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Flash & HTML5 Video Player for H.264, WebM,MP3, FLV, YouTube videos and more.
The JW Player 5.10 release is another step in establishing the JW Player as the leader in cross-platform video playback. While JW5.10 includes numerous enhancements & bug fixes, the three most exciting features are:
HTML5 is now the default playback mode on Android Devices
After Adobe announced that they would stop developing their Flash Player for Android devices in November 2011, we refocused our Android support on HTML5 mode. As a result, HTML5 will be the default playback mode moving forward. -
Cleaner User Interface on iOS Devices
We've taken a number of steps to clean up the way the player looks and behaves, focusing on iOS playback. Enhancements include:- Player preview image now fades in when player loads
- Video is not displayed until it is sized correctly and ready to play
- The buffering icon appears on the iPad while video is loading
Saved Volume in HTML5 Mode
In HTML5 mode, the player now saves the user's volume settings. When a user returns to any page on your site where the JW Player is embedded, the player will be configured with the same volume or mute state as their last visit.
Note: Not supported on iPhone/iPad due to technical limitations of iOS.
There are many other improvements which are listed on our developer site.
What to do after downloading?
Getting Started
The easiest way to get started is to read our embedding guide. Once you have a live video on your site you'll find it easy to customize the player with skins and plugins.
If you run into any issues with the setup, installation, or advanced configurations of the JW Player, then you can find documentation online, ask for support on our forum, or contact us. We're here to help.
Customize and Go
Skin Your Player.
Change the JW Player's look & feel to match your site. Design your own or check out our custom skin library. -
Supercharge Your Player.
With plugins, your player can do anything. Choose from our plugin library to add new features like analytics, sharing, advertising and more. -
Monetize Your Content.
We've partnered with Google's AdSense for Video, ScanScout, AdoTube, YuMe and many more to help maximize the value of your videos.
Sign up for LongTail's AdSolution
About the JW Player
The JW Player™ is the most popular open source video / audio player for the Web. It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player and HTML5 browsers can handle (FLV, H.264, MP4, VP8, WebM, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG and GIF). It also supports various streaming and playlist formats (including RMTP, HTTP, live streaming and more) and a wide range of playback options. And its support for all of the major CDNs and adaptive bitrate switching mean you can deliver high quality content around the globe.
But don't think of it as just a player, it's an advanced video platform which you can customize, extend and contribute back to:
- The XML/PNG-based skinning model allows you to completely customize its look and feel. No need for special tools. If you can edit text and create images, then you can build a skin.
- Its plugin architecture and JavaScript API allow you to easily extend its functionality, integrate into your site, or connect to third-party services.
- The ability to create Media Providers means you can connect to your own proprietary CDN or content server.
- And last, MXMLC compilation rids you of expensive development tools if you want to dig into the guts of the player. MXMLC is free and open source. Download and compile the player in minutes.
- mediaplayer-viral.zip (495.5 KB)
- 下载次数: 10
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总结,JW FLV Player作为一款曾经流行的开源视频播放器,其在FLV格式视频的播放和定制化方面表现出色,但在现代Web环境中,开发者可能需要考虑向HTML5过渡,以保证更广泛的设备兼容性和更好的用户体验。
《Potplayer播放.CSF教学视频解码器插件详解及应用》 Potplayer是一款功能强大的媒体播放器,因其丰富的自定义选项和强大的解码能力而备受用户喜爱。在处理特定格式如.CSF的教学视频时,可能需要特定的解码器插件...
HTML5 Media是一个重要的技术,它使得网页可以内嵌多媒体内容,如音频和视频。在HTML5之前,网页上的媒体播放通常依赖于插件,如Adobe Flash。然而,随着HTML5的普及,浏览器开始内置对HTML5 Media的支持,使得...
JW Player是一款备受赞誉的开源流媒体播放器,其5.7版本更是因其卓越的性能和灵活性备受推崇。这款播放器曾被YouTube这样的大型平台采用,足见其在业界的地位。本文将深入探讨JW Player 5.7的主要特性、功能以及如何...
JW Player 是一款广泛应用于网页的开源视频播放器,它能够支持多种视频格式,如 MP4、H.264、WebM 和 HLS 等,同时也支持音频播放。这款播放器以其易用性、自定义功能和跨平台兼容性而备受青睐。在网页设计和开发中...
以JW Player为例,它是一款流行的跨平台视频播放器,支持HTML5和Flash双模式,确保在不支持HTML5的旧版浏览器中也能播放。JW Player提供多种自定义皮肤,可以轻松调整播放器外观,还支持广告插入、播放列表、字幕、...
在这个项目中,"h5无插件 RTSP 摄像头在线播放(用海康摄像头测试)",开发者可能采用了Streamedian Player,这是一个开源的HTML5流媒体解决方案,支持RTSP、HLS等多种流格式。Streamedian Player利用WebRTC和MSE,...
JW Player是一款广泛使用的开源视频播放器,它提供了强大的功能和灵活的自定义选项,适用于网页和移动设备。JW Player 6.1 版本是该系列的一个重要里程碑,特别强调了对API控制JS的支持,这使得开发者可以更方便地...
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JW Player是一款流行的开源JavaScript和Flash视频播放器,它支持HTML5和Flash技术,使得视频在各种设备和浏览器上都能顺畅播放。版本7.1.4是该播放器的一个更新版本,提供了更好的性能和功能优化。 JW Player的核心...
该插件可能基于LongTail Video的JW Player,这是一款强大的开源视频播放器,支持多种视频格式,包括FLV、MP4、MP3等。JW Player不仅提供了基本的播放、暂停、快进等功能,还允许开发者自定义皮肤、添加广告、实现多...
C#Winform开源视频播放器包括 VLC版本和MediaPlayer版本,两者都是通过本人亲自试验,完美运行。所有运行库齐全,放心下载。 包内还赠送ASP.NET版本的html5视频播放。 并且有一个测试例子。
JW Player是一款流行的开源视频播放器,广泛应用于网站中,支持多种视频格式,如FLV、MP4等。本示例主要关注如何去除JW Player中的按钮水印以及实现多文件播放的功能。以下是对这些知识点的详细说明: 一、去掉JW ...
VLC Player for Unity是一款专为Unity游戏引擎设计的插件,它允许开发者在Unity环境中集成VLC媒体播放器的功能,从而实现对各种视频格式和流的支持。这个“VLC Player for Unity插件使用测试工程”提供了实践教程,...
标题"视频插件全集,安装好可以播放绝大多数视频格式"表明这是一个集合了多种视频插件的资源包,旨在帮助用户解决因格式不兼容而无法播放视频的问题。下面我们将深入探讨视频插件的相关知识点。 首先,我们要理解...
JW Player是一款流行的开源视频播放器,广泛应用于网站和应用程序中,支持多种视频格式,包括FLV和MP4。这款播放器提供了丰富的功能和自定义选项,使得开发者能够轻松集成和控制视频内容的展示。 首先,JW Player的...
HTML播放海康视频的RTSP视频流是一种在网页上实现监控视频实时播放的技术。RTSP(Real Time Streaming Protocol)是一种应用层协议,用于控制多媒体数据的传输,常用于IP摄像机、视频服务器等设备的视频流媒体服务。...