Let’s first refresh our memory on SAPUI5 controller. I have a simple xml view which only contains a button:
<core:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:common="sap.ui.commons" controllerName="buttontutorial.view.simple">
<common:Button text="Jerry" id="jerryButton"/>
And a simple controller:
sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller"], function(Controller){
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("buttontutorial.view.simple",{
onInit : function() {
due to the attribute controllerName=”buttontutorial.view.simple” in XML view, the controller instance is created and connect with XML view instance by UI5 framework:
And we can use JavaScript code in console to list the larget number of attributes belonging to created controller instance:
for( var name in this ) { console.log("attribute: " + name + " value: " + this[name]);}
Or you can simply type “this.” in console, and see there are lots of methods available for controller instance:
For example, byId method of controller instance is widely used, if you type this.byId in console, you can see its implementation just delegates the call to this.oView.byId.
This makes sense since every controller instance holds a reference to its host view via oView, and the connection between controller and its view is established in function connectToView:
Angular Controller
You can play with the sample Angular application from this url.
It consists of 31 lines of source code:
<html ng-app>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Angular.js Example</title>
<script src="angular/angular.js"></script>
function NameCtrl($scope){
$scope.names = ['ABAP', 'Java'];
$scope.addName = function() {
if( $scope.names.indexOf($scope.enteredName) != -1){
alert("duplicate key is not allowed in list: " + $scope.enteredName);
$scope.enteredName = '';
$scope.enteredName = '';
<body ng-controller="NameCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="name in names">{{name}}
<form ng-submit="addName()">
<input type="text" ng-model="enteredName">
<input type="submit" value="add">
When you type a new language in input field and click “Add” button, the language will be added into list above:
Let me first briefly introduce the idea of source code, then I will go through with each point in detail.
(1) controller instance initialization
During Angular bootstrap phase, due to this line of source code in html, , Angular will create a new controller instance in line 5327. You can consider $controller as a factory function.
Let’s have a look at the content of argument locals for factory function:
The most important attribute is $scope, which is passed into function NameCtrl defined by us:
Once our application code is executed, controller instance is created. However, after checking it in Chrome, I found it is just a dummy instance without any important attribute. Instead, the data model and addName function are appended and available in current scope:
(2) How addFunction available in scope object will be called when add button is called
Based on study result in step1, the addName function is located in scope object. My question is, when I press add button, why is it called?
In previous blog Compare Event handling mechanism: SAPUI5 and Angular, I already introduced that Angular does event handler registration automatically for us, as long as it detects the directive like this:
Actually I have made modifications on angular.js, adding more trace so that you can easily find where Angular achieves event registration under the hood:
So it is called as expected:
UI5 controller instance has a large number of useful functions available to use, and for Angular, controller instance is just a dummy one: data model and event handler function are located in scope object instead.
5. `My97DatePicker`:这可能是一个日期选择器插件,集成到WebUI4Angular中,提供日期输入和选择功能。 6. `css`:样式表文件夹,包含了WebUI4Angular的CSS样式文件,定义了组件的外观和布局。 7. `misc`:杂项文件...
5. **可定制性**:Angular UI Bootstrap 允许开发者通过 CSS 类或配置对象来自定义组件外观和行为。 6. **持续更新**:项目维护活跃,随着 Bootstrap 的新版本发布,Angular UI Bootstrap 也会及时更新,以保持与...
Mobile Angular UI 是个 HTML5 移动端 UI 框架,允许使用 Angular JS 和 Bootstrap 3 来开发移动端应用。 Mobile Angular UI 在 Bootstrap 3 的基础上新增了: switches, overlays, sidebars, scrollable areas, ...
1. MVC架构:SAPUI5基于MVC模式,将应用程序逻辑分为模型(Model)、视图(View)和控制器(Controller)三个部分。模型负责处理数据,视图用于显示用户界面,控制器则协调两者之间的交互。 2. OData支持:OData是...
接着,你可以在控制器、指令或其他服务中使用它来启动和停止UI的阻塞。 **启动和停止阻塞** 在Angular Block UI中,你可以使用`blockUI.start()`和`blockUI.stop()`方法来控制UI的阻塞状态。通常,这些方法会在...
通过定义`controller`、`template`和`view`等属性,UI-Router能够精确控制特定位置的用户界面和交互行为。 #### 二、状态管理 在UI-Router中,**状态**是核心概念之一。每个状态对应于应用的一个特定部分或“页面...
总结,"Angular Service Controller分层示例"强调了如何利用AngularJS的服务和控制器来构建可维护的前端应用,并通过与后端的Spring MVC集成,实现完整的MVC架构。理解并熟练运用这些概念对于开发高质量的Web应用至...
而`angular-ui-sortable`是AngularJS的一个扩展模块,它将jQuery UI的Sortable功能集成到了AngularJS中,使得在Angular应用中实现元素的拖拽排序变得简单易行。 `angular-ui-sortable`指令允许开发者在AngularJS...
3. **视图(Views)**:视图是UI Router用来展示状态内容的容器,可以在一个状态下定义多个视图,每个视图可以有自己的模板和控制器。 4. **嵌套路由(Nested States & Views)**:UI Router支持嵌套路由,允许在一...
Angular UI Grid 是一个强大的数据网格组件,专为 AngularJS 应用程序设计,用于展示和操作大量结构化的数据。它提供了一系列高级功能,如分页、排序、过滤、行选择、列固定、自定义编辑器和渲染器等,帮助开发者...
5. **复用验证规则**:由于验证逻辑定义在控制器的函数中,因此可以方便地在整个应用中复用这些规则,提高代码的可重用性。 在实际开发中,Angular UI Validate特别适合处理那些标准验证规则无法满足的场景,比如...
本文将详细介绍两种在Angular中实现控制器之间传递参数的方法。 1. **通过$rootScope传参** AngularJS的作用域采用原型链机制,因此在子作用域中无法直接访问的属性,会向上级作用域查找。$rootScope作为所有控制...
同时,我们还使用了Angular的内置服务,例如$rootScope和$timeout来实现应用程序的逻辑和交互。 Angular之toDoList的实现代码示例提供了一个基本的toDoList应用程序的实现思路和方法,为开发者提供了一个良好的参考...
3. **JavaScript文件**:包含AngularJS的模块、控制器、服务、指令等,负责处理业务逻辑和数据交互。 4. **Node.js服务器**:作为后端平台,Node.js使用其非阻塞I/O模型和V8引擎,为前端提供数据和API服务。 5. **...
Angle-3.4-mvc5-angular 是一个项目,它整合了多个关键的技术栈,包括Angle、MVC5、Angular以及AngularJS,旨在提供一个高效、可扩展的前端和后端解决方案。这个压缩包包含了两个主要的子项目:backend-mvc5-angular...