package; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import android.os.AsyncTask; import com.wizar.atool.log.Logger; class HttpTask extends AsyncTask<Object, String, Object> { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(); private HttpTool httpTool = null; private HttpClient httpClient = null; private HttpUriRequest httpRequest = null; private HttpTool.Task task = null; private boolean isAsyncTask = false; private HttpResponse httpResponse = null; private int rcode = 1; private Exception e; HttpTask(HttpTool httpTool) { this.httpTool = httpTool; } void setHttpElement(HttpClient httpClient, HttpUriRequest httpRequest) { this.httpClient = httpClient; this.httpRequest = httpRequest; } void setTask(HttpTool.Task task) { this.task = task; } void setIsAsyncTask(boolean isAsyncTask) { this.isAsyncTask = isAsyncTask; } @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object... params) { logger.debug("执行网络任务 开始..."); try { httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpRequest); rcode = 1; } catch (Exception e) { rcode = 2; this.e = e; } if (task != null) { task.doInBackground(httpResponse, rcode, e); } logger.debug("执行网络任务 结束..."); if (isAsyncTask == false) { synchronized (httpTool) { httpTool.notify(); } } return httpResponse; } HttpResponse getHttpResponse() { return this.httpResponse; } Exception getException() { return this.e; } int getRcode() { return this.rcode; } }
import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.FileEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import com.wizar.atool.log.Logger; public final class HttpTool { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(); private List<Header> headerList = new ArrayList<Header>(); private HttpClient mHttpClient = null; public HttpTool() {} /** * 同步的http动作。业务逻辑在获取HttpResponse以后自己处理。<br/> * 注意:连接没有关闭。请自行处理 * * @param httpClient HttpClient对象,可以为null * @param httpRequest HttpUriRequest * @return HttpResponse * @throws Exception 连接发生异常,或处理HTTP消息发生异常时抛出此异常。 */ public HttpResponse doSyncHttp(HttpClient httpClient, HttpUriRequest httpRequest) throws Exception { return doSyncHttp(httpClient, httpRequest, null); } /** * 同步的http动作。业务逻辑可以在Task中处理,也可以在获取HttpResponse以后自己处理。<br/> * 注意:连接没有关闭。请自行处理 * * @param httpClient HttpClient对象,可以为null * @param httpRequest HttpUriRequest * @param params 此参数可以在Task的doInBackground中使用,should be null. Becuase you can not use it. * @param task 可以为null * @return * @throws Exception 连接发生异常,或处理HTTP消息发生异常时抛出此异常。 */ public HttpResponse doSyncHttp(HttpClient httpClient, HttpUriRequest httpRequest, Task task) throws Exception { HttpTask httpTask = new HttpTask(this); mHttpClient = getHttpClient(httpClient); httpTask.setHttpElement(mHttpClient, httpRequest); httpTask.setTask(task); httpTask.execute(new Object[0]); logger.debug("等待执行任务 开始..."); try { synchronized (this) { this.wait(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("等待执行任务 结束..."); int rcode = httpTask.getRcode(); if (rcode == 1) { return httpTask.getHttpResponse(); } else { throw httpTask.getException(); } } /** * 异步Http动作。业务逻辑可以在Task中处理<br/> * 注意:连接没有关闭,请自行处理。 * * @param httpClient * @param httpRequest * @param params * @param task * @throws Exception */ public void doAsyncHttp(HttpClient httpClient, HttpUriRequest httpRequest, Task task) throws Exception { HttpTask httpTask = new HttpTask(this); mHttpClient = getHttpClient(httpClient); httpTask.setHttpElement(mHttpClient, httpRequest); httpTask.setTask(task); httpTask.setIsAsyncTask(true); httpTask.execute(new Object[0]); } /** * 同步post方法。传文本参数。 * * @param url * @param param 参数 * @param charset 参数编码方式 * @return * @throws Exception */ public HttpResponse doPost(String url, String param, String charset) throws Exception { return doPost(url, new StringEntity(param, charset)); } public void doAsyncPost(String url, String param, String charset, Task task) throws Exception { doAsyncPost(url, new StringEntity(param, charset), task); } /** * 同步post方法。传递键值对列表。 * * @param url * @param param NameValuePair list. the default subclass is BasicNameValuePair. The usage: new BasicNameValuePair(String name, String value); * @param charset * @return * @throws Exception */ public HttpResponse doPost(String url, List<NameValuePair> param, String charset) throws Exception { return doPost(url, new UrlEncodedFormEntity(param, charset)); } public void doAsyncPost(String url, List<NameValuePair> param, String charset, Task task) throws Exception { doAsyncPost(url, new UrlEncodedFormEntity(param, charset), task); } /** * 同步post方法。传字节参数。 * * @param url * @param param * @return * @throws Exception */ public HttpResponse doPost(String url, byte[] param) throws Exception { return doPost(url, new ByteArrayEntity(param)); } public void doAsyncPost(String url, byte[] param, Task task) throws Exception { doAsyncPost(url, new ByteArrayEntity(param), task); } /** * 同步post方法。传流参数。 * * @param url * @param instream * @param length * @return * @throws Exception */ public HttpResponse doPost(String url, InputStream instream, long length) throws Exception { return doPost(url, new InputStreamEntity(instream, length)); } public void doAsyncPost(String url, InputStream instream, long length, Task task) throws Exception { doAsyncPost(url, new InputStreamEntity(instream, length), task); } /** * 同步post方法。传文件参数。 * * @param url * @param file * @param contentType * @return * @throws Exception */ public HttpResponse doPost(String url, File file, String contentType) throws Exception { return doPost(url, new FileEntity(file, contentType)); } public void doAsyncPost(String url, File file, String contentType, Task task) throws Exception { doAsyncPost(url, new FileEntity(file, contentType), task); } public HttpResponse doPost(String url, HttpEntity entity) throws Exception { HttpPost httpUri = new HttpPost(url); for (Header header : headerList) { httpUri.addHeader(header); } httpUri.setEntity(entity); return doSyncHttp(null, httpUri); } public void doAsyncPost(String url, HttpEntity entity, Task task) throws Exception { HttpPost httpUri = new HttpPost(url); for (Header header : headerList) { httpUri.setHeader(header); } httpUri.setEntity(entity); doAsyncHttp(null, httpUri, task); } /** * 同步get方法。 * @param url * @return * @throws Exception */ public HttpResponse doGet(String url) throws Exception { HttpGet httpUri = new HttpGet(url); for (Header header : headerList) { httpUri.addHeader(header); } return doSyncHttp(null, httpUri); } /** * 异步get方法。 * @param url * @param task * @throws Exception */ public void doAsyncGet(String url, Task task) throws Exception { HttpGet httpUri = new HttpGet(url); for (Header header : headerList) { httpUri.addHeader(header); } doAsyncHttp(null, httpUri, task); } private HttpClient getHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient) { if (this.mHttpClient == null) { if (httpClient == null) { mHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); } else { mHttpClient = httpClient; } } return mHttpClient; } public void setHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient) { this.mHttpClient = httpClient; } public void addHeader(Header header) { headerList.add(header); } public void addHeader(String name, String value) { headerList.add(new BasicHeader(name, value)); } public void cleanAppendHeader() { headerList.clear(); } public static interface Task { public Object doInBackground(HttpResponse httpResponse, int resultCode, Throwable cause); } }
package com.wizar.atool.log; import android.util.Log; public class Logger { public Logger() { } public static Logger getLogger() { return new Logger(); } public void debug(String msg) { Log.d(createTag(), msg); } public void debug(String msg, Throwable tr) { Log.d(createTag(), msg, tr); } public void info(String msg) { Log.i(createTag(), msg); } public void info(String msg, Throwable tr) { Log.i(createTag(), msg, tr); } public void warn(String msg) { Log.w(createTag(), msg); } public void warn(String msg, Throwable tr) { Log.w(createTag(), msg, tr); } public void error(String msg) { Log.e(createTag(), msg); } public void error(String msg, Throwable tr) { Log.e(createTag(), msg, tr); } private String createTag() { StackTraceElement[] sts = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); if (sts == null) { return null; } for (StackTraceElement st : sts) { if (st.isNativeMethod()) { continue; } if (st.getClassName().equals(Thread.class.getName())) { continue; } if (st.getClassName().equals(this.getClass().getName())) { continue; } return st.getLineNumber() + ":" + st.getFileName(); } return ""; } }
在Android开发过程中,HTTP接口测试是一项重要的任务,用于验证服务器端API的功能以及客户端与服务器之间的数据交换。"android HTTP接口测试软件"是一个专为Android平台设计的小型应用程序,旨在简化这个过程。它...
android 当中涉及到网络编程的部分经常会用到http通信,同时android也为我么您提供了HttpUrlConnection接口和HttpClient接口,大大的方便了开发。Http通信又分为两种方式:get和post,get可以uoqu静态页面,传入参数...
在Android应用开发中,HTTP通信是连接客户端与服务器端的重要桥梁,主要用于数据交换、文件上传和下载等操作。本示例将重点讲解如何在Android应用中实现基于HTTP的JSON数据传递,以及如何处理文件的上传和下载。 ...
android http请求及缓存框架GalHttprequest
android http 请求将经纬度查询为地址信息类 详细内容查看
该实例用于博客《Android之Http网络编程四》 实例并不是一个完整的、可直接使用的Http操作的封装,只算是提供了一种完善Http操作的思路吧。
Android 调用Http接口的封装。由于Android要求Http调用必须在线程当中,所以本人就封装了一个工具类,该工具类即支持阻塞/同步调用,也支持异步调用,便于调用Http接口方便。
Android http库Netroid jar包
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android http 工具类 get post
在Android平台上实现一个HTTP服务器,主要是为了让Android设备能够作为一个服务器端点,允许其他设备通过HTTP协议访问和交互数据。这通常用于调试、测试或者在没有传统服务器环境的情况下分享或接收数据。Android ...
下这个吧 , android端HttpServer的实现,PC端通过浏览器访问android端SD卡上文件的功能
Android Http简单应用源码.zip项目安卓应用源码下载Android Http简单应用源码.zip项目安卓应用源码下载 1.适合学生毕业设计研究参考 2.适合个人学习研究参考 3.适合公司开发项目技术参考
android Http get_post get方法封装 post方法封装
本demo主要对异步请求封装 可用作基本项目框架来使用 网络请求等等小细节已经ok 如有需要请进一步更改 1)封装HttpClient ...博客链接使用说明:
在Android应用开发中,通过HTTP协议与服务器进行数据交互是一种常见的做法,特别是在实现登录、注册和文件下载等基本功能时。以下将详细讲解这个过程涉及的关键知识点。 1. **HTTP协议**:HTTP(HyperText Transfer...
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