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1.1. SNMP概览
简单网络管理协议(SNMP-Simple Network Management Protocol)是一个与网络设备交互的简单方法。该规范是由IETF在1990年五月发布的RFC 1157中定义的。SNMP通常被认为相当难懂,并且过于复杂,其可用的API似乎在本来非常简单的东西外面封装了大量的东西。现在关于SNMP的书籍又往往只是把它更加复杂化了,而没有解释清楚。
SNMP对于任何程序设计人员来说是特别易于理解的。总体的简化能够很好地把这个系统简化。一个网络设备以守护进程的方式运行SNMP代理,该守护进程能够响应来自网络的各种请求信息。该SNMP代理提供大量的对象标识符(OID-Object Identifiers)。一个OID是一个唯一的键值对。该代理存放这些值并让它们可用。一个SNMP管理器(客户)可以向代理查询键值对中的特定信息。从程序员的角度看,这和导入大量的全局变量没有多少区别。SNMP的OID是可读或可写的。尽管向一个SNMP设备写入信息的情况非常少,但它是各种管理应用程序用来控制设备的方法(例如针对交换机的可管理GUI)。SNMP中有一个基本的认证框架,能够让管理员发送公共名来对OID读取或写入的认证。绝大多数的设备使用不安全的公共名 "public" 。 SNMP协议通过UDP端口161和162进行通信的。
注意,我还没有提到MIB!MIB的重要性被大大地夸大了。刚开始时,MIB显得非常复杂,但是它们其实非常简单。OID是数字的和全局的键值对。一个OID看起来和一个IPv6的地址很象,并且不同的厂商有不同的前缀等信息。OID都非常长,使得人们难以记住,或者对他非常感冒。因此,人们就设计了一种将数字OID翻译为人们可读的格式。这种翻译映射被保存在一个被称为 “管理信息基础"(Management Infomation Base) 或MIB的、可传递的无格式文本文件里。使用SNMP或者向SNMP设备查询,你不需要使用MIB,但是,如果没有MIB,你就得猜测你正在查看的数据是什么。某些情况下,不使用MIB也非常简单,例如查看主机名、磁盘使用率数字,或者端口状态信息。其他情况下,就非常困难了,这个时候使用MIB就非常有帮助。对于准备编写的应用程序来说,为了让用户避免妥当安装MIB带来的麻烦,而严格使用数字OID是并不是很少见的。安装一个MIB的动作,只是将他放置到你的SNMP客户端应用软件能够搜索到并进行上述翻译映射工作的某个位置而已。
SNMP可以按照两种方式来使用:轮询和陷阱。轮询就是说你编写一个应用程序能够设置一个发送给一个SNMP代理查看某些值的SNMP GET请求。这种方法非常有用,因为如果该设备响应了请求,你就得到了你需要的信息,如果该设备没有响应请求,你就能够知道存在某些问题。轮询是网络监控的一种主动形式。另一方面,SNMP陷阱能够被用来进行被动形式的网络监控。SNMP陷阱是通过配置SNMP设备的代理,让他在某些动作发生时联系另一个SNMP代理来实现的。
SNMP被广泛应用在NMS网络管理系统中(Network Management System)。知名的NMS包括BMC的Patrol、CA的Unicenter、Sun Mangegement控制台、IBM的Tivoli Netview、以及全球著名的HP Openview。NMS的目标是提供一个监控和管理所有开启SNMP功能的设备的单一入口。通过配置你的设备代理来接受写访问,你可以从一个应用程序中处理你的网络环境。如果你的整个环境围拢NMS解决方案架构你的环境,你就能无限制地控制、查看你的整个网络。尽管Net-SNMP提供了可用来构建你自己的NMS网管系统的所有工具,我们不会再进一步讨论关于NMS的话题。不过请记住,如果你认为你的SNMP设备厂商没有提供SNMP代理方面的详细信息,很可能是因为他们希望你购买他们的NMS网络管理系统,或者购买能够在另一个NMS平台上使用的插件。
1.2. SNMP的三大版本
Three different version of SNMP exist: SNMPv1 (RFC’s 1155, 1157, and 1212), SNMPv2c (RFC’s 1901 through 1908), and SNMPv3 (RFC’s 3411 though 3418). The co-existence of all three versions are detailed in RFC 3584.
