Selenium Reference(Selenium-IDE)
- 博客分类:
- Selenium-IDE
Selenium Reference
- Concepts
- Selenium Actions
- Selenium Accessors
- Parameter Construction and Variables
- Whitespace Rules
- Extending Selenium
A command is what tells Selenium what to do. Selenium commands come in three 'flavors': Actions, Accessors and Assertions. Each command call is one line in the test table of the form:
command target value
Actions are commands that generally manipulate the state of the application. They do things like "click this link" and "select that option". If an Action fails, or has an error, the execution of the current test is stopped.
Many Actions can be called with the "AndWait" suffix, e.g. "clickAndWait". This suffix tells Selenium that the action will cause the browser to make a call to the server, and that Selenium should wait for a new page to load.
Accessors examine the state of the application and store the results in variables, e.g. "storeTitle". They are also used to automatically generate Assertions.
Assertions are like Accessors, but they verify that the state of the application conforms to what is expected. Examples include "make sure the page title is X" and "verify that this checkbox is checked".
All Selenium Assertions can be used in 3 modes: "assert", "verify", and "waitFor". For example, you can "assertText", "verifyText" and "waitForText". When an "assert" fails, the test is aborted. When a "verify" fails, the test will continue execution, logging the failure. This allows a single "assert" to ensure that the application is on the correct page, followed by a bunch of "verify" assertions to test form field values, labels, etc.
"waitFor" commands wait for some condition to become true (which can be useful for testing Ajax applications). They will succeed immediately if the condition is already true. However, they will fail and halt the test if the condition does not become true within the current timeout setting (see thesetTimeout action below).
Element Locators tell Selenium which HTML element a command refers to. Many commands require an Element Locator as the "target" attribute. Examples of Element Locators include "elementId" and "document.forms[0].element". These are described more clearly in the next section.
Patterns are used for various reasons, e.g. to specify the expected value of an input field, or identify a select option. Selenium supports various types of pattern, including regular-expressions, all of which are described in more detail below.
Defines an object that runs Selenium commands.Element Locators
Element Locators tell Selenium which HTML element a command refers to. The format of a locator is:
We support the following strategies for locating elements:
- identifier=id: Select the element with the specified @id attribute. If no match is found, select the first element whose @name attribute is id. (This is normally the default; see below.)
- id=id: Select the element with the specified @id attribute.
name=name: Select the first element with the specified @name attribute.
- username
- name=username
The name may optionally be followed by one or more element-filters, separated from the name by whitespace. If the filterType is not specified, valueis assumed.
- name=flavour value=chocolate
dom=javascriptExpression: Find an element by evaluating the specified string. This allows you to traverse the HTML Document Object Model using JavaScript. Note that you must not return a value in this string; simply make it the last expression in the block.
- dom=document.forms['myForm'].myDropdown
- dom=document.images[56]
- dom=function foo() { return document.links[1]; }; foo();
xpath=xpathExpression: Locate an element using an XPath expression.
- xpath=//img[@alt='The image alt text']
- xpath=//table[@id='table1']//tr[4]/td[2]
- xpath=//a[contains(@href,'#id1')]
- xpath=//a[contains(@href,'#id1')]/@class
- xpath=(//table[@class='stylee'])//th[text()='theHeaderText']/../td
- xpath=//input[@name='name2' and @value='yes']
- xpath=//*[text()="right"]
link=textPattern: Select the link (anchor) element which contains text matching the specified pattern.
- link=The link text
css=cssSelectorSyntax: Select the element using css selectors. Please refer to CSS2 selectors, CSS3 selectors for more information. You can also check the TestCssLocators test in the selenium test suite for an example of usage, which is included in the downloaded selenium core package.
- css=a[href="#id3"]
- css=span#firstChild + span
Currently the css selector locator supports all css1, css2 and css3 selectors except namespace in css3, some pseudo classes(:nth-of-type, :nth-last-of-type, :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :only-of-type, :visited, :hover, :active, :focus, :indeterminate) and pseudo elements(::first-line, ::first-letter, ::selection, ::before, ::after).
ui=uiSpecifierString: Locate an element by resolving the UI specifier string to another locator, and evaluating it. See the Selenium UI-Element Reference for more details.
- ui=loginPages::loginButton()
- ui=settingsPages::toggle(label=Hide Email)
- ui=forumPages::postBody(index=2)//a[2]
Without an explicit locator prefix, Selenium uses the following default strategies:
- dom, for locators starting with "document."
- xpath, for locators starting with "//"
- identifier, otherwise
Element Filters
Element filters can be used with a locator to refine a list of candidate elements. They are currently used only in the 'name' element-locator.
Filters look much like locators, ie.
filterType=argumentSupported element-filters are:
Matches elements based on their values. This is particularly useful for refining a list of similarly-named toggle-buttons.index=index
Selects a single element based on its position in the list (offset from zero).
String-match Patterns
Various Pattern syntaxes are available for matching string values:
- glob:pattern: Match a string against a "glob" (aka "wildmat") pattern. "Glob" is a kind of limited regular-expression syntax typically used in command-line shells. In a glob pattern, "*" represents any sequence of characters, and "?" represents any single character. Glob patterns match against the entire string.
