1.event object:事件对象,即当前事件的类型,如鼠标左键按下等。
2.event source:事件源,或事件的触发器,比如说,鼠标左键单击点击一个button,那么button就是event source,鼠标左键单击就是event source。
3.event handle:事件处理方法。
4.event listener:事件的监听,比如上面说的鼠标左键点击一个button,event listener就是监听打button的一个mouse click事件,然后分发调用对应的event handle进行处理。
一般event source不会单独存在,经常会跟event handle绑定在一起,其实就是指定了不同的event handle就是不同event source,如Button就有单击双击事件,Input就有输入焦点事件,event listener就好像人的大脑,监控这个所有的事件,同时作出不同的响应。
NGUI自己组织了一套UI事件响应处理机制, 不是对MonoBehaviour的方法的封装调用,UICamera就是NGUI框架中的event listener,原理很简单:在Update中捕获鼠标,键盘等设备的输入(也可以狭义的认为UICamera就是event listener),判断不同event object 和event source,然后“广播”分发执行event handle,下面附上分发的函数:
/// <summary> /// Generic notification function. Used in place of SendMessage to shorten the code and allow for more than one receiver. /// </summary> static public void Notify (GameObject go, string funcName, object obj) { if (go != null) { go.SendMessage(funcName, obj, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); if (genericEventHandler != null && genericEventHandler != go) { genericEventHandler.SendMessage(funcName, obj, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } }
知道的谁是event listener,那要怎么实现event handle。实现NGUI的事件的方法有很多种,③给了三种方式监听NGUI的事件方法。文末贴了NGUI支持的event handle。
增补于:11/10/2013 8:45,感觉之前的没头没尾的,就加了上面的铺垫
记得刚开始用NGUI的时候,就有心思要去琢磨下UICamera,那个时候NGUI还是2.6的版本,现在已经到了3.0.3f,NGUI更新真的很强劲, 当然改动也挺大的,特性也越来越多了。之前本来研究下UICamera最后还是放弃了,因为UICamera的代码太复杂了,很凌乱,也就放下去了,这几天重新翻看了下,发现UICamera的可读性太强了,代码的组织逻辑很强,完全可以当做文本来从上到下来阅读,所以才会有这篇文章。
/// <summary> /// Whether the touch event will be sending out the OnClick notification at the end. /// </summary> public enum ClickNotification { None, Always, BasedOnDelta, }
ClickNotification定义了OnClick响应的条件,后面也定义了ClickNotification变量 public ClickNotification clickNotification = ClickNotification.Always;
ClickNotification.None: 不响应OnClick事件
ClickNotification.BaseOnDelta:依据移动的delta的距离判断是否响应OnClick函数,如果移动距离大于float click = isMouse ? mouseClickThreshold : touchClickThreshold;则不响应OnClick事件
下面这部分代码是当响应了OnDrag事件就把currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.None;就不在会响应OnClick事件了。
bool isDisabled = (currentTouch.clickNotification == ClickNotification.None); Notify(currentTouch.dragged, "OnDrag", currentTouch.delta); isDragging = false; if (isDisabled) { // If the notification status has already been disabled, keep it as such currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.None; } else if (currentTouch.clickNotification == ClickNotification.BasedOnDelta && click < mag) { // We've dragged far enough to cancel the click currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.None; }
然后再执行OnClick和OnDoubleClick事件先判断条件currentTouch.clickNotification != ClickNotification.None 是否成立:
// If the touch should consider clicks, send out an OnClick notification if (currentTouch.clickNotification != ClickNotification.None) { float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; Notify(currentTouch.pressed, "OnClick", null); if (currentTouch.clickTime + 0.35f > time) { Notify(currentTouch.pressed, "OnDoubleClick", null); } currentTouch.clickTime = time; }
public enum EventType { World, // Perform a Physics.Raycast and sort by distance to the point that was hit. UI, // Perform a Physics.Raycast and sort by widget depth. }
List<UICamera> list
/// <summary> /// List of all active cameras in the scene. /// </summary> static public List<UICamera> list = new List<UICamera>();
UICamera在初始化的时候会被加入 mList这个链表中,然后对链表进行排序,根据相机的深度,深度值越小的相机排位靠前,最靠前的相机为场景的主UICamera,然后只有只有主UICamera才会去监测场景中的事件,其他的UICamera并不执行监测任务。UICamera利用Unity的Raycast去监测事件发生的对象,因为发射出去的Ray对象必须碰撞到Collider才会有反应,所以NGUI中所有需要响应事件的控件均需要添加Collider,同时Ray只会碰撞到深度最小的Collider,Ray射线的最大深度为rangeDistance,当这个值为-1时则发射深度和相机深度一样,主UICamera每一帧都会主动去发射Ray检测鼠标此时触碰到的对象并将其记录在对应的鼠标按键事件中,这是能监测到OnHover这个动作的关键(当然只有在useMouse为true时才会有此操作)。
在游戏场景初始化阶段,每个UICamera都会根据平台义useMouse、useTouch、useKeyboard和useController 这些属性,分别对应的是能否在场景使用鼠标、触摸屏、键盘以及摇杆。
public bool useMouse = true; public bool useTouch = true; public bool allowMultiTouch = true; public bool useKeyboard = true; public bool useController = true;
