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Android 出现 Your project contains errors, please fix them 。。。。

今天偶尔拿起android项目想运行下,不料出现了Your project contains errors,please fix them before running your application 的错误,找了半天,原来是Debug验证已经过期了,我们在 在 preference->android->buid 中找到Default debug  Keystore的地址,然后把debug.keystore文件给删除了就行了,然后重新clearn项目,就可以运行了
1 楼 zzy2011266 2015-05-03  
以上是特殊情况, 正确的方式是打开windowsshowViewproblems查看问题来源 


    Correct Your English Errors(2nd) epub

    Correct Your English Errors(2nd) 英文epub 第2版 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除


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    alsa-lib alsa-utils android环境编译

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    Get comprehensive Android crash reports to quickly debug errors. Bugsnag's Android crash reporting library automatically detects crashes in your Android apps, collecting diagnostic information and ...

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