- regexp:regexp: Match a string using a regular-expression. The full power of JavaScript regular-expressions is available.
- regexpi:regexpi: Match a string using a case-insensitive regular-expression.
- exact:string: Match a string exactly, verbatim, without any of that fancy wildcard stuff.
If no pattern prefix is specified, Selenium assumes that it's a "glob" pattern.
For commands that return multiple values (such as verifySelectOptions), the string being matched is a comma-separated list of the return values, where both commas and backslashes in the values are backslash-escaped. When providing a pattern, the optional matching syntax (i.e. glob, regexp, etc.) is specified once, as usual, at the beginning of the pattern.
Selenium Actions
- locator: the string the user passed in
- inWindow: the currently selected window
- inDocument: the currently selected document
- strategyName - the name of the strategy to define; this should use only letters [a-zA-Z] with no spaces or other punctuation.
- functionDefinition - a string defining the body of a function in JavaScript. For example:
return inDocument.getElementById(locator);
- scriptContent - the Javascript content of the script to add
- scriptTagId - (optional) the id of the new script tag. If specified, and an element with this id already exists, this operation will fail.
- locator - an element locator identifying a multi-select box
- optionLocator - an option locator (a label by default)
- allow - boolean, true means we'll prefer to use native XPath; false means we'll only use JS XPath
- answer - the answer to give in response to the prompt pop-up
- locator - an element locator pointing to an element
- identifier - a string to be used as the ID of the specified element
- filename - the path to the file to persist the screenshot as. No filename extension will be appended by default. Directories will not be created if they do not exist, and an exception will be thrown, possibly by native code.
- kwargs - a kwargs string that modifies the way the screenshot is captured. Example: "background=#CCFFDD" . Currently valid options:
- background
- the background CSS for the HTML document. This may be useful to set for capturing screenshots of less-than-ideal layouts, for example where absolute positioning causes the calculation of the canvas dimension to fail and a black background is exposed (possibly obscuring black text).
- locator - an element locator
By default, Selenium's overridden window.confirm() function will return true, as if the user had manually clicked OK; after running this command, the next call to confirm() will return false, as if the user had clicked Cancel. Selenium will then resume using the default behavior for future confirmations, automatically returning true (OK) unless/until you explicitly call this command for each confirmation.
Take note - every time a confirmation comes up, you must consume it with a corresponding getConfirmation, or else the next selenium operation will fail.
Undo the effect of calling chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation. Note that Selenium's overridden window.confirm() function will normally automatically return true, as if the user had manually clicked OK, so you shouldn't need to use this command unless for some reason you need to change your mind prior to the next confirmation. After any confirmation, Selenium will resume using the default behavior for future confirmations, automatically returning true (OK) unless/until you explicitly call chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation for each confirmation.
Take note - every time a confirmation comes up, you must consume it with a corresponding getConfirmation, or else the next selenium operation will fail.
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- coordString - specifies the x,y position (i.e. - 10,20) of the mouse event relative to the element returned by the locator.
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- coordString - specifies the x,y position (i.e. - 10,20) of the mouse event relative to the element returned by the locator.
- nameValuePair - name and value of the cookie in a format "name=value"
- optionsString - options for the cookie. Currently supported options include 'path', 'max_age' and 'domain'. the optionsString's format is "path=/path/, max_age=60,". The order of options are irrelevant, the unit of the value of 'max_age' is second. Note that specifying a domain that isn't a subset of the current domain will usually fail.
- name - the name of the cookie to be deleted
- optionsString - options for the cookie. Currently supported options include 'path', 'domain' and 'recurse.' The optionsString's format is "path=/path/,, recurse=true". The order of options are irrelevant. Note that specifying a domain that isn't a subset of the current domain will usually fail.
and specifying no value for windowID
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- coordString - specifies the x,y position (i.e. - 10,20) of the mouse event relative to the element returned by the locator.
- locator - an element locator
- movementsString - offset in pixels from the current location to which the element should be moved, e.g., "+70,-300"
- locatorOfObjectToBeDragged - an element to be dragged
- locatorOfDragDestinationObject - an element whose location (i.e., whose center-most pixel) will be the point where locatorOfObjectToBeDragged is dropped
- locator - an element locator
- movementsString - offset in pixels from the current location to which the element should be moved, e.g., "+70,-300"
- message - the message to print
- locator - an element locator
- eventName - the event name, e.g. "focus" or "blur"
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- ignore - boolean, true means we'll ignore attributes without value at the expense of xpath "correctness"; false means we'll sacrifice speed for correctness.
- locator - an element locator
- keySequence - Either be a string("\" followed by the numeric keycode of the key to be pressed, normally the ASCII value of that key), or a single character. For example: "w", "\119".
- locator - an element locator
- keySequence - Either be a string("\" followed by the numeric keycode of the key to be pressed, normally the ASCII value of that key), or a single character. For example: "w", "\119".
