As a software developer that deals much withRESTfulAPI, reading rawJSONdata on browser can be a pain. It always easier to read a well formatted JSON in tree view than in raw data format. Luckily,Chromehas some extensions that could format raw JSON data into tree view format that can be read easily.Here i’ll will show four bestChrome extensionsfor reading JSON on Chrome browser, most of them work perfectly and very easy to use.
This extension is a porting from originalJSONView Firefox extensionand supportsJSONP.It validates JSON using a client-side javascript implementation ofJSONLintand compliant withrfc 4627.
JSONView supports syntax highlighting and displays JSON in tree view where the nodes on the tree can be collapsed and expanded by clicking on the plus (+) or minus (-) sign on the left of each node. -
JSONFormatter supports syntax highlighting and displays JSON in tree view where the nodes on the tree can be collapesed and expanded by clicking on the triangle icon on the left of each node. It also provides a button for switching to original (raw) data. -
PrettyJSON supports syntax highlighting and displays JSON in tree view. Unlike the two previous extensions, the nodes on the tree can not be collapsed and expanded. And because of it doesn’t check for a valid content type (application/json), it will not format JSON data that comes from a URL without ‘json’ appended. For example, it will display correctly the JSON data that comes from http://example.com/data.json but will not work if the JSON data comes from http://example.com/data.php. -
JSON Prettifier
JSON Prettifier supports syntax highlighting and displays JSON in tree view where the nodes on the tree can be collapsed and expanded by clicking on the plus (+) or minus (-) sign on the left of each node. It also has a button for switching to original (raw) data.
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1、点击【Download Zip】,插件下载完成,解压缩到相应目录(D:\...4、点击”加载正在开发的扩展程序…” 选择插件目录(D:\Download\JSONView-for-Chrome-master\WebContent); 5、安装完成,重新加载 (Ctrl+R)。
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