SNMP有三个不同的版本:SNMPv1(RFC 1155、RFC 1157、RFC 1212),SNMPv2c (RFC 1901、1908)以及 SNMPv3 (RFC 3411 - 3418). RFC 3584中详细说明了这三种版本同时共存方面的信息。
SNMPv1 is the original standard for community based management. SNMPv2 was derived from the SNMPv1 framework but had no message definition, which was later revamped aa SNMPv2c, a community based version of SNMPv2 with a message format similar to SNMPv1. SNMPv2 added several new datatypes (Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, UInteger32, NsapAdress, and BIT STRING), as well as enhancements to OID tables and the setting of OID values. SNMPv3 is an extensable SNMPv2 framework with a new message format, ACL and security abilities, and remote configuration of SNMP parameters.
SNMPv1是为基于公共管理的初始标准。SNMPv2是SNMPv1框架下衍生出来的,但是没有定义信息,其后修订为SNMPv2c,一个带有于SNMPv1类似信息格式的给予公共管理的版本。SNMPv2添加了几个新的数据类型(Counter32、Counter64、Gauge32、UInteger32、NsapAdress 以及BIT STRING),以及对OID表和OID值的设置的增强。SNMPv3是一个带有新的信息格式、ACL、安全功能和远处SNMP参数配置的、扩展了SNMPv2框架的版本。
SNMP is based on several other standards including the Abstract Syntax Notation 1 Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1 BER) which defines the SNMP used Datatypes and the Structure of Management Information (SMI) which details the grammar used by SNMP MIBs. SMI comes in two varieties: SMIv1 (RFC 1155) and SMIv2 (RFC 2578). SMIv1 is now obsolete and should not be used. If you choose to modify MIBs at some point you’ll need to learn SMIv2 and ASN.1 syntax, but otherwise they are interesting but unnecessary to learn.
SNMP是基于几个其他规范的,包括定义给予SNMP的数据类型的ASN.1 BER(Abstract Syntax Notation 1 Basic Encoding Rules), 以及详细描述有SNMP MIB使用的语法的管理信息结构(SMI)。SMIv1目前被独立出来,不应当再被使用。如果你选择修改MIB的某些东西,你需要学习SMIv2和ASN.1语法,不过其他情况下你只需要在兴趣时看看他,而不必学习他。
To this day, SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c are the most commonly used, however due to the insecurity inherent to these protocols read-only access is typical. In general, don’t bother with SNMPv3 unless you really need the added security features.
1.3. 本文不涉及的话题
There are several subject we will not be discussing in this paper. These topics include writing agents or sub-agents, writing MIB modules, trap generation and trap sending, synchronous vs asynchronous SNMP coding, and MIB parsing.
Something that scares new or inexperienced coders away from the Net-SNMP documentation is the seemingly constant reference to synchronous and asynchronous applications. Don’t be afraid, thats referring to applications that can’t afford to sit and wait for a response. If your application needs a non-blocking method of handling SNMP traffic, use the asynchronous interface (eg: GUIs, Threads, Forking, etc). Otherwise, just stick with the synchronous interfaces for typical use.
Lastly, this document addresses the use of Net-SNMP on UNIX systems only. Please refer to the Net-SNMP website for information regarding development on Win32.
2.1. OID
SNMP OIDs are laid out in a hierarchy forming unique addresses into a tree similar to the DNS hierarchy. Like many other forms of addressing, OIDs can be used in 2 forms: fully qualified and relative (sometimes called ”relevant”).
SNMP OID是用一种按照层次化格式组织的、树状结构中的唯一地址来表示的,它与DNS层次相似。与其他格式的寻址方式类型,OID以两种格式加以应用:全名和先对名(有时称为“相关”)
The fully qualified form starts from the root and moves outward to the individual value on a device. An example of a fully qualified address is:
This OID could be rewritten in human readable form as:
All fully qualified OIDs will begin with .iso.org.dod.internet.private represented numerically as . Almost all OIDs will then be followed by enterprises (.1) and a unique number for the vendor as assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). In the example OID 789 represents the vendor ID for the Network Appliance Corporation (NetApp). Everything beyond the vendor ID is based on the vendors implementation and may vary between implementations. Please note the prefixing dot before iso. Similar to the trailing dot in DNS, properly qualified IODs begin with a dot representing the root.