/// <summary> /// Ambiguous mouse, touch, or controller event. /// </summary> public class MouseOrTouch { public Vector2 pos; // Current position of the mouse or touch event public Vector2 delta; // Delta since last update public Vector2 totalDelta; // Delta since the event started being tracked public Camera pressedCam; // Camera that the OnPress(true) was fired with public GameObject current; // The current game object under the touch or mouse public GameObject pressed; // The last game object to receive OnPress public GameObject dragged; // The last game object to receive OnDrag public float clickTime = 0f; // The last time a click event was sent out public ClickNotification clickNotification = ClickNotification.Always; public bool touchBegan = true; public bool pressStarted = false; public bool dragStarted = false; }
// Mouse events static MouseOrTouch[] mMouse = new MouseOrTouch[] { new MouseOrTouch(), new MouseOrTouch(), new MouseOrTouch() }; // The last object to receive OnHover static GameObject mHover; // Joystick/controller/keyboard event static MouseOrTouch mController = new MouseOrTouch(); // Used to ensure that joystick-based controls don't trigger that often static float mNextEvent = 0f; // List of currently active touches static Dictionary<int, MouseOrTouch> mTouches = new Dictionary<int, MouseOrTouch>();
/// <summary> /// ID of the touch or mouse operation prior to sending out the event. Mouse ID is '-1' for left, '-2' for right mouse button, '-3' for middle. /// </summary> static public int currentTouchID = -1; /// <summary> /// Current touch, set before any event function gets called. /// </summary> static public MouseOrTouch currentTouch = null;
// Process all 3 mouse buttons as individual touches if (useMouse) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { bool pressed = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(i); bool unpressed = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(i); currentTouch = mMouse[i]; currentTouchID = -1 - i; // We don't want to update the last camera while there is a touch happening if (pressed) currentTouch.pressedCam = currentCamera; else if (currentTouch.pressed != null) currentCamera = currentTouch.pressedCam; // Process the mouse events ProcessTouch(pressed, unpressed); }
因为之前版本升级到NGUI3.0.6时,UICamera出现了一个Bug:当Time.ScaleTime != 1f 的时候,事件响应有问题,当时由于时间关系,只是和之前的版本进行比对,增加了些代码解决的。但是还是感觉没有能对UICamera具体细节没能完全掌握,挺蹩脚的,还不能达到“自主”的处理目的,所以一直都想有时间好好把UICamera的事件分发流程细节清理下。
/// <summary> /// Update mouse input. /// </summary> public void ProcessMouse () { // No need to perform raycasts every frame if (mNextRaycast < RealTime.time) //更新鼠标current为当前的 hoveredObject,如果时间间隔小于 20毫秒,就不更新 { mNextRaycast = RealTime.time + 0.02f; if (!Raycast(Input.mousePosition, out lastHit)) hoveredObject = fallThrough; if (hoveredObject == null) hoveredObject = genericEventHandler; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) mMouse[i].current = hoveredObject; } lastTouchPosition = Input.mousePosition; bool highlightChanged = (mMouse[0].last != mMouse[0].current); if (highlightChanged) currentScheme = ControlScheme.Mouse; // Update the position and delta 更新三个鼠标按键的位置 delta 和pos , mMouse[0].delta = lastTouchPosition - mMouse[0].pos; mMouse[0].pos = lastTouchPosition; bool posChanged = mMouse[0].delta.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f; // Propagate the updates to the other mouse buttons for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { mMouse[i].pos = mMouse[0].pos; mMouse[i].delta = mMouse[0].delta; } // Is any button currently pressed? bool isPressed = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(i)) { currentScheme = ControlScheme.Mouse; isPressed = true; break; } } if (isPressed) { // A button was pressed -- cancel the tooltip mTooltipTime = 0f; } else if (posChanged && (!stickyTooltip || highlightChanged)) //更新Tip显示 { if (mTooltipTime != 0f) { // Delay the tooltip mTooltipTime = RealTime.time + tooltipDelay; } else if (mTooltip != null) { // Hide the tooltip ShowTooltip(false); } } // The button was released over a different object -- remove the highlight from the previous if (!isPressed && mHover != null && highlightChanged) //更新hover GameObject ,并分发 OnHover事件 { currentScheme = ControlScheme.Mouse; if (mTooltip != null) ShowTooltip(false); Notify(mHover, "OnHover", false); mHover = null; } // Process all 3 mouse buttons as individual touches 分别处理鼠标的三个按键,获取按键状态,进行事件分发 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { bool pressed = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(i); bool