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JBoss目前提供一个GUI安装程序简化安装过程,这个安装程序允许选择需要安装的服务,保证所有服务之间的依赖关系,配置缺省数据源。使用这个安装程序能极大地简化JBoss的安装和配置。这个安装程序可以使用Java Web Start直接从浏览器中运行,也可以下载一个可执行的JAR文件。



all | A full J2EE 1.4 server profile with enterprise extensions such as clustering and IIOP. | |
default | A base J2EE 1.4 server profile. | |
ejb3 | An EJB3 profile supporting the full EJB3 specification with Tomcat | This requires a Java 5 runtime and is not a J2EE 1.4 compatible configuration. |
ejb3-clustered | An EJB3 profile supporting the full EJB3 specification with Tomcat and clustering. | This requires a Java 5 runtime and is not a J2EE 1.4 compatible configuration. |
jms | A JMS 1.1 server profile | This is not a J2EE 1.4 compatible configuration. |
minimal | A minimal JMX microkernel | This is not a J2EE 1.4 compatible configuration. |
portal | A JBoss Portal 2.4 profile | This is not a J2EE 1.4 compatible configuration. |
tomcat | A Servlet 2.4 container profile | This is not a J2EE 1.4 compatible configuration. |






org.jboss.system.server.ServerConfig 接口常量和相应的系统属性字符串显示如上图。那些以URL结束的位置表示可以使用URL来访问的远程地址。
bin | All the entry point JARs and start scripts included with the JBoss distribution are located in the bin directory. |
client | The JARs that are required for clients that run outside of JBoss are located in the client directory. |
server | The JBoss server configuration sets are located under the server directory. The default server configuration set is the server/default set. JBoss ships with minimal, default and all configuration sets. The subdirectories and key configuration files contained default configuration set are discussed in more detail in Chapter 4, The Default Server Configuration File Set |
lib | The lib directory contains startup JARs used by JBoss. Do not place your own libraries in this directory. |
conf | The conf directory contains the jboss-service.xml bootstrap descriptor file for a given server configuration. This defines the core services that are fixed for the lifetime of the server. |
data | The data directory is available for use by services that want to store content in the file system. |
deploy | The deploy directory is the default location the hot deployment service looks to for dynamic deployment content. This may be overridden through the URLDeploymentScanner URLs attribute. |
lib | The lib directory is the default location for static Java libraries that should not be hot deployed. All JARs in this directory are loaded into the shared classpath at startup. |
log | The log directory is the directory log files are written to. This may be overridden through the conf/log4j.xml configuration file. |
tmp | The tmp directory is used by JBoss to store temporarily files such as unpacked deployments. |
JBOSS_DIST/server 包含一个或多个服务器配置集合,default配置集合保存在 JBOSS_DIST/server/default 目录。JBoss允许添加多个配置文件集合,可以通过选项设置进行切换。

This is a minimalist example of the jboss-service.xml configuration file. It is the jboss-service.xml file used in the minimal configuration file set.
jboss-service.xml defines the core services configurations.
The jndi.properties file specifies the JNDI InitialContext properties that are used within theNS-MYC10 JBoss server when an InitialContext is created using the no-argument constructor.
This file configures the Apache log4j framework category priorities and appenders used by the JBoss server code.
This file contains sample server side authentication configurations that are applicable when using JAVAS based security.
The props directory contains the users and roles property files for the jmx-console.
This file provides the default configuration for the legacy EJB 1.1 CMP engine.
This file provides the default container configurations.
This file provides a default configuration file for the JBoss CMP engine.
The xmdesc directory contains XMBean descriptors for several services configured in the jboss-service.xml file.
The following are the files in the deploy directory and their function.
This file configures the bean shell deployer, which deploys bean shell scripts as JBoss services.
This is a service that allows for custom invalidation of the EJB caches via JMS notifications. It is disabled by default.
This is a service that provides support for J2EE application clients. It manages the java:comp/env enterprise naming context for client applications based on the application-client.xml descriptor.
The EAR deployer is the service responsible for deploying J2EE EAR files.
