o New Option: Start CurrPorts As Hidden (Only when 'Put Icon On Tray' is turned on) o New Option: Copy Remote IP Address (F2). * Version 1.31: o Fixed bug: TCP and UDP ports with the same number ...
* TClientDataset.FindKey will fail with an list index error when used on a cloned nested dataset (Quality Central 3786). * When the size of a Persistent field in TClientDataSet is set too large, it ...
- 如果未运行,尝试启动服务,如`systemctl start mysql`或`service mysql start`。 4. **配置问题**: - 检查`my.cnf`(或`my.ini`,取决于你的系统)配置文件,确保`event_scheduler`参数设置为`ON`,允许MySQL...
在Web界面上进行各项配置时,如果出现“Fail”,则可能是因为缺少相应的依赖包或配置文件。此时可以点击“Download configuration file”下载配置文件到本地,并上传到服务器的`/usr/local/zabbix/conf/`目录下,...
o New Option: Start CurrPorts As Hidden (Only when 'Put Icon On Tray' is turned on) o New Option: Copy Remote IP Address (F2). * Version 1.31: o Fixed bug: TCP and UDP ports with the same number ...
阿里云开发的AliSQL数据库是一个高度定制化的MySQL分支,它在MySQL的基础上进行了大量技术创新和优化,以适应大规模互联网业务的需求。2016年10月,AliSQL正式开源,旨在回馈社区,推动数据库技术的发展。 AliSQL的...
使用命令“sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start”并查看错误信息。如果错误提示是“Starting MySQL... ERROR!”,并且Apache和ProFTPD服务已经启动,那么问题可能出在配置文件my.ini中的...
public static Integer fail = 0; StringBuilder insert = new StringBuilder( " insert into {tableName} {column} values {values}"); /** 读取Excel表格数据 */ public List, String>> readExcel(String ...
docker run --name nginx --health-cmd="curl --silent --fail http://localhost/ || exit 1" --health-interval=30s --health-retries=3 --health-timeout=10s --start-period=60s nginx:latest ``` 其中: - `...
* TClientDataset.FindKey will fail with an list index error when used on a cloned nested dataset (Quality Central 3786). * When the size of a Persistent field in TClientDataSet is set too large, it ...
yum install php71w-xsl php71w php71w-ldap php71w-cli php71w-common php71w-devel php71w-gd php71w-pdo php71w-mysql php71w-mbstring php71w-bcmath php71w-mcrypt -y yum install -y php71w-fpm systemctl ...