一个IOCP TCP server的例子:
一个IOCP UDP server的例子:
Winsock Registered I/O - Traditional Multi threaded IOCP UDP Example Server
https://yunpan.cn/cqh6SML8zSrtt 访问密码 d0df
This article presents the sixth in my series of example servers for comparing the performance of the Winsock Registered I/O Networking extensions, RIO, and traditional Windows networking APIs. This example server is a traditional multi-threaded, IOCP based, UDP design that we can use to compare to the multi-threaded RIO IOCP UDP example server. I've been looking at the Winsock Registered I/O Networking Extensions since October when they first made an appearance as part of the Windows 8 Developer Preview, though lately most of my testing has been using Windows Server 2012 RC. Whilst exploring and understanding the new API I spent some time putting together some simple UDP servers using the various notification styles that RIO provides. I then put together some equally simple UDP servers using the "traditional" APIs so that I could compare performance. This series of blog posts describes each of the example servers in turn. You can find an index to all of the articles about the Winsock Registered I/O example servers here.
A traditional multi-threaded IOCP UDP server
This server is structured in a similar way to the other example servers and uses the same shared helper code and limited error handling (see here for more details). We start by initialising things in a similar way to the other servers.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { if (argc > 2) { cout << "Usage: IOCPUDPMT [workLoad]" << endl; } if (argc > 1) { g_workIterations = _ttol(argv[1]); } SetupTiming("IOCP UDP MT"); InitialiseWinsock(); SOCKET s = CreateSocket(WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); HANDLE hIOCP = CreateIOCP(); if (0 == ::CreateIoCompletionPort( reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(s), hIOCP, 1, 0)) { ErrorExit("CreateIoCompletionPort"); } Bind(s, PORT); PostIOCPRecvs(RECV_BUFFER_SIZE, IOCP_PENDING_RECVS); CreateIOCPThreads(NUM_IOCP_THREADS); WaitForProcessingStarted(); WaitForProcessingStopped(); StopIOCPThreads(); PrintTimings(); }
To help simulate servers that actually do some work with each datagram we can pass a command line argument to control how much 'busy work' we do for each datagram.
Once we have the socket created and bound we need to post some read requests. This involves creating and managing a set of buffers in a similar way to what we do for the RIO server; though we don't need to register these buffers before performing I/O with them.
inline void PostIOCPRecvs( const DWORD recvBufferSize, const DWORD pendingRecvs) { DWORD totalBuffersAllocated = 0; while (totalBuffersAllocated < pendingRecvs) { DWORD receiveBuffersAllocated = 0; char *pBuffer = AllocateBufferSpace( recvBufferSize, pendingRecvs, receiveBuffersAllocated); totalBuffersAllocated += receiveBuffersAllocated; DWORD offset = 0; const DWORD recvFlags = 0; EXTENDED_OVERLAPPED *pBufs = new EXTENDED_OVERLAPPED[receiveBuffersAllocated]; DWORD bytesRecvd = 0; DWORD flags = 0; for (DWORD i = 0; i < receiveBuffersAllocated; ++i) { EXTENDED_OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = pBufs + i; ZeroMemory(pOverlapped, sizeof(EXTENDED_OVERLAPPED)); pOverlapped->buf.buf = pBuffer + offset; pOverlapped->buf.len = recvBufferSize; offset += recvBufferSize; if (SOCKET_ERROR == ::WSARecv( g_s, &(pOverlapped->buf), 1, &bytesRecvd, &flags, static_cast<OVERLAPPED *>(pOverlapped), 0)) { const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError(); if (lastError != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { ErrorExit("WSARecv", lastError); } } } if (totalBuffersAllocated != pendingRecvs) { cout << pendingRecvs << " receives pending" << endl; } } cout << totalBuffersAllocated << " total receives pending" << endl; }
We're using the same buffer allocation code as the earlier RIO servers, so see here for more details or download the code at the end of this article.
