Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null
Follow up:
Can you solve it without using extra space?
1. 假设圈的周长λ,相遇的时候乌龟走的路程:μ + k, 而兔子走的路程:μ + k + n*λ,(n代表兔子走了多少圈)
2. 因为兔子的速度是乌龟的两倍,所以兔子走的路程是乌龟的两倍,2(μ + k) = μ + k + n*λ,得到μ = n*λ - k = (n-1)λ + (λ-k)
3. 从相遇点的时候开始,乌龟从开始点走起,兔子从相遇点继续走,而且这时两者走的速度是一样的,那么当乌龟从头走到循环点X的时候,走了μ路程,而兔子走的路程是n*λ - k,两者的路程是一样的,相遇点必然是X。
public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) { ListNode walker = head, runner = head; do { if(runner == null || == null) { return null; } walker =; runner =; } while(walker != runner); walker = head; while(walker != runner) { walker =; runner =; } return walker; }
javascript js_leetcode题解之142-linked-list-cycle-ii.js
python python_leetcode题解之142_Linked_List_Cycle_II
javascript js_leetcode题解之141-linked-list-cycle.js
python python_leetcode题解之141_Linked_List_Cycle
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