- locator - an element locator
- keySequence - Either be a string("\" followed by the numeric keycode of the key to be pressed, normally the ASCII value of that key), or a single character. For example: "w", "\119".
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- coordString - specifies the x,y position (i.e. - 10,20) of the mouse event relative to the element returned by the locator.
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- coordString - specifies the x,y position (i.e. - 10,20) of the mouse event relative to the element returned by the locator.
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- coordString - specifies the x,y position (i.e. - 10,20) of the mouse event relative to the element returned by the locator.
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- coordString - specifies the x,y position (i.e. - 10,20) of the mouse event relative to the element returned by the locator.
- locator - an element locator
- locator - an element locator
- coordString - specifies the x,y position (i.e. - 10,20) of the mouse event relative to the element returned by the locator.
- url - the URL to open; may be relative or absolute
This command can also be a useful workaround for bug SEL-339. In some cases, Selenium will be unable to intercept a call to (if the call occurs during or before the "onLoad" event, for example). In those cases, you can force Selenium to notice the open window's name by using the Selenium openWindow command, using an empty (blank) url, like this: openWindow("", "myFunnyWindow").
- url - the URL to open, which can be blank
- windowID - the JavaScript window ID of the window to select
- waitTime - the amount of time to sleep (in milliseconds)
- locator - an element locator identifying a multi-select box
- scriptTagId - the id of the script element to remove.
- locator - an element locator identifying a multi-select box
- optionLocator - an option locator (a label by default)
- rollupName - the name of the rollup command
- kwargs - keyword arguments string that influences how the rollup expands into commands
- script - the JavaScript snippet to run
Option locators provide different ways of specifying options of an HTML Select element (e.g. for selecting a specific option, or for asserting that the selected option satisfies a specification). There are several forms of Select Option Locator.
label=labelPattern: matches options based on their labels, i.e. the visible text. (This is the default.)
- label=regexp:^[Oo]ther
value=valuePattern: matches options based on their values.
- value=other
id=id: matches options based on their ids.
- id=option1
index=index: matches an option based on its index (offset from zero).
- index=2
If no option locator prefix is provided, the default behaviour is to match on label.
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- optionLocator - an option locator (a label by default)
You may also use a DOM expression to identify the frame you want directly, like this: dom=frames["main"].frames["subframe"]
- locator - an element locator identifying a frame or iframe
already provides).
- If
is either not specified, or specified as "null", the first non-top window is selected. The top window is the one that would be selected byselectWindow()
without providing awindowID
. This should not be used when more than one popup window is in play. - Otherwise, the window will be looked up considering
as the following in order: 1) the "name" of the window, as specified
; 2) a javascript variable which is a reference to a window; and 3) the title of the window. This is the same ordered lookup performed byselectWindow
- windowID - an identifier for the popup window, which can take on a number of different meanings
Window locators provide different ways of specifying the window object: by title, by internal JavaScript "name," or by JavaScript variable.
- title=My Special Window: Finds the window using the text that appears in the title bar. Be careful; two windows can share the same title. If that happens, this locator will just pick one.
- name=myWindow: Finds the window using its internal JavaScript "name" property. This is the second parameter "windowName" passed to the JavaScript method, windowName, windowFeatures, replaceFlag) (which Selenium intercepts).
- var=variableName: Some pop-up windows are unnamed (anonymous), but are associated with a JavaScript variable name in the current application window, e.g. " =;". In those cases, you can open the window using "var=foo".
If no window locator prefix is provided, we'll try to guess what you mean like this:
1.) if windowID is null, (or the string "null") then it is assumed the user is referring to the original window instantiated by the browser).
2.) if the value of the "windowID" parameter is a JavaScript variable name in the current application window, then it is assumed that this variable contains the return value from a call to the JavaScript method.
3.) Otherwise, selenium looks in a hash it maintains that maps string names to window "names".
4.) If that fails, we'll try looping over all of the known windows to try to find the appropriate "title". Since "title" is not necessarily unique, this may have unexpected behavior.
If you're having trouble figuring out the name of a window that you want to manipulate, look at the Selenium log messages which identify the names of windows created via (and therefore intercepted by Selenium). You will see messages like the following for each window as it is opened:
debug: call intercepted; window ID (which you can use with selectWindow()) is "myNewWindow"
In some cases, Selenium will be unable to intercept a call to (if the call occurs during or before the "onLoad" event, for example). (This is bug SEL-339.) In those cases, you can force Selenium to notice the open window's name by using the Selenium openWindow command, using an empty (blank) url, like this: openWindow("", "myFunnyWindow").
- windowID - the JavaScript window ID of the window to select
- logLevel - one of the following: "debug", "info", "warn", "error" or "off"
- locator - an element locator pointing to an input element or textarea
- position - the numerical position of the cursor in the field; position should be 0 to move the position to the beginning of the field. You can also set the cursor to -1 to move it to the end of the field.
Setting this value to 0 means that we'll send a "mousemove" event to every single pixel in between the start location and the end location; that can be very slow, and may cause some browsers to force the JavaScript to timeout.
