The vendor branches section of the book was written before Subversion grew
support for foreign repository merges. If I was rewriting that section now,
I would absolutely mention this feature.
1. 'svn export' the remote branch.
2. 'svn import' the branch stuff into your own repository. Actually, I'd
recommend doing a local 'svn add' and 'svn commit' so you have the chance to
make sure the properties on the files and directories match those in the
foreign repository (see below). In either case, record the version of the
remote code that you're importing.
3. Make your customizations as normal, cimmit, etc.
4. When you need to sync up your mirror, just use:
(where MIRRORED-REV was the revision of the code you imported or
last merged, of course).
It has some gotcha:
* renames in the foreign repository can really interfere with the merges
that bring them into your own repository.
* you have to make sure that when you make your initial import of the
remote code that your auto-props don't set props on the files in your
repository differently than they are in the remote one (or you run the
risk of future conflicts)
* there's no merge tracking support.
But I use this feature myself to maintain vendor branches, and I've been
pretty happy with the results.
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