In one of my blog How to monitor the control registration and deregistration , I demonstrate one approach to enable you to find the location where a given control which you are interested is created or destructed. Still use the master list below for example:
In the xml view, its id is defined as “list”:
And in the runtime, the id has naming convention “__xmlview[id]–list”. Where is this runtime id generated?
Following the tips in my previous blog, we can easily find the callstack where control runtime id is generated.
By reading the code if seems the runtime id did consist of container xml view id and the control id itself defined in xml view.
In order to prove my assumption, I wrote the following code and re-launch my UI. This time the breakpoint is triggered, with the very list id “list” passed in.
After I debugged into function createId in line 334, I get my guess verified: the runtime id of a control consists of its container view’s id and its own id defined in the container view, as displayed below:
在SAPUI5中,数据绑定是连接应用程序界面与数据模型的重要机制,使得视图元素可以动态地显示和更新后端或本地数据。本示例" sapui5-bind-table-dropdownbox "聚焦于如何将Table控件与DropdownBox相结合,并根据表格...
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例如,它可以定义窗口大小、控件位置、字体大小等。通过修改此XML文件,管理员或用户可以批量应用这些设置,提高工作效率。 3. **SAP GUI 7.5**:这表明压缩包中可能包含SAP GUI的版本7.5。SAP GUI是访问SAP系统的...
- 控件位于`System.Web.UI.WebControls`命名空间中,常见的Web服务器控件包括Label、TextBox、Button等。 2. **Web服务器控件的格式**: - 控件定义可以采用两种格式: - 所有属性定义在一对尖括号内,如 `...
同时,还需要设置应用的依赖库和资源路径,确保正确加载SAPUI5库和其他依赖项。 **二、首页开发** 1. **创建 View** 视图(View)是UI布局的主要组成部分,定义了用户界面的结构。可以使用XML或JS来编写视图。...
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