If the mouse speed is greater than the distance between the two dragged objects, we'll just send one "mousemove" at the start location and then one final one at the end location.
- pixels - the number of pixels between "mousemove" events
- value - the number of milliseconds to pause after operation
Actions that require waiting include "open" and the "waitFor*" actions.
The default timeout is 30 seconds.Arguments:
- timeout - a timeout in milliseconds, after which the action will return with an error
- expression - the value to store
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
- formLocator - an element locator for the form you want to submit
Can also be used to set the value of combo boxes, check boxes, etc. In these cases, value should be the value of the option selected, not the visible text.
- locator - an element locator
- value - the value to type
This is a convenience method for calling keyDown, keyUp, keyPress for every character in the specified string; this is useful for dynamic UI widgets (like auto-completing combo boxes) that require explicit key events.
Unlike the simple "type" command, which forces the specified value into the page directly, this command may or may not have any visible effect, even in cases where typing keys would normally have a visible effect. For example, if you use "typeKeys" on a form element, you may or may not see the results of what you typed in the field.
In some cases, you may need to use the simple "type" command to set the value of the field and then the "typeKeys" command to send the keystroke events corresponding to what you just typed.
- locator - an element locator
- value - the value to type
- locator - an element locator
- libraryName - name of the desired library Only the following three can be chosen:
- "ajaxslt" - Google's library
- "javascript-xpath" - Cybozu Labs' faster library
- "default" - The default library. Currently the default library is "ajaxslt" .
Note that, by default, the snippet will be run in the runner's test window, not in the window of your application. To get the window of your application, you can use the JavaScript snippet selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow()
, and then run your JavaScript in there
- script - the JavaScript snippet to run
- timeout - a timeout in milliseconds, after which this command will return with an error
Selenium constantly keeps track of new pages and frames loading, and sets a "newPageLoaded" flag when it first notices a page load.
See waitForPageToLoad for more information.Arguments:
- frameAddress - FrameAddress from the server side
- timeout - a timeout in milliseconds, after which this command will return with an error
You can use this command instead of the "AndWait" suffixes, "clickAndWait", "selectAndWait", "typeAndWait" etc. (which are only available in the JS API).
Selenium constantly keeps track of new pages loading, and sets a "newPageLoaded" flag when it first notices a page load. Running any other Selenium command after turns the flag to false. Hence, if you want to wait for a page to load, you must wait immediately after a Selenium command that caused a page-load.
- timeout - a timeout in milliseconds, after which this command will return with an error
- windowID - the JavaScript window "name" of the window that will appear (not the text of the title bar) If unspecified, or specified as "null", this command will wait for the first non-top window to appear (don't rely on this if you are working with multiple popups simultaneously).
- timeout - a timeout in milliseconds, after which the action will return with an error. If this value is not specified, the default Selenium timeout will be used. See the setTimeout() command.
Selenium Accessors
- message - The error message we should expect. This command will fail if the wrong error message appears.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertNotErrorOnNext ( message )
- verifyErrorOnNext ( message )
- verifyNotErrorOnNext ( message )
- waitForErrorOnNext ( message )
- waitForNotErrorOnNext ( message )
- message - The failure message we should expect. This command will fail if the wrong failure message appears.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertNotFailureOnNext ( message )
- verifyFailureOnNext ( message )
- verifyNotFailureOnNext ( message )
- waitForFailureOnNext ( message )
- waitForNotFailureOnNext ( message )
See the select command for more information about option locators.
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- optionLocator - an option locator, typically just an option label (e.g. "John Smith")
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertNotSelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
- verifySelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
- verifyNotSelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
- waitForSelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
- waitForNotSelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
Getting an alert has the same effect as manually clicking OK. If an alert is generated but you do not consume it with getAlert, the next Selenium action will fail.
Under Selenium, JavaScript alerts will NOT pop up a visible alert dialog.
Selenium does NOT support JavaScript alerts that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until someone manually clicks OK.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAlert ( pattern )
- assertNotAlert ( pattern )
- verifyAlert ( pattern )
- verifyNotAlert ( pattern )
- waitForAlert ( pattern )
- waitForNotAlert ( pattern )
If a given button has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAllButtons ( pattern )
- assertNotAllButtons ( pattern )
- verifyAllButtons ( pattern )
- verifyNotAllButtons ( pattern )
- waitForAllButtons ( pattern )
- waitForNotAllButtons ( pattern )
If a given field has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAllFields ( pattern )
- assertNotAllFields ( pattern )
- verifyAllFields ( pattern )
- verifyNotAllFields ( pattern )
- waitForAllFields ( pattern )
- waitForNotAllFields ( pattern )
If a given link has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAllLinks ( pattern )
- assertNotAllLinks ( pattern )
- verifyAllLinks ( pattern )
- verifyNotAllLinks ( pattern )
- waitForAllLinks ( pattern )
- waitForNotAllLinks ( pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAllWindowIds ( pattern )
- assertNotAllWindowIds ( pattern )
- verifyAllWindowIds ( pattern )
- verifyNotAllWindowIds ( pattern )
- waitForAllWindowIds ( pattern )
- waitForNotAllWindowIds ( pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAllWindowNames ( pattern )
- assertNotAllWindowNames ( pattern )
- verifyAllWindowNames ( pattern )
- verifyNotAllWindowNames ( pattern )
- waitForAllWindowNames ( pattern )
- waitForNotAllWindowNames ( pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
- assertNotAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
- verifyAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
- verifyNotAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
- waitForAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
- waitForNotAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
- attributeLocator - an element locator followed by an @ sign and then the name of the attribute, e.g. "foo@bar"
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
- assertNotAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
- verifyAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
- waitForAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
- attributeName - name of an attribute on the windows
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
- assertNotAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
- verifyAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
- verifyNotAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
- waitForAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
- waitForNotAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertBodyText ( pattern )
- assertNotBodyText ( pattern )
- verifyBodyText ( pattern )
- verifyNotBodyText ( pattern )
- waitForBodyText ( pattern )
- waitForNotBodyText ( pattern )
By default, the confirm function will return true, having the same effect as manually clicking OK. This can be changed by prior execution of the chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation command.
