Good news everyone!
We're having a development cycle!
The 1.3.x series of memcached will be a (I really hope) short series of
releases around the finalization of the binary protocol.
1.3.0 includes:
- A server implementation from Dustin Sallings
- Perl tests from hachi (and I helped!)
- Binary protocol specification drafts in doc/
There are also external python client/server from Dustin.
`make test` works. It doesn't seem to crash, although I haven't
extensively beaten it down yet. Looks good.
`java_memcached-release_2.0.1.jar`是Java客户端库,允许Java应用程序与Memcached交互。引入该库后,可以轻松地在Java应用中使用Memcached。 1. 将`java_memcached-release_2.0.1.jar`添加到项目的类路径中。 2. ...
17 java_memcached-release_2.0.1.jar memcached客户端包,无用 18 jopenid-1.07.jar gmail登录 19 lucene-core-3.0.0.jar 搜索引擎 20 lucene-highlighter-3.0.0.jar 搜索引擎高亮处理 21 mail.jar 邮件核心包 ...
yum install -y openstack-keystone httpd mod_wsgi memcached python-memcached # 安装 Glance 镜像服务 yum install -y openstack-glance python-glance python-glanceclient # 安装 Nova 计算服务 ... ``` 接...
- OpenStack版本: Diablo 4 release (2011.3) - **架构部署**: - 控制节点: DELL R410 - 外网IP: - 内网IP: - 计算节点: DELL R710 - 外网IP: - 内网IP: 192.168....
1.3 万丈高楼平地起:面试者必会 9 1.3.1 C#介绍 10 1.3.2 命名空间 10 1.3.3 C#语法格式要点 10 1.3.4 变量 12 1.3.5 类型推断 12 1.3.6 变量的作用域 13 1.3.7 常量 16 1.3.8 流程控制 16 1.3.9 字符串常见操作 21...
1.3 万丈高楼平地起:面试者必会 9 1.3.1 C#介绍 10 1.3.2 命名空间 10 1.3.3 C#语法格式要点 10 1.3.4 变量 12 1.3.5 类型推断 12 1.3.6 变量的作用域 13 1.3.7 常量 16 1.3.8 流程控制 16 1.3.9 字符串常见操作 21...