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你好, 想问个问题 就是我这边上传一个zip文件 大概有100 ...
rails文件上传下载和删除 . -
qplovechinese 写道 很好!
simple jQuery date-picker plugin 使用 -
simple jQuery date-picker plugin 使用
配和使用 link_to_remote 'add',:update => "替换ID", :url => { :controller => '', :action => '',:id=>params}
Since RJS is all about generating JavaScript, it is nice to know what is going on behind the scenes. Knowing about the JavaScript that is generated makes it much easier to debug problems and create more complex applications. At some point, your RJS code may become too complex or there may be a task that you can't perform elegantly with RJS. If you understand how RJS generates JavaScript, you can easily port your code into a JavaScript library and use RJS to access your new JavaScript objects and methods.
Therefore, for all of the following definitions, I have placed the JavaScript that the method generates after the Ruby code. The Ruby code is marked with the comment # Ruby code, and the JavaScript is marked with // Generated JavaScript.
1、<<(javascript) Writes raw JavaScript to the page. 给页面写原生JavaScript
2、[](id) Returns a JavaScriptElementProxy for the DOM element with the specified id. Methods can be called on the returned element. Multiple method calls can also be chained together. 为指定id的DOM元素返回一个 JaaScriptElementProxy。方法可以在返回的元素上调用。多个方法调用也可以被链在一起。
# Ruby 代码
// 生成的JavaScript 代码
# Ruby code
// Generated JavaScript
3、assign(variable, value) Assigns a value to the JavaScript variable specified. Ruby objects are automatically converted to JavaScript objects by calling the object's to_json method if it has one, or inspect if it doesn't. 指派一个值给特定的 JavaScript 变量。如果有的话,通过调用对象的to_json方法Ruby对象被自动地转换为JavaScript对象。
# Ruby code
page.assign 'name', { :first => "Cody", :last => "Fauser" }
// Generated JavaScript
name = { "first": "Cody", "last": "Fauser" };
4、alert(message) Displays a JavaScript alert dialog box with the provided message. 用提供的消息显示一个 JavaScript 警告对话框。
# Ruby code
page.alert 'An error occurred while processing your request'
// Generated JavaScript
alert("An error occurred while processing your request");
5、call(function, arg, ...) Calls a JavaScript function and passes in zero or more arguments. 调用一个 JavaScript 函数并且传递零或多个参数。
# Ruby code
page.call 'displayError', 'An error occurred', 'Critical'
// Generated JavaScript
displayError("An error occurred", "Critical");
You can call methods on custom objects that you've added to your page by specifying the variable name and the method call.
# Ruby code
page.call 'inventory.showTotal'
// Generated JavaScript
6、delay(seconds = 1) Executes the code within the block after delaying for the specified number of seconds. 在延迟指定秒数之后执行块内的代码。
# Ruby code
page.delay(5) do
page.visual_effect :highlight, 'navigation'
// Generated JavaScript
setTimeout(function() {
new Effect.Highlight("navigation", {});
}, 5000);
7、draggable(id, options = {}) Makes the DOM element specified by the id draggable. 使由id指定的DOM元素是可拖放的。
# Ruby code
page.draggable('photo', :revert => true)
// Generated JavaScript
new Draggable('photo', {revert: true});
8、drop_receiving( id, options = {}) Makes the DOM element specified by the id receive dropped draggable elements. Draggable elements are created using the RJS draggable method or by using draggable_element() Scriptaculous helper. 让由id指定DOM元素是可接受拖放的元素。可拖放元素是由RJS的draggable方法或使用Scriptaculous辅助方法draggable_element()创建。
# Ruby code
page.drop_receiving('photo', :url => { :action => 'add' })
// Generated JavaScript
Droppables.add("photo", {onDrop:function(element){new
Ajax.Request('/hello_world/add', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
parameters:'id=' + encodeURIComponent(element.id)})}});
9、hide(id, ...) Hides one or more DOM elements. Specify the elements to hide by their DOM ids. 隐藏一个或多个DOM元素。
# Ruby code
page.hide('first', 'second')
// Generated JavaScript
Element.hide("first", "second");
10、insert_html(position, id, *options_for_render) Inserts the HTML into the specified position in relation to the element. 插入HTML到相关元素的特定位置。
The available positions are:
1):before The content is inserted into the page before the element. 内容被插入到页面内元素之前。
2):after The content is inserted into the page after the element. 内容被插入到页面内元素后面。
3):top The content is inserted into the element before the element's existing content. 内容被插入到现有元素内容的顶部。
4):bottom The content is inserted into the element after the element's existing content. 内容被插入到现有元素内容的底部。
# Ruby code
page.insert_html(:bottom, 'products', '<li>Refrigerator</li>')
// Generated JavaScript
new Insertion.Bottom("products", "<li>Refrigerator</li>");
11、redirect_to(location) Redirect the browser to the location specified. redirect_to() passes the location to url_for(), so any of the arguments you normally use with url_for() can also be used with redirect_to(). 重定位浏览器到指定位置。Redirect_to()传递位置到 url_for(),因此你通常使用在 url_for() 内的任何参数都可以被用到redirect_to()内。
# Ruby code
// Generated JavaScript
window.location.href = "http://www.google.com";
# Ruby code
page.redirect_to(:controller => 'inventory', :action => 'list')
// Generated JavaScript
window.location.href = "http://localhost:3000/inventory/list";
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RJS,全称是Ruby JavaScript,允许开发者用Ruby语言来生成JavaScript代码,从而避免了直接编写复杂的JavaScript脚本。 在Rails框架中,RJS模板通常与ActionController的`render :update`或`render :js`方法一起使用...
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RJS全称是Ruby JavaScript,它是Rails中用于生成JavaScript代码的一种方式,主要用于在客户端执行一些动态操作,如更新页面部分,无需整个页面刷新。 在这个RJS Templates for Rails的电子书中,我们可以预期学习到...
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实际上,通过RJS(Ruby JavaScript)可以直接操作页面元素,使用`insert_html`和`replace_html`等辅助方法,就能动态地添加或替换HTML内容,无需依赖局部模板。 在传统的树结构展示方式中,所有数据通常一次性从...
24.3 RJS模板 451 24.4 结论 456 第25章 ActionMailer 457 25.1 发送邮件 457 25.2 接收邮件 465 25.3 电子邮件的测试 467 第26章 Active Resource 469 26.1 Active Resource的替代品 469 26.2 给我看代码! 471 ...