Changes with Apache 2.2.11
*) core: When the ap_http_header_filter processes an error bucket, cleanup
the passed brigade before returning AP_FILTER_ERROR down the filter
chain. This unambiguously ensures the same error bucket isn't revisited
[Ruediger Pluem]
*) core: Error responses set by filters were being coerced into 500 errors,
sometimes appended to the original error response. Log entry of:
'Handler for (null) returned invalid result code -3'
[Eric Covener]
*) configure: Don't reject libtool 2.x
PR 44817 [Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <Arfrever.FTA>]
*) mod_autoindex: add configuration option to insert string
in HTML HEAD (IndexHeadInsert). [Nick Kew]
*) Add new LogFormat parameter, %k, which logs the number of
keepalive requests on this connection for this request.
PR 45762 [Dan Poirier <poirier>, Jim Jagielski]
*) Export and install the mod_rewrite.h header to ensure the optional
rewrite_mapfunc_t and ap_register_rewrite_mapfunc functions are
available to third party modules. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Convert age of cached object to seconds before comparing it to
age supplied by the request when checking whether to send a Warning
header for a stale response. PR 39713. [Owen Taylor <otaylor>]
*) Build: Correctly set SSL_LIBS during openssl detection if pkgconfig is
not available. PR 46018 [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Do not fail if response data is sent before all request
data is read. PR 45911 [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Add in forced recovery for balancer members if
all are in error state. [Mladen Turk]
*) mod_proxy: Prevent segmentation faults by correctly adjusting the
lifetime of the buckets read from the proxy backend. PR 45792
[Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_expires: Do not sets negative max-age / Expires header in the past.
PR 39774 [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_info: Was displaying the wrong value for the KeepAliveTimeout
value. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Fix wrongly formatted requests where client
sets Content-Length header, but doesn't provide a body.
Servlet container always expects that next packet is
body whenever C-L is present in the headers. This can lead
to wrong interpretation of the packets. In this case
send the empty body packet, so container can deal with
that. [Mladen Turk]
*) core: Add ap_timeout_parameter_parse to public API. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy: Add the possibility to set the worker parameters
connectiontimeout and ping in milliseconds. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) Worker MPM: Crosscheck that idle workers are still available before using
them and thus preventing an overflow of the worker queue which causes
a SegFault. PR 45605 [Denis Ustimenko <denusk>]
*) Windows: Always build the odbc dbd driver on windows, to be consistent
with the apr-util default. [Tom Donovan]
在本文中,我们将深入探讨Apache 2.2.11在Windows平台上的安装、配置、使用以及其主要特性。 1. **安装Apache 2.2.11 on Windows** - 下载:首先,你需要从官方或可靠的源下载``文件,解压缩到...
Apache HTTP Server 2.2.11是Apache软件基金会开发的一款广泛应用的开源Web服务器软件,尤其在Linux系统中被广泛部署。这个版本发布于2009年,它包含了多个安全修复、性能优化以及功能增强,以提升服务器的稳定性和...
apache2.2.11和tomcat6整合配置例子打包下载,开发宝典...... apache2.2.11和tomcat6整合配置 1,下载 2,在apache的httpd.conf里面加入下面的话 LoadModule jk_module modules/ JkWorkersFile "D:\...
apache 2.2.11配置文件中英文对照
SVN1.4.6 + apache2.2.11 + tomcat 6.0.18 集成配置SVN1.4.6 + apache2.2.11 + tomcat 6.0.18 集成配置
Apache2.2.11与Tomcat 6.0.20集群配置是一项重要的技术实践,旨在提高Web服务的可用性和性能。集群能够实现负载均衡,即将请求分发到多个服务器,避免单点故障,同时通过session共享确保用户在集群中的无缝切换。...
本文将详细阐述如何在Windows操作系统上搭建一个基于Apache2.2.11和PHP5.2.9-1的PHP运行环境。 首先,我们需要了解Apache和PHP的基本概念。Apache是一款开源、跨平台的Web服务器,它负责接收HTTP请求并返回网页内容...
这个名为"apache_2.2.11-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8i_gpxz"的压缩包文件,显然包含了在Windows 32位系统上运行的Apache 2.2.11版本,以及OpenSSL 0.9.8i库。这两个组件在IT领域中都具有重要的地位。 Apache 2.2.11是...
相关配置文件 博文链接:
这篇文章将详细介绍如何在您的系统上构建和配置 Apache_2.2.11 与 Trac 的环境。 首先,我们需要了解 Apache 2.2.11 版本。这是 Apache HTTP Server 的一个稳定版本,发布于2009年,包含了多项性能优化和安全修复。...
### Windows 下 Java Apache-Tomcat-6.0.20 与 Apache_2.2.11 整合 #### 概述 本文档详细介绍了如何在 Windows 系统上安装配置并整合 Apache Tomcat 6.0.20 和 Apache 2.2.11。这种整合可以有效地提升 Web 应用...
1. 运行`apache_2.2.11-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8i.msi`安装程序。 2. 按照安装向导的指示进行,选择合适的安装路径和配置选项。 3. 安装完成后,配置Apache。打开`conf/httpd.conf`配置文件,修改以下关键设置: - ...
标题 "" 暗示了这是一个针对Windows 32位系统的Apache服务器软件的压缩包,版本为2.2.11,并集成了OpenSSL库,版本为0.9.8i。这个压缩包通常包含了安装和运行Apache ...
在本文件包中,包含了两个主要文件:一个是预编译的安装程序(apache_2.2.11-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8i.msi),另一个是源代码包(。 **Apache HTTP Server的基本概念** Apache ...
最新win平台Apache+PHP+MySQL+PHPMyAdmin一键安装包(多国语言) WAMP是指在Windows服务器上使用Apache、MySQL和PHP的集成安装环境,可以快速...Apache 2.2.11 PHP 5.3.0 MySQL 5.1.36 Phpmyadmin 大小:16M