采用akka2.0 IO ByteString相关技术,代码改自http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.0/scala/io.html,目前代码比较粗糙,但性能已经体现出来了。
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com>
package akka.docs.io.v2
import akka.actor._
import akka.util.{ ByteString, ByteStringBuilder }
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
class HttpServer2(port: Int) extends Actor {
val state = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[IO.Handle, ActorRef]()
override def preStart {
IOManager(context.system) listen new InetSocketAddress(port)
def receive = {
case IO.NewClient(server) ⇒
val socket = server.accept()
val worker = context.actorOf(Props(new Worker(socket)))
state(socket) = worker
state(socket) ! socket
case IO.Read(socket, bytes) ⇒
state(socket) ! IO.Read(socket, bytes)
case IO.Closed(socket, cause) ⇒
state(socket) ! IO.Closed(socket, cause)
state -= socket
class Worker(socket: IO.SocketHandle) extends Actor {
val state = IO.IterateeRef.Map.async[IO.Handle]()(context.dispatcher)
override def preStart {
// state(socket) flatMap (_ ⇒ HttpServer2.processRequest(socket))
def receive = {
case socket:IO.SocketHandle ⇒
state(socket) flatMap (_ ⇒ HttpServer2.processRequest(socket))
case IO.Read(socket, bytes) ⇒
state(socket)(IO Chunk bytes)
case IO.Closed(socket, cause) ⇒
state(socket)(IO EOF None)
state -= socket
object HttpServer2 {
import HttpIteratees._
def processRequest(socket: IO.SocketHandle): IO.Iteratee[Unit] =
IO repeat {
for {
request ← readRequest
} yield {
val rsp = request match {
case Request("GET", "ping" :: Nil, _, _, headers, _) ⇒
request.headers.exists { case Header(n, v) ⇒ n.toLowerCase == "connection" && v.toLowerCase == "keep-alive" })
case req ⇒
OKResponse(ByteString("<p>" + req.toString + "</p>"),
request.headers.exists { case Header(n, v) ⇒ n.toLowerCase == "connection" && v.toLowerCase == "keep-alive" })
socket write OKResponse.bytes(rsp).compact
if (!rsp.keepAlive) socket.close()
case class Request(meth: String, path: List[String], query: Option[String], httpver: String, headers: List[Header], body: Option[ByteString])
case class Header(name: String, value: String)
object HttpConstants {
val SP = ByteString(" ")
val HT = ByteString("\t")
val CRLF = ByteString("\r\n")
val COLON = ByteString(":")
val PERCENT = ByteString("%")
val PATH = ByteString("/")
val QUERY = ByteString("?")
object HttpIteratees {
import HttpConstants._
def readRequest =
for {
requestLine ← readRequestLine
(meth, (path, query), httpver) = requestLine
headers ← readHeaders
body ← readBody(headers)
} yield Request(meth, path, query, httpver, headers, body)
def ascii(bytes: ByteString): String = bytes.decodeString("US-ASCII").trim
def readRequestLine =
for {
meth ← IO takeUntil SP
uri ← readRequestURI
_ ← IO takeUntil SP // ignore the rest
httpver ← IO takeUntil CRLF
} yield (ascii(meth), uri, ascii(httpver))
def readRequestURI = IO peek 1 flatMap {
case PATH ⇒
for {
path ← readPath
query ← readQuery
} yield (path, query)
case _ ⇒ sys.error("Not Implemented")
def readPath = {
def step(segments: List[String]): IO.Iteratee[List[String]] = IO peek 1 flatMap {
case PATH ⇒ IO drop 1 flatMap (_ ⇒ readUriPart(pathchar) flatMap (segment ⇒ step(segment :: segments)))
case _ ⇒ segments match {
case "" :: rest ⇒ IO Done rest.reverse
case _ ⇒ IO Done segments.reverse
def readQuery: IO.Iteratee[Option[String]] = IO peek 1 flatMap {
case QUERY ⇒ IO drop 1 flatMap (_ ⇒ readUriPart(querychar) map (Some(_)))
case _ ⇒ IO Done None
val alpha = Set.empty ++ ('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z') map (_.toByte)
val digit = Set.empty ++ ('0' to '9') map (_.toByte)
val hexdigit = digit ++ (Set.empty ++ ('a' to 'f') ++ ('A' to 'F') map (_.toByte))
val subdelim = Set('!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=') map (_.toByte)
val pathchar = alpha ++ digit ++ subdelim ++ (Set(':', '@') map (_.toByte))
val querychar = pathchar ++ (Set('/', '?') map (_.toByte))
def readUriPart(allowed: Set[Byte]): IO.Iteratee[String] = for {
str ← IO takeWhile allowed map ascii
pchar ← IO peek 1 map (_ == PERCENT)
all ← if (pchar) readPChar flatMap (ch ⇒ readUriPart(allowed) map (str + ch + _)) else IO Done str
} yield all
def readPChar = IO take 3 map {
case Seq('%', rest @ _*) if rest forall hexdigit ⇒
java.lang.Integer.parseInt(rest map (_.toChar) mkString, 16).toChar
def readHeaders = {
def step(found: List[Header]): IO.Iteratee[List[Header]] = {
IO peek 2 flatMap {
case CRLF ⇒ IO takeUntil CRLF flatMap (_ ⇒ IO Done found)
case _ ⇒ readHeader flatMap (header ⇒ step(header :: found))
def readHeader =
for {
name ← IO takeUntil COLON
value ← IO takeUntil CRLF flatMap readMultiLineValue
} yield Header(ascii(name), ascii(value))
def readMultiLineValue(initial: ByteString): IO.Iteratee[ByteString] = IO peek 1 flatMap {
case SP ⇒ IO takeUntil CRLF flatMap (bytes ⇒ readMultiLineValue(initial ++ bytes))
case _ ⇒ IO Done initial
def readBody(headers: List[Header]) =
if (headers.exists(header ⇒ header.name == "Content-Length" || header.name == "Transfer-Encoding"))
IO.takeAll map (Some(_))
IO Done None
object OKResponse {
import HttpConstants.CRLF
val okStatus = ByteString("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")
val contentType = ByteString("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8")
val cacheControl = ByteString("Cache-Control: no-cache")
val date = ByteString("Date: ")
val server = ByteString("Server: Akka")
val contentLength = ByteString("Content-Length: ")
val connection = ByteString("Connection: ")
val keepAlive = ByteString("Keep-Alive")
val close = ByteString("Close")
def bytes(rsp: OKResponse) = {
new ByteStringBuilder ++=
okStatus ++= CRLF ++=
contentType ++= CRLF ++=
cacheControl ++= CRLF ++=
date ++= ByteString(new java.util.Date().toString) ++= CRLF ++=
server ++= CRLF ++=
contentLength ++= ByteString(rsp.body.length.toString) ++= CRLF ++=
connection ++= (if (rsp.keepAlive) keepAlive else close) ++= CRLF ++= CRLF ++= rsp.body result
case class OKResponse(body: ByteString, keepAlive: Boolean)
object Main extends App {
val port = Option(System.getenv("PORT")) map (_.toInt) getOrElse 8080
val system = ActorSystem()
val server = system.actorOf(Props(new HttpServer2(port)))
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