所有完全验证OID都有 .iso.org.dod.internet.private 开始,数字表达为: . 。几乎所有的OID都会跟上企业(.1)和由IANA(互联网编号分配中心分配的)唯一的厂商标号。例如OID 789表示Network Appliance格式的厂商编号( NetApp )。厂商编号后面的是基于厂商实现的功能,并且各不相同。请注意,在iso.前面的 . ` ,与DNS中的后点相似,正确验证的OID是有一个表示根的前缀 `. 开始的。
The complete list of enterprise assignments can be found at the IANA website: http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers
IANA网站上找到企业分配完整的清单 : http://www.iana.org/assignmenets/enterprise-numbers
The relative form of an OID, on the other hand, begins from the enterprises value and leaves all the implied addressing off. So we can use the relative form of the above OID as enterprises.netapp.netapp1.raid.diskSummary.diskSpareCount.0 or numerically as .1.789. .
OID的先对格式,从企业值开始,略过所有的隐含地址。因此,我们可以用 enterprises.netapp.netappl.raid.diskSUmmary.diskSpaceCount.0 来表示上述的OID,或者用数字格式 .1.789. .
A common form of writing OIDs is by the name of the MIB and a unique key defined within the MIB. For instance, we could rewrite the above OID into the condensed form NETWORK-APPLIANCE-MIB::diskSpareCount.0 . This condensed form follows the convention of MIB Name::Unique Key.instance. Some keys, while unique, can be represented by multiple instances of that key, and thus all OIDs end with an instance value. This is why you’ll notice that most OIDs end with a .0 .
写OID的常用格式是用MIB名称和在MIB中定义的唯一键值。例如,我们可以用简写的格式重写上述OID: NETWORK-APPLIANCE-MIB::diskSpareCount.0 。 这种缩写格式规则为::
MIB Name::唯一键值.instance.
某些唯一键值,可用多个实例表示,这样所有的OID都以实例值结尾。这就是为什么你得注意到大多数OID都是以一个 .0 结尾的。
2.2. MIB
The structure of a MIBs internals are a little strange and foreign at first, but it’s structured well enough that you can poke through it pretty intelligently without really knowing what your doing. The structure of a MIB comes from the Structure of Management Information (SMI) standard detailed in IETF RFC 1155 and 2578. If you choose to modify or write your own MIBs you’ll benefit from understanding SMI before hacking much on MIBs.
MIB的内部结构刚开始时会让人感觉有些奇怪和不好理解,不过它的结构非常好,你可以在不懂的情况下一个一个看进去。MIB的结构来源于IETF RFC1155和2578定义的管理信息结构。如果你想要修改或编写自己的MIB,在动手前理解SMI非常有帮助。
Lets look at the header of a MIB to get a better idea of how they work:
-- PowerNet-MIB {iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4)
-- enterprises(1) apc(318) }
enterprises, IpAddress, Gauge, TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI
DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB
apc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 318 }
products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apc 1 }
apcmgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apc 2 }
Comments can be inserted into a MIB by prepending them with two dashes. In the header the declaration BEGIN starts off the MIB. Imports can be used to pull information from other MIBs, typically those mandated by the MIB-II standard.
可以用行开头为 -- 的方法在MIB中加入注释。在头部用 BEGIN`声明来开始MIB的定义。 `Imports 可用来从其他MIB中提取信息,通常用它来提取MIB-II规范要求的内容。
The MIB lays out the structure of OID addresses starting from the enterprises value. Here the enterprise value 318 maps to ”apc” (relative address .1.318). Typically then several categories are defined. Here we see 2 categories: products (.1.318.1) and apcmgmt (.1.318.2). Notice that in the curly braces two values are specified, its parent address followed by its address. So the products identifier is parented by the apc identifier which is parented by the enterprises identifier, so on and so forth. This type of categorization and subcategorizing will typically continue on in the header of the MIB for awhile segmenting the available keys into tight subgroupings. By segmenting values out in this way it makes the available keys easier to navigate.
MIB放置从enterprise值开始的OID地址的结构。在此,enterprise值是318, 对应 "apc" (相对地址为 .1.318)。 通常之后会定义几个类别。注意在花括号间定义的两个值,其父地址后面跟一个它自己的地址。因此产品标识符有apc标识符表示,其父为enterprise标识符,以此类推。类别和自类别的类型通常跟在MIB头的后面,并且把有用的键值分割为子组。通过分段,各种值分别被列出,这样可用的值更容易浏览。
The real meat of the MIB is in the description of object types. Here’s an example of a integer key:
upsBasicOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"The current state of the UPS. If the UPS is unable
to determine the state of the UPS this variable is set
to unknown(1)."
