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simple jQuery date-picker plugin 使用 -
simple jQuery date-picker plugin 使用
simple jQuery date-picker plugin
是一款很方便使用的插件日历控件,样式简单,功能强大。现在就说一下在rails 3中使用。
它一共有三个部分,一是jquery 框架,二是就本身cal.js文件,最后一个是样式文件calendar.css.还有页面上jquery代码
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> jQuery(document).ready(function () { $('input.one').simpleDatepicker(); $('input.two').simpleDatepicker({ startdate: 2008, enddate: 2012 });//时间从 2008--2012 $('input.three').simpleDatepicker({ chosendate: '9/9/2010', startdate: '6/10/2008', enddate: '7/20/2011' }); $('input.four').simpleDatepicker({ x: 45, y: 3 }); }); </SCRIPT>
从上面的代码中得到,它由input html控件来触发。
以下html页面代码且input 类型为text来使用。
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3c.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd"> <!-- saved from url=(0039)http://teddevito.com/demos/calendar.php --> <HTML xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><HEAD><TITLE>simple jQuery date-picker plugin</TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META name=description content="a simple date-picker built with the jquery library. this is NOT an everything-under-the-kitchen-sink date picker"> <META name=keywords content=datepicker,date-picker,jquery,jqueryplugin,calendar><LINK rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="simple%20jQuery%20date-picker%20plugin_files/calendar.css"> <STYLE type=text/css>P { FONT: 12px/1.3em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif } UL { FONT: 12px/1.3em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif } UL LI { FONT: 12px/1.3em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif } BODY { PADDING-BOTTOM: 2em; PADDING-LEFT: 5em; PADDING-RIGHT: 5em; PADDING-TOP: 2em } </STYLE> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="simple%20jQuery%20date-picker%20plugin_files/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="simple%20jQuery%20date-picker%20plugin_files/cal.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> jQuery(document).ready(function () { $('input.one').simpleDatepicker(); $('input.two').simpleDatepicker({ startdate: 2008, enddate: 2012 }); $('input.three').simpleDatepicker({ chosendate: '9/9/2010', startdate: '6/10/2008', enddate: '7/20/2011' }); $('input.four').simpleDatepicker({ x: 45, y: 3 }); }); </SCRIPT> <META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.7600.16891"></HEAD> <BODY> <H1>simple jQuery date-picker plugin</H1> <H6>last updated <!-- #BeginDate format:Am2 -->3/12/09<!-- #EndDate --> </H6> <P>Here's a nifty little date picker, but it's not complete. In fact, it may need YOUR help.</P> <P>All the code here is original. I have to thank Mike Alsup for suggesting the development pattern that helped this go from one-off simple script to ready-to-use jQuery plugin.</P> <P>You're welcome to use anything here as often as you like, even to include it as part of commercially release products. Please don't package and sell it as a standalone application.</P> <P>Please send comments and suggestions (complete with any code changes/updates) to:</P><IMG title="low-tech contact button" alt=images/contact.png src="simple%20jQuery%20date-picker%20plugin_files/contact.png"> <HR> <P>Some test inputs, each with a different setup:</P> <P><INPUT class=one type=text name=date> <INPUT class=two type=text name=date> <INPUT class=three type=text name=date></P> <P>Some more test inputs, each with the same setup:</P> <P><INPUT class=four type=text name=date> <INPUT class=four type=text name=date> <INPUT class=four type=text name=date></P> <H4>What is does:</H4> <UL> <LI>works on one or more text input elements (<CODE><input type="text" ... /></CODE>)</LI> <LI>highlights a preset date (first looking for a value in the input, then a passed option / default, then just selects today)</LI> <LI>closes when either a date is picked, the "today" button is hit, or the "close" button is hit</LI> <LI>allows fast navigation using a <select> field for months and years</LI> <LI>advances and reverses months with a hit of the <STRONG>«</STRONG> or <STRONG>»</STRONG> buttons</LI> <LI>automatically hides the <STRONG>«</STRONG> or <STRONG>»</STRONG> buttons when either the start or end of the date range is reached</LI> <LI>allows input for a year range and/or a date range</LI> <LI>adjusts for leap years</LI> <LI>allows you to set the x and y offset from the top left corner of the input elements</LI> <LI>allows you to easily change the output format (look for "<CODE>jQuery.fn.simpleDatepicker.formatOutput = function (dateObj) {...