1, MyEclipse6.5 + Jboss tools 2.1.2
MyEclipse employs quite different plugins than those by Eclipse. I tried to install jboss tools on MyEclipse6.5 while I was prompted to install DTP, WDP (WST, JST) before install Jboss tools. After I solved those dependency problems I found I could not start software update. Just nothing showed. While I click again, it told me that another software update is running.
2, Eclipse 3.4 JEE all in one + Jboss tools 2.1.2
Failed also because Jboss tools 2.1.2 is not for Eclipse 3.4. I can install it but some error popped when showing the toolkit pallete.
3, Eclipse 3.3.2 SDK + GEF + EMF + DTP + WTP + Jboss tools 2.1.2
Same thing happened after I installed DTP. I could not start software update.
4, Eclipse 3.4 JEE all in one + Jboss tools alpha 3.0
It warned me that I need BIRT. I unchecked the BIRT integeration feature and the installation is a succcess!
5, I thought to try Eclipse 3.3 JEE all in one + Jboss tools 2.12/alpha 3.0 but can't find Eclipse 3.3 JEE online.
下载的文件通常是一个zip压缩包,将其解压到任意位置,然后通过Eclipse的“Help” > “Install New Software”菜单,选择“Add”按钮,输入MyEclipse的更新站点地址,按照提示完成安装。 安装MyEclipse的过程中,...
- 启动Eclipse,MyEclipse的特性应自动加载,如果没有,可以通过"Help" -> "Install New Software"手动添加。 - 配置MyEclipse的许可证,通常在首次启动时会提示输入。 - 接下来就可以利用MyEclipse的强大功能...
MyEclipse是基于Eclipse平台的一款功能强大的Java EE集成开发环境。它集成了众多优秀的插件,支持Java、JSP、Servlet、EJB、Web Services、Ajax等技术,极大地提高了开发效率。MyEclipse 2017Ci8版本则是该系列的一...
首先,需要安装 Maven 插件,选择 Help --> Install New Software,输入地址 http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/m2eclipse-wtp/,然后等待安装完成。接着,配置 Eclipse,找到 Maven4MyEclipse 下的 ...
1. **打开Eclipse并访问更新站点**:首先,在Eclipse中依次点击`Help` -> `Software Updates...` -> `Find and Install...`。 2. **添加远程站点**:点击`Add Remote Site...`按钮,在弹出的对话框中输入Babel更新...
- 接着进入“Window”->“Preferences”->“MyEclipse”->“Application Servers”->“JBoss 4”,配置JBoss Server为“Enabled”,JDK为“j2sdk1.4.2_08”。 - 单击“Apply and Close”完成JBoss配置。 ##### 5...
本文档将详细介绍如何在Eclipse环境中安装配置JBPM及相关组件,包括JPDL(Job Processing Definition Language)安装、Tomcat服务器配置、MyEclipse中JPDL-Designer插件的安装与使用、数据库连接配置以及MySQL数据库...
然后,通过Eclipse的"Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install"菜单,搜索并安装jBPM的开发插件。插件位于`designer\eclipse`目录下,按照提示完成安装。 **6. 部署jBPM示例** 在jBPM Starters Kit的`jbpm-...