::= { upsBasicOutput 1 }
Here is defined the upsBasicOutputStatus key with a return type of INTEGER. The returned integer maps to one of 12 different return values as listed. Notice that in the MIB a description of the key is provided. These descriptions can be extremely useful in determining which objects can best provide the data you want, especially if you don’t have MIB documentation supplied by the vendor.
Notice also that the last line of the object type description includes the numeric value 1 with upsBasicOutput as the parent. If we follow this parenting backwards in the MIB we’d find that upsBasicOutput has the value 1 and is parented by upsOutput which has the value 4 and is parented by ups which has a value of 1, which is parented by hardware which has a value of 1, which is parented by products with a value of 1 which is parented by apc with a value of 318, which is parented by enterprises with a value of 1. So, if we put all that mapping together we get a relative address for the key upsBasicOutputStatus of .1.318. Remember that the trailing .0 represents the first instance of the key. Applications called MIB Browsers can easily parse a MIB and make navigation much quicker than flipping through the file in vim, but don’t be fooled into thinking it’s difficult without such a tool.
注意对象类型描述的最后一行包括有数值1,其父为数字为1的upsBasicOutput。如果我们按照这个父节点返推,我们会发现upsBasicOutput的值为1,并且其父节点是值为4的upsOutput, upsOutput的父节点是值为1的ups,upsOutput的父节点是值为1的hardware, hardware的父节点是值为1的products,products的父节点是值为318的apc,apc的父节点的是值为1的enterprise。因此,如果我们我们把所有的对应关系合起来,我们就得到 .1.319.的upsBasicOutputStatus键值的相对地址。记住末尾的.0表示该键值的第一个实例。MIB浏览器这样的应用程序可以简化MIB解析,它能够比通过vim浏览文件的方式更加快捷地浏览,不过不要以为没有这样的工具就非常困难了。
So, whats really important to notice here is that the MIB is really just providing us with a road map of the OIDs available on the agent we wish to get values from. A MIB describes both where to find a value and what it returns. We can still interface with a device without the MIB, it’s just much easier when you get a return of ”Up” instead of ”1”. By leveraging the options of the Net- SNMP CLI tools you can decide just how you wish to return output which will be different if your just using the tool from the command line (where ”Up” is preferable) or if your calling the tool from a script (where ”1” is preferable).
2.3. OID数据类型
SMI defines a fixed number of datatypes which are returned by OIDs. These datatypes include:
Signed 32bit Integer (values between -2147483648 and 2147483647). 有符号32位整数(值范围: -2147483648 - +2147483648)
Same as Integer. 与Integer相同。
Unsigned 32bit Integer (values between 0 and 4294967295). 无符号32位整数(值范围:0-4294967295).
Octet String
Arbitrary binary or textual data, typically limited to 255 characters in length. 任意二进制或文本数据,通常长度限制在255个字符内。
Object Identifier
An OID. 一个OID。
Bit String
Represents an enumeration of named bits. This is an unsigned datatype. 表示取名的位的枚举。这是一个无符号的数据类型。
An IP address. 一个IP地址。
Represents a non-negative integer which monotonically increases until it reaches a maximum value of 32bits-1 (4294967295 dec), when it wraps around and starts increasing again from zero. 表示一个非负的整数(可递增到32位最大值-1),然后恢复并从0开始递增。
Same as Counter32 but has a maximum value of 64bits-1. 与Counter32相同,最大值为64位的最大值-1。
Represents an unsigned integer, which may increase or decrease, but shall never exceed a maximum value. 表示无符号整数,可增加或减少,但是不超过最大值。
Represents an unsigned integer which represents the time, modulo 2ˆ32 (4294967296 dec), in hundredths of a second between two epochs. 表示代表数据的一个无符号整数,2^32取模(4294967296),两个值之间为百分之一秒。
Provided solely for backward-compatibility, its no longer used. 提供向下兼容,不再使用的数据类型
Represents an OSI address as a variable-length OCTET STRING. 表示一个用变长八进制字符窗表示的OSI地址。
Net-SNMP tools will report the datatype when returning an OID unless you otherwise disregard it. As an example of that you’ll see:
SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 = STRING: Ben Rockwood
IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.1 = STRING: 0:c0:b7:63:ca:4c
SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (47372422) 5 days, 11:35:24.22
IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.1 = INTEGER: up(1)
SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.318.1.3.7
RFC1213-MIB::atPhysAddress. = Hex-STRING: 00 50 73 28 47 A0
RFC1213-MIB::atNetAddress. = Network Address: 0A:0A:01:01
IF-MIB::ifSpeed.1 = Gauge32: 10000000
SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInPkts.0 = Counter32: 316
SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutPkts.0 = Counter32: 314
This is a fairly typical spread of datatypes returned by Net-SNMP tools. Notice that some values are being automatically interpreted by Net-SNMP, such as the sysUpTime and ifAdminStatus. The MIB was used when these values were returned and Net-SNMP was nice enough to find the return value in the MIB and give us the textual representation of the value.
