Introduction to WS-Trust
The WS-Trust standard is based around a centralized security server (the
Security Token Service), which is capable of authenticating clients and can issue tokens containing various kinds of authentication and authorization data.
WS-Trust specification
The WS-Trust features of Artix are based on the WS-Trust standard from Oasis:
Supporting specifications
Apart from the WS-Trust specification itself, several other specifications play an important role in the WS-Trust architecture, as follows:
WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2
SAML 2.0
Username Token Profile
X.509 Token Profile
SAML Token Profile
Kerberos Token Profile
WS-Trust architecture
Figure 8.1 shows a general overview of the WS-Trust architecture.
Figure 8.1. WS-Trust Architecture
WS-Trust Architecture
A requestor is an entity that tries to invoke a secure operation over a network connection. In practice, a requestor is typically a Web service client.
Relying party
A relying party refers to an entity that has some services or resources that must be secured against unauthorized access. In practice, a relying party is typically a Web service.
[Note] Note
This is a term defined by the SAML specification, not by WS-Trust.
Security token
A security token is a collection of security data that a requestor sends inside a request (typically embedded in the message header) in order to invoke a secure operation or to gain access to a secure resource. In the WS-Trust framework, the notion of a security token is quite general and can be used to describe any block of security data that might accompany a request.
In principle, WS-Trust can be used with the following kinds of security token:
SAML token.
UsernameToken token.
X.509 certificate token.
Kerberos token.
SAML token
A SAML token is a particularly flexible kind of security token. The SAML specification defines a general-purpose XML schema that enables you to wrap almost any kind of security data and enables you to sign and encrypt part or all of the token.
SAML is a popular choice of token to use in the context of WS-Trust, because SAML has all of the necessary features to support typical WS-Trust authentication scenarios.
A SAML security token is formally defined to consist of a collection of claims. Each claim typically contains a particular kind of security data.
In WS-Trust scenarios, a policy can represent the security configuration of a participant in a secure application. The requestor, the relying party, and the security token service are all configured by policies. For example, a policy can be used to configure what kinds of authentication are supported and required.
Security token service
The security token service (STS) lies at the heart of the WS-Trust security architecture. In the WS-Trust standard, the following bindings are defined (not all of which are supported by Apache CXF):
Issue binding—the specification defines this binding as follows: Based on the credential provided/proven in the request, a new token is issued, possibly with new proof information.
Validate binding—the specification defines this binding as follows: The validity of the specified security token is evaluated and a result is returned. The result may be a status, a new token, or both.
Renew binding—the specification defines this binding as follows: A previously issued token with expiration is presented (and possibly proven) and the same token is returned with new expiration semantics.
Cancel binding—the specification defines this binding as follows: When a previously issued token is no longer needed, the Cancel binding can be used to cancel the token, terminating its use.
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Java 实现使用STS(Security Token Service)临时访问凭证访问阿里云OSS(Object Storage Service)是一种安全的访问控制策略。STS允许您为第三方或者短期任务分配一个临时的、有限权限的访问令牌,而不是直接分享您...
1. **创建STS服务**:在阿里云控制台启用Security Token Service(STS)。 2. **生成角色**:定义一个角色,并授予该角色对OSS的特定操作权限。 3. **获取临时凭证**:通过调用STS API,使用主账号的Access Key和...
要验证 VMware Security Token Service (STS) 的过期日期,请执行以下操作: HTML 5 客户端 注意:适用于 vCenter Server 7.0 Update2 及更高版本 通过 https://vcenter_server_ip_address_or_fqdn/ui 连接到 ...
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资源“mypy-boto3-sts-”正是源自这个官方平台,它是一个用于Python的特定库,旨在为开发者提供与AWS Security Token Service(STS)交互的功能。在这里,我们将深入探讨这个库的细节、用途以及如何...
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在本文中,我们将探讨的是在PyPI上下载的名为`mypy-boto3-sts-1.19.5.tar.gz`的压缩包,这个包是针对Python开发的一个特定库,旨在增强对AWS Security Token Service (STS)的支持,并结合类型检查工具mypy进行更严格...
assumeRoleResponse.Credentials.SecurityToken)); // 接下来可以使用ossClient进行文件操作,如上传、下载等 ``` 5. 移动应用直传:对于移动应用,可以将临时凭证通过后端服务发送给前端,前端直接使用这些凭证...
`mypy_boto3_sso` 是一个专门为Python开发的库,它扩展了`boto3`库的功能,增加了类型检查和静态分析支持,特别针对AWS Security Token Service (STS)的交互。这个库的版本是1.14.47.0,表明它是对`boto3`库的一个...