
Search and replace files in linux


1. How to use child commands with find ?

     find . -name classes -exec rm -r -f {} \ ;

     Please note there is a blank between {} and \;


2. How to use grep ?

     grep [options] PATTERN [FILES]


     Recursively search

     grep -r string_pattern *


3. How to use locate to find file?


     locate **/*.xml


4. How to find which jar constians the specified file?

     find . -name '*.jar' -exec unzip -l {} \; | grep 'Access.java \|Archive:'

     find . -name '*.jar' -exec unzip -l {} \; | grep 'Access.java\|Archive:' | sed 's#\(.*Access.java.*\)#\x1b[1;31m\1\x1b[1;37m#'


5.How to replace the text in a file?

     sed -in-place -e 's/are/were/g' test.txt


6. How to replace the text in a folder?

    find . -name "*.txt" -exec sed -in-place -e 's/are/were/g' {} \;


7. \ is the escape char.So if you want to replace C:\Windows with D:\Windows

    sed -in-place -e 's/C:\/windows/D:\/Widnows/g' test.txt









    - **Search and Replace**: Finding and replacing text within files. - **Advanced Features**: Using features like macros, splits, and plugins. #### Appendix B: Shell Special Characters and Variables ...


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    此时可以使用 `--replacefiles` 来强制安装并替换文件。 3. **文件权限问题**: - 在安装或更新软件包时,如果遇到文件权限问题,确保运行命令的用户具有足够的权限。通常使用 `sudo` 命令来获取管理员权限。 4. ...

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    在Windows系统中,`Find`或`Find and Replace`命令也可以实现此功能。 在大量文件中查找字符串时,效率就显得尤为重要。这就需要用到命令行工具,如在Windows中的`findstr`命令,Linux或Unix环境下的`grep`命令。...


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