The EJB deployer is the service responsible for deploying J2EE EJB JAR files.
hsqldb-ds.xml configures the Hypersonic embedded database service configuration file. It sets up the embedded database and related connection factories.
http-invoker.sar contains the detached invoker that supports RMI over HTTP. It also contains the proxy bindings for accessing JNDI over HTTP.
This service configure the AspectManagerService and deploys JBoss AOP applications.
jboss-bean.deployer provides the JBoss microcontainer, which deploys POJO services wrapped in .beans files.
jboss-ha-local-jdbc.rar is an experimental version of jboss-local-jdbc.rar that supports datasource failover.
jboss-ha-xa-jdbc.rar is an experimental version of jboss-xa-jdbc.rar that supports datasource failover.
jboss-local-jdbc.rar is a JCA resource adaptor that implements the JCA ManagedConnectionFactory interface for JDBC drivers that support the DataSource interface but not JCA.
jboss-xa-jdbc.rar is a JCA resource adaptor that implements the JCA ManagedConnectionFactory interface for JDBC drivers that support the XADataSource interface.
jbossjca-service.sar is the application server implementation of the JCA specification. It provides the connection management facilities for integrating resource adaptors into the JBoss server.
The jbossweb-tomcat55.sar directory provides the Tomcat 5.5 servlet engine. The SAR is unpacked rather than deployed as a JAR archive so that the tomcat configuration files can be easily edited.
jbossws14.sar provides J2EE web services support.
hsqldb-jdbc-state-service.xml provides JMS state management using Hypersonic.
hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml configures JMS persistence and caching using Hypersonic. It also contains the DestinationManager MBean, which is the core service for the JMS implementation.
jbossmq-destinations-service.xml configures a number of JMS queues and topics used by the JMS unit tests.
jbossmq-httpil.sar provides a JMS invocation layer that allows the use of JMS over HTTP.
The jbossmq-service.xml file configures the core JBossMQ JMS service.
The jms-ds.xml file configures the JBossMQ JMS provider for use with the jms-ra.rar JCA resource adaptor.
jms-ra.rar is a JCA resource adaptor that implements the JCA ManagedConnectionFactory interface for JMS connection factories.
jvm-il-service.xml configures the in-JVM JMS transport invocation layer.
uil2-service.xml configures the JMS version 2 unified invocation layer. Its a fast and reliable custom socket based transport that should be used for messaging between JVMs.
The jmx-console.war directory provides the JMX Console. The JMX Console provides a simple web interface for managing the MBean server.
jmx-invoker-service.sar is an unpacked MBean service archive that exposes a subset of the JMX MBeanServer interface methods as an RMI interface to enable remote access to the JMX core functionality. This is similar to the legacy jmx-rmi-adaptor.sar, with the difference that the transport is handled by the detached invoker architecture.
jsr-88-service.xml provides the JSR 88 remote deployment service.
mail-ra.rar is a resource adaptor that provides a JavaMail connector.
The mail-service.xml file is an MBean service descriptor that provides JavaMail sessions for use inside the JBoss server.
console-mgr.sar provides the Web Console. It is a web application/applet that provide a richer view of the JMX server management data than the JMX console. You may view the console using the URL http://localhost:8080/web-console/.
The monitoring-service.xml file configures alert monitors like the console listener and email listener used by JMX notifications.
The properties-service.xml file is an MBean service descriptor that allows for customization of the JavaBeans PropertyEditors as well as the definition of system properties.
The scheduler-service.xml and schedule-manager-service.xml files are MBean service descriptors that provide a scheduling type of service.
The sqlexception-service.xml file is an MBean service descriptor for the handling of vendor specific SQLExceptions.
The uuid-key-generator.sar service provides a UUID-based key generation facility.
This service configures clustering communication for most clustered services in JBoss.
This provides the HA singleton service, allowing JBoss to manage services that must be active on only one node of a cluster.
farm-service.xml provides the farm service, which allows for cluster-wide deployment and undeployment of services.
This service provides HTTP tunneling support for clustered environments.
This provides IIOP invocation support.
This service provides UDDI lookup services.