If an confirmation is generated but you do not consume it with getConfirmation, the next Selenium action will fail.
NOTE: under Selenium, JavaScript confirmations will NOT pop up a visible dialog.
NOTE: Selenium does NOT support JavaScript confirmations that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until you manually click OK.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertConfirmation ( pattern )
- assertNotConfirmation ( pattern )
- verifyConfirmation ( pattern )
- verifyNotConfirmation ( pattern )
- waitForConfirmation ( pattern )
- waitForNotConfirmation ( pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertCookie ( pattern )
- assertNotCookie ( pattern )
- verifyCookie ( pattern )
- verifyNotCookie ( pattern )
- waitForCookie ( pattern )
- waitForNotCookie ( pattern )
- name - the name of the cookie
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertCookieByName ( name, pattern )
- assertNotCookieByName ( name, pattern )
- verifyCookieByName ( name, pattern )
- verifyNotCookieByName ( name, pattern )
- waitForCookieByName ( name, pattern )
- waitForNotCookieByName ( name, pattern )
Specifically, if the cursor/selection has been cleared by JavaScript, this command will tend to return the position of the last location of the cursor, even though the cursor is now gone from the page. This is filed as SEL-243.
This method will fail if the specified element isn't an input element or textarea, or there is no cursor in the element.Arguments:
- locator - an element locator pointing to an input element or textarea
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
- assertNotCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
- verifyCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
- verifyNotCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
- waitForCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
- waitForNotCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
- locator - an element locator pointing to an element
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
- assertNotElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
- verifyElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
- verifyNotElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
- waitForElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
- waitForNotElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
- locator - an element locator pointing to an element
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
- assertNotElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
- verifyElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
- verifyNotElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
- waitForElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
- waitForNotElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
- locator - an element locator pointing to an element OR an element itself
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
- assertNotElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
- verifyElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
- verifyNotElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
- waitForElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
- waitForNotElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
- locator - an element locator pointing to an element OR an element itself
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
- assertNotElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
- verifyElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
- verifyNotElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
- waitForElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
- waitForNotElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
- locator - an element locator pointing to an element
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
- assertNotElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
- verifyElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
- verifyNotElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
- waitForElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
- waitForNotElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
Note that, by default, the snippet will run in the context of the "selenium" object itself, so this
will refer to the Selenium object. Use window
to refer to the window of your application, e.g. window.document.getElementById('foo')
If you need to use a locator to refer to a single element in your application page, you can use this.browserbot.findElement("id=foo")
where "id=foo" is your locator.
- script - the JavaScript snippet to run
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertEval ( script, pattern )
- assertNotEval ( script, pattern )
- verifyEval ( script, pattern )
- verifyNotEval ( script, pattern )
- waitForEval ( script, pattern )
- waitForNotEval ( script, pattern )
This is useful because of JavaScript preprocessing. It is used to generate commands like assertExpression and waitForExpression.
- expression - the value to return
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertExpression ( expression, pattern )
- assertNotExpression ( expression, pattern )
- verifyExpression ( expression, pattern )
- verifyNotExpression ( expression, pattern )
- waitForExpression ( expression, pattern )
- waitForNotExpression ( expression, pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertHtmlSource ( pattern )
- assertNotHtmlSource ( pattern )
- verifyHtmlSource ( pattern )
- verifyNotHtmlSource ( pattern )
- waitForHtmlSource ( pattern )
- waitForNotHtmlSource ( pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertLocation ( pattern )
- assertNotLocation ( pattern )
- verifyLocation ( pattern )
- verifyNotLocation ( pattern )
- waitForLocation ( pattern )
- waitForNotLocation ( pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertMouseSpeed ( pattern )
- assertNotMouseSpeed ( pattern )
- verifyMouseSpeed ( pattern )
- verifyNotMouseSpeed ( pattern )
- waitForMouseSpeed ( pattern )
- waitForNotMouseSpeed ( pattern )
Successful handling of the prompt requires prior execution of the answerOnNextPrompt command. If a prompt is generated but you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail.
