Date: Wednesday, April 16
Weather: Sunny
Today I want to share two great
web apps from Sina.
Sina Musina Mini
Recently, I found almost every
front page of Sina has a mini player at the bottom. I thought of is
a benefit for sina pages only. But I found the official name for
this amazing widget: Musina. Check it out at: http://music.sina.com.cn/musina.shtml
If your browser support
javascript and flash, you can see it right at this page. It is small,
dynamic, elaborate and cool. Whenever I want to have some noise, I
could simply enter the name of any song or artist. Then the music
will be available right away.
The best part is, these music
are totally legal. Sina has signed copyright contracts with four
major record companies to play right. You don't have to feel guilty
for digital music pirating. It's free and legal.
Another nice part of this
widget is the high connection speed. I have no idea how Many
servers they have, yet the speed is terrific! I can even replace my
winamp and foobar, if I would have a broadband connection always.
But guess what? China is testing its own 3G technology right now.
We could have a broadband in hand in the near future. As long as I
could get online, this widget will rock my life.
For sure, this widget has
something stops me from using it too much: the lack of support for
Lastfm. Lastfm is a social music tool and basically it records all
tracks you've played and share this data with your friends. The
more tracks you play, the more accurate it recommends the music for
you. Since what I played can not be recognized by Lastfm, I won't
use it too much. Life is short, don't waste.
Anyway, Musina is a great
widget. Chinese people still have no idea of legally buying music
online. It is good they could start with listening without
pirating. I hope Sina could sell digital music as soon as
Another great web app from Sina
is the iStock, if I could name it as that. My
colleague send me a link and ask me to browse it on my iPod touch.
I have to say I'm shocked. If you have an iPhone or iPod touch,
click on this link to try out: http://finance.sina.com.cn/i.html
Can you believe that? It's a
stock quotation page customized for your iPhone!
I don't know whose idea it is.
But surely it rocks. Although there won't be as many visitors as
ordinary pages have, this small page will attract iPhone owners in
China, at least the stock holders. According to China Mobile, there
were over 400,000 iPhones running in their network in January 2008.
It is not a small number. If these people feel good on this
product, they could be Sina's loyal visitor in the
Now I have one more bookmark on
my iPod touch. I have one more place to hang out when I finish
reading my feeds on Google Reader:)
I'm also interested in the
rotating skills they used in the iStock page. When you rotate the
device, the layout will change.
If you browse it with a
portrait mode, it will show you with the latest news on the stock
symbol. When you changed your iPhone or iPod touch into landscape
mode, the detailed stock info, price and graph will show. What a
nice idea!
To be straight, I thought sina
won't be an innovation center before. But after today, I have
confident that sina will always surprise me with it amazing
products. What else can I say? I will make more friends from the
development team:) They are the source and magician for these cool
Go Sina, Go!
I am currently employed by sina. But this blog is totally
内容概要:本文详细介绍了面向对象编程语言Objective-C的基础语法,包括其历史背景、特点、环境搭建、基本语法、面向对象编程、高级特性和实际应用。具体涵盖的内容包括Objective-C的历史发展、面向对象编程的核心特性、变量和数据类型、控制结构、函数、数组和字典的使用,以及类、对象、属性和方法的定义与使用。此外,还介绍了高级特性如协议和委托、类别和扩展、ARC、块和GCD。最后,通过示例项目展示了如何在Xcode中创建和调试Objective-C程序,以及如何使用Cocoa和Cocoa Touch框架。 适合人群:具备一定的编程基础,希望学习或深入了解Objective-C编程的开发人员。 使用场景及目标:适用于需要开发macOS和iOS应用的开发者,帮助他们掌握Objective-C的基本语法和高级特性,提高编程效率和代码质量。 其他说明:本文不仅提供了详细的理论讲解,还通过实际代码示例展示了如何在Xcode中创建和调试Objective-C项目,适合初级到中级水平的开发人员学习和参考。
本次开发的微信小程球馆预约系统,有管理员,用户两个角色。管理员功能有个人中心,用户管理,场地类型管理,球馆信息管理,球馆预约管理,系统管理。用户可以在微信小程序上面注册登录,查看球馆信息,对球馆进行预约操作。 开发本程序后台用到了SSM开发技术,微信端用的是uni-app技术。数据库采用关系数据库市场占有率最高的MySQL作为本程序使用的数据库,完全符合程序使用并且有丰富的拓展余地。 用户在微信小程序注册登录后可以看到首页,首页可以搜索球馆名称,也可以查看球馆资讯,下面是导航栏。 用户点击球馆信息可以进行预约,预约需要输入相关时间等信息。 我的里面可以修改个人信息,可以退出,还可以查看球馆预约信息和我的收藏信息。
1、嵌入式物联网单片机项目开发例程,简单、方便、好用,节省开发时间。 2、代码使用KEIL 标准库开发,当前在STM32F030C8T6运行,如果是STM32F030其他型号芯片,依然适用,请自行更改KEIL芯片型号以及FLASH容量即可。 3、软件下载时,请注意keil选择项是jlink还是stlink。 4、有偿指导v:wulianjishu666; 5、如果接入其他传感器,请查看账号发布的其他资料。 6、单片机与模块的接线,在代码当中均有定义,请自行对照。 7、若硬件有差异,请根据自身情况调整代码,程序仅供参考学习。 8、代码有注释说明,请耐心阅读。 9、编译时请注意提示,请选择合适的编译器版本。
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