2.4. MIB II
IETF RFC 1213 ”defines the second version of the Management Information Base (MIB-II) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets.” All SNMP agent and tool distributions should include MIBs that will comply with MIB-II and all devices should at the very least return values that comply with the MIB-II standard.
Within the MIB-II standard several OID groups are defined, including:
The System Group
Basic system identification and information OIDs such as sysDescr, sysContact, sysName, SysLocation, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in SNMPv2-MIB)
The Interfaces Group
Network Interface information such as ifDescr, ifType,ifSpeed, ifAdminStatus, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in IF-MIB)
The Address Translation Group
Address Translation (AT) information mapping Physical to Logical addressing such as atNetAddress, atPhysAddress,etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in RFC1213-MIB)
The IP Group
IP stats and settings such as ipInReceives, ipForwarding, ip-InAddrErrors, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in IP-MIB)
The ICMP Group
ICMP stats and settings such as icmpInMsgs, icmpIn-Errors, icmpInRedirects, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in IP-MIB)
The TCP Group
TCP stats and settings such as tcpActiveOpens, tcpPassiveOpens,tcpInErrs, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in TCP-MIB)
The UDP Group
UDP stats and settings such as udpInDatagrams, udpIn-Errors, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in UDP-MIB)
The EGP Group
EGP stats and settings (if the device support EGP) such as egpNeighAs, egpNeighMode, etc (Reported by Net-SNMP in RFC1213-MIB)
The Transmission Group
Device specific media transmition stats and settings(Reported by Net-SNMP in RFC1213-MIB or your vendor MIB)
The SNMP Group
SNMP stats and settings such as snmpInPkts, snmp-InASNParseErrs, snmpInTraps, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in SNMPv2-MIB)
If you do a default walk of an SNMP device the MIB-II data should be returned. All data with the exception of the EGP and Transmission groups are requirements of the standard. For most networking devices such as routers this information is usually sufficient to provide most of the information you could want.
2.5. 为Net-SNMP添加MIB
Additional MIBs can be added to your Net-SNMP installation by simply copying them into the $(PREFIX)/share/snmp/mibs directory. MIBs should be (re)named to follow the convention (MIB NAME).txt for clarity. You can find the MIBs proper name on the first uncommented line of the MIB (eg: Name- MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN).
For example, if you downloaded MIB for the JetDirect Management Card found on HP LaserJet printers it might have been named something like ”hpjetdirect. mib”. The header of the MIB looks like the following:
-- LaserJet 5Si Printer Model Specific MIB.
This MIB should be renamed to ”LaserJet5Si-MIB.txt” and copied into the Net-SNMP mibs/ directory.
By following this convention it assures greater clarity when utilizing the various MIBs and a consistency with all other installed MIBs.
MIBs can be specified by a command line tool using the -m argument or the MIBS environmental variable for libsnmp applications including the PERL module. MIBs can be referenced locally by supplying a proper path (ie: - m ”./MY MIB.txt”) or globally by supplying the MIB name without the .txt suffix (ie: -m ”MY MIB”) if it’s located in the Net-SNMP MIBs directory.