NOTE: under Selenium, JavaScript prompts will NOT pop up a visible dialog.
NOTE: Selenium does NOT support JavaScript prompts that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until someone manually clicks OK.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertPrompt ( pattern )
- assertNotPrompt ( pattern )
- verifyPrompt ( pattern )
- verifyNotPrompt ( pattern )
- waitForPrompt ( pattern )
- waitForNotPrompt ( pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
- assertNotSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifySelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
- verifyNotSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
- waitForNotSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSpeed ( pattern )
- assertNotSpeed ( pattern )
- verifySpeed ( pattern )
- verifyNotSpeed ( pattern )
- waitForSpeed ( pattern )
- waitForNotSpeed ( pattern )
- tableCellAddress - a cell address, e.g. "foo.1.4"
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
- assertNotTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
- verifyTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
- verifyNotTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
- waitForTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
- waitForNotTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
- locator - an element locator
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertText ( locator, pattern )
- assertNotText ( locator, pattern )
- verifyText ( locator, pattern )
- verifyNotText ( locator, pattern )
- waitForText ( locator, pattern )
- waitForNotText ( locator, pattern )
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertTitle ( pattern )
- assertNotTitle ( pattern )
- verifyTitle ( pattern )
- verifyNotTitle ( pattern )
- waitForTitle ( pattern )
- waitForNotTitle ( pattern )
- locator - an element locator
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertValue ( locator, pattern )
- assertNotValue ( locator, pattern )
- verifyValue ( locator, pattern )
- verifyNotValue ( locator, pattern )
- waitForValue ( locator, pattern )
- waitForNotValue ( locator, pattern )
This is useful in proxy injection mode, where this code runs in every browser frame and window, and sometimes the selenium server needs to identify the "current" frame. In this case, when the test calls selectFrame, this routine is called for each frame to figure out which one has been selected. The selected frame will return true, while all others will return false.
- currentFrameString - starting frame
- target - new frame (which might be relative to the current one)
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
- assertNotWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
- verifyWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
- verifyNotWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
- waitForWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
- waitForNotWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
This is useful in proxy injection mode, where this code runs in every browser frame and window, and sometimes the selenium server needs to identify the "current" window. In this case, when the test calls selectWindow, this routine is called for each window to figure out which one has been selected. The selected window will return true, while all others will return false.
- currentWindowString - starting window
- target - new window (which might be relative to the current one, e.g., "_parent")
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
- assertNotWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
- verifyWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
- verifyNotWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
- waitForWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
- waitForNotWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
- xpath - the xpath expression to evaluate. do NOT wrap this expression in a 'count()' function; we will do that for you.
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
- assertNotXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
- verifyXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
- verifyNotXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
- waitForXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
- waitForNotXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
This function never throws an exception
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertAlertPresent ( )
- assertAlertNotPresent ( )
- verifyAlertPresent ( )
- verifyAlertNotPresent ( )
- waitForAlertPresent ( )
- waitForAlertNotPresent ( )
- locator - an element locator pointing to a checkbox or radio button
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertChecked ( locator )
- assertNotChecked ( locator )
- verifyChecked ( locator )
- verifyNotChecked ( locator )
- waitForChecked ( locator )
- waitForNotChecked ( locator )
This function never throws an exception
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertConfirmationPresent ( )
- assertConfirmationNotPresent ( )
- verifyConfirmationPresent ( )
- verifyConfirmationNotPresent ( )
- waitForConfirmationPresent ( )
- waitForConfirmationNotPresent ( )
- name - the name of the cookie
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertCookiePresent ( name )
- assertCookieNotPresent ( name )
- verifyCookiePresent ( name )
- verifyCookieNotPresent ( name )
- waitForCookiePresent ( name )
- waitForCookieNotPresent ( name )
- locator - an element locator
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertEditable ( locator )
- assertNotEditable ( locator )
- verifyEditable ( locator )
- verifyNotEditable ( locator )
- waitForEditable ( locator )
- waitForNotEditable ( locator )
- locator - an element locator
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertElementPresent ( locator )
- assertElementNotPresent ( locator )
- verifyElementPresent ( locator )
- verifyElementNotPresent ( locator )
- waitForElementPresent ( locator )
- waitForElementNotPresent ( locator )
- locator1 - an element locator pointing to the first element
- locator2 - an element locator pointing to the second element
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
- assertNotOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
- verifyOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
- verifyNotOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
- waitForOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
- waitForNotOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
This function never throws an exception
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertPromptPresent ( )
- assertPromptNotPresent ( )
- verifyPromptPresent ( )
- verifyPromptNotPresent ( )
- waitForPromptPresent ( )
- waitForPromptNotPresent ( )
- selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
- assertNotSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
- verifySomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
- verifyNotSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
- waitForSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
- waitForNotSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
- pattern - a pattern to match with the text of the page
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertTextPresent ( pattern )
- assertTextNotPresent ( pattern )
- verifyTextPresent ( pattern )
- verifyTextNotPresent ( pattern )
- waitForTextPresent ( pattern )
- waitForTextNotPresent ( pattern )
- locator - an element locator
- variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
- assertVisible ( locator )
- assertNotVisible ( locator )
- verifyVisible ( locator )
- verifyNotVisible ( locator )
- waitForVisible ( locator )
- waitForNotVisible ( locator )
Parameter construction and Variables
All Selenium command parameters can be constructed using both simple variable substitution as well as full javascript. Both of these mechanisms can access previously stored variables, but do so using different syntax.
