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How it works (and how it doesn’t) Second Life

从一篇Pdf上看到的资料,介绍感兴趣的朋友,主要介绍了,second life的架构,以及内部细节。采用mysql进行存储,主要适用udp通讯协议等,由于受附件大小限制,无法上传。

SL is pretty big
15,400 simulator processes
956 square kilometers = 8X San Francisco
~100 TB (over 1bn files) of user-created content
30 million concurrent scripts

SL (the software) has two primary
components: Viewer and Simulator

The simulator
• Monolithic C++ application
• Linux
• 15,400 concurrent sims
• Fixed 256m x 256m size
• Havok Physics
• LSL Scripting
• Visibility Calculation
• Scene compression and streaming
• Closed source
The viewer
• Monolithic C++ application
• Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
• 50,000 concurrent viewers
• Creation tools built-in
• No client scripting
• No plugins
• Open source!

  • 大小: 32.7 KB
  • 大小: 41.2 KB


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