We then create our worker threads and start everything up. The main work is done in the worker thread function shown below.
unsigned int __stdcall ThreadFunction( void *pV) { #ifdef TRACK_THREAD_STATS const DWORD index = (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)pV; ThreadData &threadData = g_threadData[index]; threadData.threadId = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); threadData.maxPacketsProcessed = 1; threadData.minPacketsProcessed = 1; #endif DWORD numberOfBytes = 0; ULONG_PTR completionKey = 0; OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = 0; if (!::GetQueuedCompletionStatus( g_hIOCP, &numberOfBytes, &completionKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE)) { ErrorExit("GetQueuedCompletionStatus"); } int workValue = 0; if (completionKey == 1) { bool done = false; ::SetEvent(g_hStartedEvent); DWORD bytesRecvd = 0; DWORD flags = 0; do { #ifdef TRACK_THREAD_STATS threadData.dequeueCalled++; threadData.packetsProcessed++; #endif if (numberOfBytes == EXPECTED_DATA_SIZE) { ::InterlockedIncrement(&g_packets); workValue += DoWork(g_workIterations); EXTENDED_OVERLAPPED *pExtOverlapped = static_cast<EXTENDED_OVERLAPPED *>(pOverlapped); if (SOCKET_ERROR == ::WSARecv( g_s, &(pExtOverlapped->buf), 1, &bytesRecvd, &flags, pExtOverlapped, 0)) { const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError(); if (lastError != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { ErrorExit("WSARecv", lastError); } } done = false; } else { done = true; } if (!done) { if (!::GetQueuedCompletionStatus( g_hIOCP, &numberOfBytes, &completionKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE)) { const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError(); if (lastError != ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED) { ErrorExit("GetQueuedCompletionStatus", lastError); } } if (completionKey == 0) { done = true; } } } while (!done); } ::SetEvent(g_hStoppedEvent); return workValue; }
We've added some optional stats collection as this has proved useful in reasoning about the relative performance of the IOCP servers. These stats are now displayed along with the timings at the end of the test.
The code for this example can be downloaded from here. This code requires Visual Studio 2012, but would work with earlier compilers if you have a Windows SDK that supports RIO. Note that
and Constants.h
contain helper functions and tuning constants for ALL of the examples and so there will be code in there that is not used by this example. You should be able to unzip each example into the same directory structure so that they all share the same shared headers. This allows you to tune all of the examples the same so that any performance comparisons make sense.Join in
Comments and suggestions are more than welcome. I'm learning as I go here and I'm quite likely to have made some mistakes or come up with some erroneous conclusions, feel free to put me straight and help make these examples better.
本资源包含了一个基于IOCP的服务器代码示例,以及一个用于TCP和UDP并行压力测试的工具。 首先,让我们详细了解一下IOCP(I/O完成端口)。IOCP是一种高级的I/O模型,它允许多个线程并发处理I/O操作的完成。在传统的I...
在本示例中,"IOCP的Socket服务器端源码"是基于IOCP实现的一个游戏服务器端程序,能够支持TCP/IP和UDP两种网络协议,并且在VC++环境中进行开发。** **TCP/IP是一种广泛使用的网络通信协议栈,由传输层的TCP...
`async-sockets-cpp`库提供了一个简洁的API,使得开发者能够轻松地利用多线程实现异步TCP和UDP套接字操作。这个库的核心目标是简化网络编程的复杂性,同时保持性能和可扩展性。 首先,让我们了解一下异步套接字的...
"IPV6TCPSOCKET"和"IPv6_UDP"可能包含了使用IOCP实现的IPv6 TCP和UDP客户端示例代码。在TCP编程中,IOCP结合`WSAEventSelect`或`WSAAsyncSelect`可以创建异步的套接字事件处理机制,允许程序在一个套接字上监听多个...
5. **多线程/异步处理**:为了处理多个并发的客户端请求,服务器端可能需要使用多线程或异步IO模型,例如使用Linux的epoll或Windows的IOCP。 6. **数据报的不可靠性**:由于UDP不保证数据的顺序或完整性,所以在...
9. **多线程编程**:理解线程间的协作和同步机制,如事件、互斥量等,是使用IOCP的关键。 10. **实际应用**:了解如何在实际项目中集成IOCP,如网络编程中的TCP/UDP服务器,以及磁盘I/O优化等。 由于没有具体的...
IOCP(I/O完成端口)通过将I/O操作提交到一个共享的I/O端口,允许多个线程等待同一事件,从而提高系统性能。在TCP/IP通信中,IOCP可以显著提升服务器处理大量并发连接的能力,避免阻塞问题,提高系统的响应速度。 ...
IOCP(Input/Output Completion Port)的核心概念在于将I/O操作与线程解耦,使得一个线程可以处理多个I/O完成事件,而无需为每个I/O请求分配单独的线程。这样极大地减少了线程创建和销毁的开销,同时也避免了线程上...
2. **网络通信模块**:实现TCP或UDP协议栈,便于用户处理网络连接和数据传输。可能包括连接管理、数据包封装和解封装、错误处理等功能。 3. **线程池**:为了有效地调度I/O操作,支持库可能会包含一个线程池,用于...