楼主有没有总结过snmp中公共mib的oid 的详细说明?貌似官方不提供这个。
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基于Spring的远程访问与Web Service(二)
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SolarWinds Orion 中 Custom MIB OID 的方法总结 在本文中,我们将详细介绍如何在 SolarWinds Orion 平台中使用 Custom MIB OID 进行监控。Custom MIB OID 是一种强大的监控工具,允许用户自定义监控项,以满足特定...
python-snmp-mib-浏览器用于在列表中显示MIB文件OID的小程序。 用法: $ python3 mib-browser.py --helpusage: mib-browser.py [-h] [-a paths] [-n] mibnamepositional arguments: mibname The name of the MIB to ...
这些MIB文件包含对象标识符(OID)、对象类型、访问权限和其他相关属性。使用MIB Builder,您可以通过图形界面轻松地创建和定义MIB文件中的每个对象。您可以为每个对象指定名称、OID、数据类型、语义、访问权限和...
Necessary OID can be identified accoring to what user wants to monitor and OID is indicated as Name in this manual. Please pick up the numbers corresponding to each name of OID from MIB information. ...
1. **理解MIB的结构**:MIB文件通常包含一个或多个对象标识符(Object Identifier,简称OID),这些OID用于唯一标识MIB中的数据项。理解OID的结构对于正确解释MIB至关重要。 2. **熟悉ASN.1**:MIB文件采用ASN.1编写...
多路径树是一种能够同时存储和表示多个路径的树形数据结构,非常适合处理具有层级关系的数据集,如MIB对象的OID。 在此基础上,研究进一步引入了AVL树(Adelson-Velsky and Landis tree),这是一种自平衡二叉搜索...
Included in the toolset: are MIB Browser, a MIB Compiler, and MIB Manager, a performance OID poller, a programmable interface grid, an SNMP Trap Manager, a PDU Trace module, the ENTITY-MIB module, a ...
理解MIB结构和OID(Object Identifier)对于获取特定信息至关重要。 3. **Java SNMP库**: 使用Java实现SNMP应用,通常会用到如JSR160或者Net-SNMP Java库。这些库提供了API,使得开发者可以方便地发送GET、SET请求...
2. **MIB Information Retrieval**:根据特定的OID查询MIB信息。 3. **Data Parsing and Processing**:解析和处理从SNMP代理接收到的数据。 4. **User Interface Design**:设计用户友好的图形界面,方便查看和操作...
3. **MIB详解**:解释MIB的概念,如何通过OID(对象标识符)来访问MIB中的信息,以及如何解析MIB文件获取设备支持的管理对象。 4. **系统设计**:描述系统架构,可能包括SNMP代理、管理者、信息存储模块等组件,...
To run it on Win98 and Millenium you will need mgmtapi.dll, mib.bin and wsnmp32.dll (see below) Written with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. Uses Microsoft SNMP API. Features: Single graph displays ...
MIB由一系列对象组成,每个对象都有一个唯一标识符(Object Identifier,OID),用来表示特定的信息。MIB是SNMP协议的核心,因为它定义了网络设备如何被管理和监控。 MIB通常由以下几部分组成: - **对象定义**:...
`VariableBinding`类用于封装SNMP中的OID(对象标识符)和对应的值,它是SNMP报文中的基本单元。 开发SNMP应用时,你需要理解MIB(管理信息库)的概念,这是定义网络设备管理对象的数据结构。SNMP++提供了方便的...
4. **OID(对象标识符)**:唯一标识MIB中的每个信息对象,类似于数据库中的主键。 ### SNMP工作流程 1. **GET操作**:管理站向代理发送GET请求,请求特定OID的信息。 2. **GETNEXT操作**:用于遍历MIB树,获取下一...
errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex) - 1][0] or '?')) else: for varBind in varBinds: print(' = '.join([x.prettyPrint() for x in varBind])) if __name__ == '__main__': get_system_info('public',...
其中,OID (Object Identifier) 是一个唯一标识符,用于识别特定的MIB对象。 #### 三、SNMP的发展历程 ##### 1. SNMP版本演进 - **SNMPv1**: 发布于1990年,基于RFC1157标准。它定义了基本的网络管理框架,但存在...
OID是MIB树中特定对象的唯一标识。 使用PySNMP,你可以执行各种SNMP操作,比如获取(GET)、设置(SET)网络设备的配置和状态信息,甚至实现SNMP陷阱(Trap)接收。由于PySNMP库的灵活性和易用性,它常用于自动化...