lobsinfile |
lob-path specifies the path to the files containing LOB data.
Each path contains at least one file that contains at least one LOB pointed to by a Lob Location Specifier (LLS) in the data file. The LLS is a string representation of the location of a LOB in a file stored in the LOB file path. The format of an LLS isfilename.ext.nnn.mmm/, where filename.ext is the name of the file that contains the LOB, nnn is the offset in bytes of the LOB within the file, and mmm is the length of the LOB in bytes. For example, if the string db2exp.001.123.456/ is stored in the data file, the LOB is located at offset 123 in the file db2exp.001, and is 456 bytes long. |If you specify the "lobsinfile" modifier when using EXPORT, the LOB data |is placed in the locations specified by the LOBS TO clause. Otherwise the |LOB data is sent to the current working directory. The LOBS TO clause specifies one |or more paths to directories in which the LOB files are to be stored. There |will be at least one file per LOB path, and each file will contain at least|one LOB. To indicate a null LOB , enter the size as -1. If the size is specified as 0, it is treated as a 0 length LOB. For null LOBS with length of -1, the offset and the file name are ignored. For example, the LLS of a null LOB might be db2exp.001.7.-1/. |
1 | Creates a WSF file that is compatible with Lotus 1-2-3 Release 1, or Lotus 1-2-3 Release 1a.5 This is the default. |
2 | Creates a WSF file that is compatible with Lotus Symphony Release 1.0.5 |
3 | Creates a WSF file that is compatible with Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2, or Lotus Symphony Release 1.1.5 |
4 | Creates a WSF file containing DBCS characters. |
- The export utility does not issue a warning if an attempt is made to use unsupported file types with the MODIFIED BY option. If this is attempted, the export operation fails, and an error code is returned.
- Delimiter restrictions for moving data lists restrictions that apply to the characters that can be used as delimiter overrides.
- The export utility normally writes
- date data in YYYYMMDD format
- char(date) data in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
- time data in "HH.MM.SS" format
- time stamp data in "YYYY-MM-DD-HH. MM.SS.uuuuuu" format
2For time stamp formats, care must be taken to avoid ambiguity 2between the month and the minute descriptors, since they both use the letter 2M. A month field must be adjacent to other date fields. A minute field must 2be adjacent to other time fields. Following are some ambiguous time stamp 2formats:22
"M" (could be a month, or a minute) 2 "M:M" (Which is which?) 2 "M:YYYY:M" (Both are interpreted as month.) 2 "S:M:YYYY" (adjacent to both a time value and a date value)
In ambiguous 2cases, the utility will report an error message, and the operation will fail.22Following are some unambiguous time stamp formats:2
2"M:YYYY" (Month) 2 "S:M" (Minute) 2 "M:YYYY:S:M" (Month....Minute) 2 "M:H:YYYY:M:D" (Minute....Month)
- These files can also be directed to a specific product by specifying an L for Lotus 1-2-3, or an S for Symphony in the filetype-mod parameter string. Only one value or product designator can be specified.
This topic can be found in: Command Reference.
Java Class and Method Modifiers
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