</CODE>")</LI> <LI>is easily styled via CSS</LI> <LI>works in IE 6, FF 3 (probably earlier) and Chrome 1.0 (and probably others... just don't have them here on my laptop)</LI></UL> <P>It is meant to NOT be an "everything-under-the-kitchen-sink" date picker. Just there to help a user pick a date.</P> <H4>How to use it:</H4> <P>Simply call <CODE>$('input').simpleDatepicker();</CODE> on the set of elements you would like to work with.</P> <H4>Options</H4> <P>You can pass an object literal with some options that will be applied to all the datepickers setup with that call to <CODE>simpleDatepicker()</CODE></P> <P><CODE>$('input').simpleDatepicker({chosendate: , startdate: , enddate: , x: , y: });</CODE></P> <TABLE> <THEAD> <TR> <TH>options</TH> <TH>values</TH></TR></THEAD> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=code>[chosendate]</TD> <TD>date string matching <CODE>mm/dd/yyyy</CODE> or <CODE>m/d/yyyy</CODE></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=code>[startdate]</TD> <TD>4 digit year or date string matching <CODE>mm/dd/yyyy</CODE> or <CODE>m/d/yyyy</CODE></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=code>[enddate]</TD> <TD>4 digit year or date string matching <CODE>mm/dd/yyyy</CODE> or <CODE>m/d/yyyy</CODE></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=code>[x]</TD> <TD></TD>an integer, without quotes is fine, like so: <CODE>{ x: 6, y: 10 }</CODE></TR> <TR> <TD class=code>[y]</TD> <TD></TD>an integer, without quotes is fine, like so: <CODE>{ x: 6, y: 10 }</CODE></TR></TBODY></TABLE></BODY></HTML>
rails3中使用, 个人是把cal.js文件放在asset下的js文件夹下,calendar.css 放入样式文件夹下,把页面上的话放在rail asset下的js文件夹下,也就下面这断
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> jQuery(document).ready(function () { $('input.one').simpleDatepicker(); $('input.two').simpleDatepicker({ startdate: 2008, enddate: 2012 }); $('input.three').simpleDatepicker({ chosendate: '9/9/2010', startdate: '6/10/2008', enddate: '7/20/2011' }); $('input.four').simpleDatepicker({ x: 45, y: 3 }); }); </SCRIPT>
<P><INPUT class=one type=text name=date> <INPUT class=two type=text name=date> <INPUT class=three type=text name=date></P> <P>Some more test inputs, each with the same setup:</P> <P><INPUT class=four type=text name=date> <INPUT class=four type=text name=date> <INPUT class=four type=text name=date></P>
<%=text_field_tag '****' ,{},:class=>'one',%>
var today = new Date(); // used in defaults var months = 'January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December'.split(','); var monthlengths = '31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31'.split(','); var dateRegEx = /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2}|\d{4}$/; var yearRegEx = /^\d{4,4}$/;
jQuery.fn.simpleDatepicker.formatOutput = function (dateObj) { return (dateObj.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dateObj.getDate() + "/" + dateObj.getFullYear(); };
<script language="javascript"> var d = new Date() var vYear = d.getFullYear() var vMon = d.getMonth() + 1 var vDay = d.getDate() var h = d.getHours(); var m = d.getMinutes(); var se = d.getSeconds(); s=vYear+(vMon<10 ? "0" + vMon : vMon)+(vDay<10 ? "0"+ vDay : vDay)+(h<10 ? "0"+ h : h)+(m<10 ? "0" + m : m)+(se<10 ? "0" +se : se); document.write(s);//输出时间 </script>
- simple_jQuery_date-picker_plugin.rar (31.9 KB)
- 下载次数: 123
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2. jQuery date picker plugin:简单易用的日期选择器。 3. jQuery Time Picker:时间选择器。 4. ClickPick:多功能时间选择器。 5. TimePicker:直观的时间选择。 6. Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker Plugin:色彩...
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