this section describes message exchange patterns defined in WSDL Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts - In-Only, Robust In-Only, and In-Out.
What Is a WSDL Message Exchange Pattern? A WSDL message exchange pattern is a predefined sequence of in/out message of an operation in an abstract interface. Each pattern is represented by a unique URI, which can be specified as the "pattern" attribute of an operation.
WSDL 2.0 specification (WSDL Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts) provides 3 predefined patterns: In-Only, Robust In-Only, and In-Out.
In-Only, represented by URI: - In-Only pattern defines only 1 single message that goes into the service provider of this operation. This message label is "In" and direction is "in". In-Only pattern does not allow any fault messages. Here is an example operation that uses the In-Only pattern:
<wsdl:operation name="SnowDay"
<wsdl:input messageLabel="In"
Robust In-Only, represented by URI: - Robust In-Only pattern defines only 1 single message that goes into the service provider of this operation. This message label is "In" and direction is "in". Robust In-Only pattern needs a fault message in the "out" direction. The fault message will be triggered by the input message, if needed. Here is an example operation that uses the Robust In-Only pattern:
<wsdl:interface name="AlertInterface" >
<wsdl:fault name="invalidEmailFault" element="InvalidEmail"/>
<wsdl:operation name="SendAlert"
<wsdl:input messageLabel="In"
<wsdl:outfault ref="invalidEmailFault" messageLabel="Out"/>
In-Out, represented by URI: - In-Out pattern defines 2 messages: an input message followed by an output message. The input message is labeled as "In" and has a direction of "in". The output message is labeled as "Out" and has a direction of "out". In-Out pattern needs a fault message in the "out" direction. The service provider may replace the output message by the fault message, if needed. Here is an example operation that uses the In-Out pattern:
<wsdl:interface name="GetQuoteInterface" >
<wsdl:fault name="marketClosedFault" element="MarketClosed"/>
<wsdl:operation name="GetQuote"
<wsdl:input messageLabel="In"
<wsdl:output messageLabel="Out"
<wsdl:outfault ref="marketClosedFault" messageLabel="Out"/>
Some Web sites include other message exchange patterns like In-Optional-Out, Out-Only, Robust Out-Only, Out-In, Out-Optional-In, etc. as part of the WSDL 2.0. But I can not find them in the WSDL 2.0 2007 specification.
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这包括理解WSDL文件结构,如何定义服务端点(Endpoint),消息交换模式(Message Exchange Patterns),以及如何通过WSDL来规范服务请求和响应的结构。 **WSDL基本概念** 1. **WSDL文档结构**:一个WSDL文件通常由...
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