欢迎来到“Under The Hood“第三期。前两期我们分别介绍了JVM的基本结构和功能和Java类文件的基本结构,本期的主要内容有:字节码所操作的原始类型、类型转换的字节码,以及操作JVM栈的字节码。
字节码是JVM的机器语言。JVM加载类文件时,对类中的每个方法,它都会得到一个字节码流。这些字节码流保存在JVM的方法区中。在程序运行过程中,当一个方法被调用时,它的字节码流就会被执行。根据特定JVM设计者的选择,它们可以通过解释的方式,即时编译(Just-in-time compilation)的方式或其他技术的方式被执行。
// 字节码流: 03 3b 84 00 01 1a 05 68 3b a7 ff f9
// 分解后:
iconst_0 // 03
istore_0 // 3b
iinc 0, 1 // 84 00 01
iload_0 // 1a
iconst_2 // 05
imul // 68
istore_0 // 3b
goto -7 // a7 ff f9
JVM中,所有的计算都是围绕栈(stack)而展开的。因为JVM没有存储任意数值的寄存器(register),所有的操作数在计算开始之前,都必须先压入栈中。因此,字节码指令主要是用来操作栈的。例如,在上面的字节码序列中,通过iload_0先把本地变量(local variable)入栈,然后用iconst_2把数字2入栈的方式,来计算本地变量乘以2。两个整数都入栈之后,imul指令有效的从栈中弹出它们,然后做乘法,最后把运算结果压入栈中。istore_0指令把结果从栈顶弹出,保存回本地变量。JVM被设计成基于栈,而不是寄存器的机器,这使得它在如80486寄存器架构不佳的处理器上,也能被高效的实现。
原始类型(primitive types)
byte | 单字节有符号二进制补码整数 |
short | 2字节有符号二进制补码整数 |
int | 4字节有符号二进制补码整数 |
long | 8字节有符号二进制补码整数 |
float | 4字节IEEE 754单精度浮点数 |
double | 8字节IEEE 754双精度浮点数 |
char | 2字节无符号Unicode字符 |
原始数据类型以操作数的方式出现在字节码流中。所有长度超过1字节的原始类型,都以大端(big-endian)的方式保存在字节码流中,这意味着高位字节出现在低位字节之前。例如,为了把常量值256(0×0100)压入栈中,你可以用sipush操作码,后跟一个短操作数。短操作数会以“01 00”的方式出现在字节码流中,因为JVM是大端的。如果JVM是小端(little-endian)的,短操作数将会是“00 01”。
// Bytecode stream: 17 01 00
// Dissassembly:
sipush 256; // 17 01 00
很多操作码都可以把常量压入栈中。操作码以3中不同的方式指定入栈的常量值:由操作码隐式指明,作为操作数跟在操作码之后,或者从常量池(constant pool)中获取。
iconst_m1 | (none) | pushes int -1 onto the stack |
iconst_0 | (none) | pushes int 0 onto the stack |
iconst_1 | (none) | pushes int 1 onto the stack |
iconst_2 | (none) | pushes int 2 onto the stack |
iconst_3 | (none) | pushes int 3 onto the stack |
iconst_4 | (none) | pushes int 4 onto the stack |
iconst_5 | (none) | pushes int 5 onto the stack |
fconst_0 | (none) | pushes float 0 onto the stack |
fconst_1 | (none) | pushes float 1 onto the stack |
fconst_2 | (none) | pushes float 2 onto the stack |
lconst_0 | (none) | pushes long 0 onto the stack |
lconst_1 | (none) | pushes long 1 onto the stack |
dconst_0 | (none) | pushes double 0 onto the stack |
dconst_1 | (none) | pushes double 1 onto the stack |
另外还有一个隐含入栈常量值的操作码,aconst_null,它把空对象(null object)的引用(reference)压入栈中。对象引用的格式取决于JVM实现。对象引用指向垃圾收集堆(garbage-collected heap)中的对象。空对象引用,意味着一个变量当前没有指向任何合法对象。aconst_null操作码用在给引用变量赋null值的时候。
aconst_null | (none) | pushes a null object reference onto the stack |
bipush | byte1 | expands byte1 (a byte type) to an int and pushes it onto the stack |
sipush | byte1, byte2 | expands byte1, byte2 (a short type) to an int and pushes it onto the stack |
在字节码流中,常量池索引(constant pool index)是一个紧跟在操作码后的无符号值。操作码lcd1和lcd2把32位的项压入栈中,如int或float。两者的区别在于lcd1只适用于1-255的常量池索引位,因为它的索引只有1个字节。(常量池0号位未被使用。)lcd2的索引有2个字节,所以它可以适用于常量池的任意位置。lcd2w也有一个2字节的索引,它被用来指示任意含有64位的long或double型数据的常量池位置。下表列出了把常量池中的常量压入栈中的操作码:
ldc1 | indexbyte1 | pushes 32-bit constant_pool entry specified by indexbyte1 onto the stack |
ldc2 | indexbyte1, indexbyte2 | pushes 32-bit constant_pool entry specified by indexbyte1, indexbyte2 onto the stack |
ldc2w | indexbyte1, indexbyte2 | pushes 64-bit constant_pool entry specified by indexbyte1,indexbyte2 onto the stack |
把局部变量(local variables)压入栈中
iload | vindex | pushes int from local variable position vindex |
iload_0 | (none) | pushes int from local variable position zero |
iload_1 | (none) | pushes int from local variable position one |
iload_2 | (none) | pushes int from local variable position two |
iload_3 | (none) | pushes int from local variable position three |
fload | vindex | pushes float from local variable position vindex |
fload_0 | (none) | pushes float from local variable position zero |
fload_1 | (none) | pushes float from local variable position one |
fload_2 | (none) | pushes float from local variable position two |
fload_3 | (none) | pushes float from local variable position three |
lload | vindex | pushes long from local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1) |
lload_0 | (none) | pushes long from local variable positions zero and one |
lload_1 | (none) | pushes long from local variable positions one and two |
lload_2 | (none) | pushes long from local variable positions two and three |
lload_3 | (none) | pushes long from local variable positions three and four |
dload | vindex | pushes double from local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1) |
dload_0 | (none) | pushes double from local variable positions zero and one |
dload_1 | (none) | pushes double from local variable positions one and two |
dload_2 | (none) | pushes double from local variable positions two and three |
