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Enabling Oozie Web Console in CDH3, CDH4 with/without Cloudera Manager


To enable Oozie's web console, you must download and add the ExtJS library to the Oozie server. If you have not already done this, proceed as follows.


If you use CDH3, you must do:

  • Download the ExtJS version 2.2 library from http://extjs.com/deploy/ext-2.2.zip and place it in a convenient location, or put it into /usr/lib/oozie/libext/, this is the default location. If you put it here, you do not need to specified it with command line option -extjs <path to ext-2.2.zip>.


# cd /usr/lib/ooozie/
# mkdir libext && cd libext
# wget http://extjs.com/deploy/ext-2.2.zip



  • Add the ExtJS library to Oozie using the oozie-setup.sh script; for example (if ExtJS is the only item you need to configure):
    # sudo -u oozie /usr/lib/oozie/bin/oozie-setup.sh -extjs /tmp/ext-2.2.zip
     Once again, you don't need to specified the -extjs path if you put it into libext directory under oozie home, also remember to stop the oozie server first.

If you use CDH4, uzip the copied file (to obtain the directory /usr/lib/oozie/libext/ext-2.2, remember to set appropriate permissions recursively), then repeat the oozie-setup.sh step.


If you use Cloudera Manager, the next step is connect to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console. Click the Configuration tab for the Oozie service you are configuring and enable the option 'Enable Oozie server web console'. No need to run the oozie-setup.sh manually at all.


Restart oozie service in Cloudera Manager, then the Oozie web console should be enabled.




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