Merge Two Sorted Arrays into the larger array, given the large array has extra storage. Merge without additional memory
Long sorted array {1,3,5,0,0,0} (0 means blank spaces), so used length is 3
The short sorted array {2,4}
The expected merged array will be {1,2,3,4,5,0}
Additionally, no additional memory is used
- e.g. declaring a new array is not allowed
1. Loop from end to beginning.
2. Keep track of two tail index values of two merged arrays.
3. Final-merged-tail position is equal to longTail+ShortTail+1 (both index start from 0!!)
4. If the shortTail is larger than or equal to 0 after merging, adding the remaining values to the merged array
package org.fool.java.test; public class MergeTwoSortedArrays { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] longArray = {1, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int used = 4; int[] shortArray = {2, 4, 6}; for (int i : longArray) { System.out.print(i + " "); } System.out.println(); merge(longArray, shortArray, used); for (int i : longArray) { System.out.print(i + " "); } } // we passed 3 arguments, the first 2 are the 2 arrays // the longUsed is to present how many items are used in the longArray // This method returns a int value representing how many valid items to be counted in the merged long array private static int merge(int[] longArray, int[] shortArray, int longUsed) { int longTail = longUsed - 1; int shortTail = shortArray.length - 1; // the order is to merge from end to beginning while (longTail >= 0 && shortTail >= 0) { // check which one in the two arrays should be put at this current tail position if (longArray[longTail] > shortArray[shortTail]) { // which means at this position, we'd better to put the value int the longArray for the merged array longArray[longTail + shortTail + 1] = longArray[longTail]; // notice the key here for the final index in the merged array // longTail + shortTail + 1 will be the final index, thinking that both tail indexes start from 0 longTail--; // after we put one value in longArray, we need to shift our focus to the left a little } else { longArray[longTail + shortTail + 1] = shortArray[shortTail]; shortTail--; } } // case 1, longTail not equal to 0? No problem, they are in position already // case 2, shortTail not equal to 0? Need to add element one by one to the final array while (shortTail >= 0) { longArray[shortTail] = shortArray[shortTail]; // notice the final merging is same as copying shortTail--; // do not forget updating the index } // return how many used elements in the new merged array return shortArray.length + longUsed; } }
Console Output
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