upgrading to the latest Eclipse platform binary requires a full binary download considering, as of Eclipse 3.2, it is not possible to upgrade the Eclipse platform itself, only it's features.  Fortunately, Eclipse provides "all in one" bundles and we recommend the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Compatibility with Eclipse 3.2 plug-ins. 
Eclipse SDK 3.3 is upwards compatible with Eclipse SDK 3.2. as described in the Eclipse 3.3 plug-in migration guide, and consequently, plug-ins for Eclipse SDK 3.2 should work with Eclipse SDK 3.3.  Plug-ins for Eclipse SDK 3.3, like the ArcGIS Server for Java 9.3 Eclipse plug-in, will not be useable in Eclipse SDK 3.2. 
To install ArcGIS Server plug-ins for Eclipse, you must have ArcGIS Server for the Java platform installed on your machine. The ArcGIS Server plug-ins can be installed by creating a local update sites for the plug-ins. 
  1. On the Eclipse main menu, select Help->Software Updates->Find and Install.
  2. On the Install/Update dialog box, choose Search for new features to install and click Next.

   3. The ArcGIS plug-ins have 3 flavors, 1.doc, 2.engine and 3.server. The doc plug-in contains the documentation for the ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Server SDKs. The engine plug-in is for developers who wish to build desktop applications using ArcGIS Engine. The server plug-in is for developer who wish to build web applications using ArcGIS Server. You may need to create a Local Update site to install each of these plug-ins.  To create a new update site, click on New Local Site in the Install dialog box. You may see different sites listed depending on the Eclipse version you have installed.


    4. Browse the location of the new local site as '%ARCGISHOME%/java/tools/eclipse_plugin/arcgis_update_site\server' and click OK. Change the name in the Edit Local Site dialog box to ArcGIS Server Local Update Site and click OK.


Repeat the steps to create another update site ArcGIS SDK Local Update Site at the location %ARCGISHOME%/java/tools/eclipse_plugin/arcgis_update_site\doc'. 

     5.  You should now see the ArcGIS Server Local Update Site appear in the list.  Ensure that the ArcGIS Server Local Update Site is checked and click Finish.


     6. The Search Results window displays the features available for install.  Drill down under ArcGIS, select the install plug-in, and click Next

    7.  Accept the Feature License agreement and click Next

    8.  Choose an install location and click Finish

    9.  Click Install All on the Verification window. 

    10. Click Yes to restart Eclipse. 

    11. Once Eclipse restarts, you should see a Welcome page, if you do not, go to the Help menu and click the Welcome link. 

     12. Click on the Overview icon to display an overview of features.

   13.  Click on the ESRI Globe icon to display the ESRI Information Page. 


     14.  This page provides information about getting started with your ArcGIS plug-in. 
Congratulations, you have successfully created a local update site for ArcGIS Plug-ins and installed the ArcGIS Server for Java Plug-in. 

PS:如果真的要学ArcGIS Server的话,建议还是尽快习惯看英文文档。



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