So, what’s a frame? A frame includes all the tasks that the browser needs to perform in order to update the screen upon a user action or a tick of the animation timer. A complex, but not uncommon, sequence might be:
- run JavaScript animations and other event handlers
- update CSS animations
- recalculate styles and lay out the elements in the DOM
- re-paint the updated layers of the page
- compose them and present to the user
To see how using Timeline can help you, run your favorite browser-based game, then open Developer Tools and record the Timeline while the game is running some animation. The Timeline Frame mode will now show you colored bars, each representing a frame. The colors correspond to different types of timeline events:
- network activity and HTML parsing (blue)
- running JavaScript (yellow)
- performing style recalculation and layout (violet)
- painting and compositing (green)
Even if your web app doesn’t have animation in it, the notion of a frame is still useful because the browser performs a repeated sequence of actions while processing input events such as keypress, mouse actions, scrolling etc. Leaving enough time to process such events inside a frame makes your app more responsive and interactive, resulting in a better overall experience for users.
In large web applications with huge DOM trees, layout typically takes time and resources. Doing it in a loop makes things much worse. So we’ve added a warning mark on layouts that were forced, by requesting positional properties (e.g. offsetWidth and offsetHeight) of DOM elements from JavaScript. If you hover over the layout event, you can see two stacks -- one that invalidated the DOM and another that caused layout synchronously. You can also see the area that had to be re-laid highlighted on the screen.
Finally, don’t forget that the best practice for dealing with animations is to use therequestAnimationFrame API, which guarantees that Chromium will call back your animation code in sync with the display refresh.
You can learn more about optimizing rendering performance of a page in Tom Wiltzius’ article on Follow Google Chrome Developers on Google+ or @ChromiumDev on Twitter for more news on Chrome Developer Tools.
Posted by Andrey Kosyakov, Software Engineer
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