unpressed = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(i); if (pressed || unpressed) currentScheme = ControlScheme.Mouse; currentTouch = mMouse[i]; currentTouchID = -1 - i; currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0 + i; // We don't want to update the last camera while there is a touch happening if (pressed) currentTouch.pressedCam = currentCamera; else if (currentTouch.pressed != null) currentCamera = currentTouch.pressedCam; // Process the mouse events ProcessTouch(pressed, unpressed); currentKey = KeyCode.None; } currentTouch = null; // If nothing is pressed and there is an object under the touch, highlight it if (!isPressed && highlightChanged) { currentScheme = ControlScheme.Mouse; mTooltipTime = RealTime.time + tooltipDelay; mHover = mMouse[0].current; Notify(mHover, "OnHover", true); } // Update the last value mMouse[0].last = mMouse[0].current; for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) mMouse[i].last = mMouse[0].last; }
这次回看UICamera的代码,更加UICamera优化了很多,代码逻辑清晰简单了,之前的一直感觉很乱(一堆条件判断)才一直没有细看。虽然上面代码还是有加点注释,其实已经完全没必要了。然后在NGUI3.0.7版本还增加了 在Editor下用鼠标做屏幕Touch的操作的功能:
/// Process fake touch events where the mouse acts as a touch device.
/// Useful for testing mobile functionality in the editor.』
增补于 2013,12,29 15:15
UICamera还提供其他一些“特性”,能够让开发者实现更多的功能(就不解释了吧, 有注释):
/// <summary> /// If 'true', once a press event is started on some object, that object will be the only one that will be /// receiving future events until the press event is finally released, regardless of where that happens. /// If 'false', the press event won't be locked to the original object, and other objects will be receiving /// OnPress(true) and OnPress(false) events as the touch enters and leaves their area. /// </summary> public bool stickyPress = true; /// <summary> /// If set, this game object will receive all events regardless of whether they were handled or not. /// </summary> static public GameObject genericEventHandler; /// <summary> /// If events don't get handled, they will be forwarded to this game object. /// </summary> static public GameObject fallThrough;
void OnHover (bool isOver) – Sent out when the mouse hovers over the collider or moves away from it. Not sent on touch-based devices. void OnPress (bool isDown) – Sent when a mouse button (or touch event) gets pressed over the collider (with ‘true’) and when it gets released (with ‘false’, sent to the same collider even if it’s released elsewhere). void OnClick() — Sent to a mouse button or touch event gets released on the same collider as OnPress. UICamera.currentTouchID tells you which button was clicked. void OnDoubleClick () — Sent when the click happens twice within a fourth of a second. UICamera.currentTouchID tells you which button was clicked. void OnSelect (bool selected) – Same as OnClick, but once a collider is selected it will not receive any further OnSelect events until you select some other collider. void OnDrag (Vector2 delta) – Sent when the mouse or touch is moving in between of OnPress(true) and OnPress(false). void OnDrop (GameObject drag) – Sent out to the collider under the mouse or touch when OnPress(false) is called over a different collider than triggered the OnPress(true) event. The passed parameter is the game object of the collider that received the OnPress(true) event. void OnInput (string text) – Sent to the same collider that received OnSelect(true) message after typing something. You likely won’t need this, but it’s used by UIInput void OnTooltip (bool show) – Sent after the mouse hovers over a collider without moving for longer than tooltipDelay, and when the tooltip should be hidden. Not sent on touch-based devices. void OnScroll (float delta) is sent out when the mouse scroll wheel is moved. void OnKey (KeyCode key) is sent when keyboard or controller input is used.
今天把FastGUI 兼容到了NGUI3.0.3f,还增加一些功能,然后要写一个文档给美术的同事,我感觉头就大了,感觉如果要我口述一定能让听者完全明白,但是写起来就完全不着调,所以觉得D.S.Qiu的文字很渣,马上就是凌晨1:30,睡觉,晚安!
①2B青年: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6f16aba701017mgz.html
②tasharen: http://www.tasharen.com/?page_id=160
在NGUI系统中,`UICamera`是核心组件之一,负责处理UI交互和事件分发。下面将详细解释`UICamera`的关键特性、功能和使用方法。 1. **UICamera组件**:`UICamera`是NGUI系统中处理用户输入和交互的关键组件,它通常...
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