The commands store, storeValue and storeText can be used to store a variable value for later access. Internally, these variables are stored in a map called "storedVars", with values keyed by the variable name. These commands are documented in the command reference.
Variable substitution
Variable substitution provides a simple way to include a previously stored variable in a command parameter. This is a simple mechanism, by which the variable to substitute is indicated by ${variableName}. Multiple variables can be substituted, and intermixed with static text.
store Mr title storeValue nameField surname store ${title} ${surname} fullname type textElement Full name is: ${fullname} Javascript evaluation
Javascript evaluation provides the full power of javascript in constructing a command parameter. To use this mechanism, the entire parameter value must be prefixed by 'javascript{' with a trailing '}'. The text inside the braces is evaluated as a javascript expression, and can access previously stored variables using the storedVars map detailed above. Note that variable substitution cannot be combined with javascript evaluation.
store javascript{'merchant' + (new Date()).getTime()} merchantId type textElement javascript{storedVars['merchantId'].toUpperCase()}
Whitespace Rules
HTML automatically normalizes whitespace within elements, ignoring leading/trailing spaces and converting extra spaces, tabs and newlines into a single space. When Selenium reads text out of the page, it attempts to duplicate this behavior, so you can ignore all the tabs and newlines in your HTML and do assertions based on how the text looks in the browser when rendered. We do this by replacing all non-visible whitespace (including the non-breaking space " ") with a single space. All visible newlines (<br>, <p>, and <pre>formatted newlines) should be preserved.
We use the same normalization logic on the text of HTML Selenese test case tables. This has a number of advantages. First, you don't need to look at the HTML source of the page to figure out what your assertions should be; " " symbols are invisible to the end user, and so you shouldn't have to worry about them when writing Selenese tests. (You don't need to put " " markers in your test case to assertText on a field that contains " ".) You may also put extra newlines and spaces in your Selenese <td> tags; since we use the same normalization logic on the test case as we do on the text, we can ensure that assertions and the extracted text will match exactly.
This creates a bit of a problem on those rare occasions when you really want/need to insert extra whitespace in your test case. For example, you may need to type text in a field like this: "foo ". But if you simply write <td>foo </td> in your Selenese test case, we'll replace your extra spaces with just one space.
This problem has a simple workaround. We've defined a variable in Selenese, ${space}, whose value is a single space. You can use ${space} to insert a space that won't be automatically trimmed, like this: <td>foo${space}${space}${space}</td>. We've also included a variable ${nbsp}, that you can use to insert a non-breaking space.
Note that XPaths do not normalize whitespace the way we do. If you need to write an XPath like //div[text()="hello world"] but the HTML of the link is really "hello world", you'll need to insert a real " " into your Selenese test case to get it to match, like this: //div[text()="hello${nbsp}world"].
Extending Selenium
It can be quite simple to extend Selenium, adding your own actions, assertions and locator-strategies. This is done with javascript by adding methods to the Selenium object prototype, and the PageBot object prototype. On startup, Selenium will automatically look through methods on these prototypes, using name patterns to recognise which ones are actions, assertions and locators.
The following examples try to give an indication of how Selenium can be extended with javascript.
All doFoo methods on the Selenium prototype are added as actions. For each action foo there is also an action fooAndWait registered. An action method can take up to 2 parameters, which will be passed the second and third column values in the test.
Example: Add a "typeRepeated" action to Selenium, which types the text twice into a text box.
Selenium.prototype.doTypeRepeated = function(locator, text) { // All locator-strategies are automatically handled by "findElement" var element =; // Create the text to type var valueToType = text + text; // Replace the element text with the new text, valueToType); };
All getFoo and isFoo methods on the Selenium prototype are added as accessors (storeFoo). For each accessor there is an assertFoo, verifyFoo andwaitForFoo registered. An assert method can take up to 2 parameters, which will be passed the second and third column values in the test. You can also define your own assertions literally as simple "assert" methods, which will also auto-generate "verify" and "waitFor" commands.
Example: Add a valueRepeated assertion, that makes sure that the element value consists of the supplied text repeated. The 2 commands that would be available in tests would be assertValueRepeated and verifyValueRepeated.
Selenium.prototype.assertValueRepeated = function(locator, text) { // All locator-strategies are automatically handled by "findElement" var element =; // Create the text to verify var expectedValue = text + text; // Get the actual element value var actualValue = element.value; // Make sure the actual value matches the expected Assert.matches(expectedValue, actualValue); };
Automatic availability of storeFoo, assertFoo, assertNotFoo, waitForFoo and waitForNotFoo for every getFoo
All getFoo and isFoo methods on the Selenium prototype automatically result in the availability of storeFoo, assertFoo, assertNotFoo, verifyFoo, verifyNotFoo, waitForFoo, and waitForNotFoo commands.