dload_3 | (none) | pushes double from local variable positions three and four |
aload | vindex | pushes object reference from local variable position vindex |
aload_0 | (none) | pushes object reference from local variable position zero |
aload_1 | (none) | pushes object reference from local variable position one |
aload_2 | (none) | pushes object reference from local variable position two |
aload_3 | (none) | pushes object reference from local variable position three |
istore | vindex | pops int to local variable position vindex |
istore_0 | (none) | pops int to local variable position zero |
istore_1 | (none) | pops int to local variable position one |
istore_2 | (none) | pops int to local variable position two |
istore_3 | (none) | pops int to local variable position three |
fstore | vindex | pops float to local variable position vindex |
fstore_0 | (none) | pops float to local variable position zero |
fstore_1 | (none) | pops float to local variable position one |
fstore_2 | (none) | pops float to local variable position two |
fstore_3 | (none) | pops float to local variable position three |
lstore | vindex | pops long to local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1) |
lstore_0 | (none) | pops long to local variable positions zero and one |
lstore_1 | (none) | pops long to local variable positions one and two |
lstore_2 | (none) | pops long to local variable positions two and three |
lstore_3 | (none) | pops long to local variable positions three and four |
dstore | vindex | pops double to local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1) |
dstore_0 | (none) | pops double to local variable positions zero and one |
dstore_1 | (none) | pops double to local variable positions one and two |
dstore_2 | (none) | pops double to local variable positions two and three |
dstore_3 | (none) | pops double to local variable positions three and four |
astore | vindex | pops object reference to local variable position vindex |
astore_0 | (none) | pops object reference to local variable position zero |
astore_1 | (none) | pops object reference to local variable position one |
astore_2 | (none) | pops object reference to local variable position two |
astore_3 | (none) | pops object reference to local variable position three |
i2l | (none) | converts int to long |
i2f | (none) | converts int to float |
i2d | (none) | converts int to double |
l2i | (none) | converts long to int |
l2f | (none) | converts long to float |
l2d | (none) | converts long to double |
f2i | (none) | converts float to int |
f2l | (none) | converts float to long |
f2d | (none) | converts float to double |
d2i | (none) | converts double to int |
d2l | (none) | converts double to long |
d2f | (none) | converts double to float |
int2byte | (none) | converts int to byte |
int2char | (none) | converts int to char |
int2short | (none) | converts int to short |
class BadArithmetic {
byte addOneAndOne() {
byte a = 1;
byte b = 1;
byte c = a + b;
return c;
BadArithmetic.java(7): Incompatible type for declaration.
Explicit cast needed to convert int to byte.
byte c = a + b;
Java程序员必须显式的把a + b的结果转换为byte,这样才能通过编译。
class GoodArithmetic {
byte addOneAndOne() {
byte a = 1;
byte b = 1;
byte c = (byte) (a + b);
return c;
iconst_1 // Push int constant 1.
istore_1 // Pop into local variable 1, which is a: byte a = 1;
iconst_1 // Push int constant 1 again.
istore_2 // Pop into local variable 2, which is b: byte b = 1;
iload_1 // Push a (a is already stored as an int in local variable 1).
iload_2 // Push b (b is already stored as an int in local variable 2).
iadd // Perform addition. Top of stack is now (a + b), an int.
int2byte // Convert int result to byte (result still occupies 32 bits).
istore_3 // Pop into local variable 3, which is byte c: byte c = (byte) (a + b);
iload_3 // Push the value of c so it can be returned.
ireturn // Proudly return the result of the addition: return c;
本文译自:Bytecode basics
原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自码农合作社
本文链接地址: 字节码基础:JVM字节码初探
JVM指令集是Java字节码的具体实现,每一行字节码对应一个或多个JVM指令,这些指令控制着JVM的运行流程。了解JVM指令有助于深入理解Java程序的执行机制,例如内存管理、方法调用、运算操作等。 结合以上信息,我们...
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- 使用`javac RockPaperScissors.java`命令编译源代码,这将生成一个名为`RockPaperScissors.class`的字节码文件。 - 运行程序使用`java RockPaperScissors`命令,这会启动Java虚拟机(JVM),执行程序。 5. **...
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