Example, if you add a getTextLength() method, the following commands will automatically be available: storeTextLength, assertTextLength, assertNotTextLength, verifyTextLength, verifyNotTextLength, waitForTextLength, and waitForNotTextLength commands.
Selenium.prototype.getTextLength = function(locator, text) { return this.getText(locator).length; };Also note that the assertValueRepeated method described above could have been implemented using isValueRepeated, with the added benefit of also automatically getting assertNotValueRepeated, storeValueRepeated, waitForValueRepeated and waitForNotValueRepeated.
Locator Strategies
All locateElementByFoo methods on the PageBot prototype are added as locator-strategies. A locator strategy takes 2 parameters, the first being the locator string (minus the prefix), and the second being the document in which to search.
Example: Add a "valuerepeated=" locator, that finds the first element a value attribute equal to the the supplied value repeated.
// The "inDocument" is a the document you are searching. PageBot.prototype.locateElementByValueRepeated = function(text, inDocument) { // Create the text to search for var expectedValue = text + text; // Loop through all elements, looking for ones that have // a value === our expected value var allElements = inDocument.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) { var testElement = allElements[i]; if (testElement.value && testElement.value === expectedValue) { return testElement; } } return null; };
By default, Selenium looks for a file called "user-extensions.js", and loads the javascript code found in that file. This file provides a convenient location for adding features to Selenium, without needing to modify the core Selenium sources.
In the standard distibution, this file does not exist. Users can create this file and place their extension code in this common location, removing the need to modify the Selenium sources, and hopefully assisting with the upgrade process.
Selenium IDE by Selenium (selenium_ide-3.17.2-fx.xpi) Selenium IDE 是用于 Selenium 测试的集成开发环境。它是作为 Firefox 扩展实现的,允许您记录、编辑和调试测试。
selenium 2 版本在火狐上的安装 selenium ide selenium-ide-2.9.0.xpi selenium_ide-2.9.1-fx.xpi 火狐附加插件 支持41 亲测
Selenium IDE 是一款强大的自动化测试工具,主要用于Web应用程序的测试。它基于Firefox浏览器插件的形式存在,版本2.9.1是它的一个经典版本。在本文中,我们将深入探讨Selenium IDE的功能、用途以及如何使用它来提升...
《Selenium IDE:Firefox插件与自动化测试利器》 Selenium IDE,全称为Selenium Integrated Development Environment,是一款基于Firefox浏览器的开源插件,主要用于Web应用的自动化测试。它以其便捷的录制与回放...
在这个名为 "selenium-server-standalone-2.40" 的压缩包中,包含了Selenium Server的独立版本以及相关的Java库。 1. **Selenium Server Standalone**: Selenium Server Standalone是Selenium的核心组件之一,它...
标题 "selenium-java-4.0.0-alpha-6_javaselenium_" 指的是 Selenium 的一个 Java 版本的软件包,具体是 4.0.0 的第六个 Alpha 版本。Selenium 是一个广泛使用的自动化测试工具,主要用于 web 应用程序的测试。它...
标题 "" 指的是 Selenium 的一个服务器独立版本的归档文件,该版本为 4.0.0 的 Alpha 2 版本。Selenium 是一个广泛使用的自动化测试工具,主要用于 Web 应用程序的测试...
Selenium 服务器(selenium-server-4.1.1.jar)
1. **下载离线安装包**:首先,你需要下载Selenium IDE的离线安装包,文件名为`selenium-ide-2.5.0.xpi`。这个文件是Firefox插件的安装包格式。 2. **手动安装**: - 打开Firefox浏览器,确保当前版本兼容Selenium...
这通常涉及到下载一个包含安装文件(如`selenium-ide-2.9.0.xpi`)的压缩包,然后手动将该文件拖入到Firefox浏览器中进行安装,因为Selenium IDE最初是作为Firefox浏览器的一个插件。 "描述"中提到的"由于selenium ...
selenium_ide firefox
你只需将提供的`selenium-ide-2.5.0.xpi`文件直接拖放到打开的Firefox浏览器窗口中。这种简便的安装方式使得用户无需复杂的配置,只需一步操作即可完成安装,大大降低了入门门槛。 **2. 录制与回放功能** Selenium...
selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0, selenium最新服务器,
selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar
Selenium IDE Editor 2.9.0 和 2.8.0 版本是用于自动化Web浏览器测试的强大工具。这两个.xpi文件是Selenium集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment)的扩展,适用于Mozilla Firefox浏览器。Selenium IDE...
首先,我们来了解一下 `selenium-java-2.44.0.jar`。这是一个预编译的Java库,其中包含了Selenium WebDriver的Java绑定。WebDriver是Selenium的一个核心部分,它提供了一个编程接口,允许测试脚本直接控制浏览器。...