This is a JMX to SNMP adaptor. It allows for the mapping of JMX notifications onto SNMP traps.
Provides AOP support for field-level HTTP session replication.
This service provides the AOP interceptor stack configurations for EJB3 bean types.
This service deploys EJB3 applications into JBoss.
This is a Java 5 version of the AOP deployer. The AOP deployer configures the AspectManagerService and deploys JBoss AOP applications.
This services provides Java EE 5 web services support.
Finally, in the EJB3 all configuration adds two additional services:
This services provides replication and failover for EJB3 stateful session beans.
This services provides a clustered cache for EJB3 entity beans.
java 代码
- $ sh run.sh
- =========================================================================
- JBoss Bootstrap Environment
- JBOSS_HOME: /tmp/jboss-4.0.4.GA
- JAVA: java
- JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000
- -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dprogram.name=run.sh
- CLASSPATH: /tmp/jboss-4.0.4.GA/bin/run.jar:/lib/tools.jar
- =========================================================================
- 23:28:48,561 INFO [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)
- ...
- 23:29:09,249 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [4.0.4.GA (build:
- CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_4_GA date=200605151000)] Started in 20s:679ms
java 代码
- $ ./run.sh -c minimal
- ...
- 23:37:41,582 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [4.0.4.GA (build:
- CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_4_GA date=200605151000)] Started in 2s:212ms
java 代码
- usage: run.sh [options]
- -h, --help Show this help message
- -V, --version Show version information
- -- Stop processing options
- -D[=] Set a system property
- -d, --bootdir= Set the boot patch directory; Must be absolute or url
- -p, --patchdir= Set the patch directory; Must be absolute or url
- -n, --netboot= Boot from net with the given url as base
- -c, --configuration= Set the server configuration name
- -B, --bootlib= Add an extra library to the front bootclasspath
- -L, --library= Add an extra library to the loaders classpath
- -C, --classpath= Add an extra url to the loaders classpath
- -P, --properties= Load system properties from the given url
- -b, --host= Bind address for all JBoss services
- -g, --partition= HA Partition name (default=DefaultDomain)
- -u, --udp= UDP multicast address
- -l, --log= Specify the logger plugin type
要关闭服务器,只需要在启动的JBoss控制台按 Ctrl-C 键即可,也可以使用shutdown.sh命令。
java 代码
- [bin]$ ./shutdown.sh -S
java 代码
- usage: shutdown [options]
- options:
- -h, --help Show this help message (default)
- -D[=] Set a system property
- -- Stop processing options
- -s, --server= Specify the JNDI URL of the remote server
- -n, --serverName= Specify the JMX name of the ServerImpl
- -a, --adapter= Specify JNDI name of the MBeanServerConnection to use
- -u, --user= Specify the username for authentication
- -p, --password= Specify the password for authentication
- operations:
- -S, --shutdown Shutdown the server
- -e, --exit= Force the VM to exit with a status code
- -H, --halt= Force the VM to halt with a status code
使用shutdown命令将查询包含 jmx-invoker-service.xml 服务的服务器配置,因此shutdown命令不能在minimal配置下使用
根据提供的文件信息,下面对《JBOSS安装手册大全》进行知识点的详细说明。 首先,手册是关于JBOSS应用服务器的安装和升级指南,涵盖了从基础知识到实用操作的具体步骤。JBOSS是一个开源的、符合标准的、100%纯Java...
【JBoss 安装配置指南】 JBoss 是一个基于 J2EE 规范的开源应用服务器,由全球开发者社区共同维护。它完全实现了 J2EE 的核心服务,包括 EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)、JMS(Java Message Service)、JTS/JTA(Java...
JBOSS5.1安装配置说明 JBOSS 是一个基于 Java 的开源应用服务器,可以运行在 Windows、Linux、Unix 等多种操作系统平台上。为了在 Windows 下安装和配置 JBOSS,我们需要按照以下步骤进行操作。 安装 JAVA 环境 ...
【JBOSS,JBoss安装部署】 JBoss是Red Hat公司开发的一款开源的应用服务器,它基于Java EE(Enterprise Edition)规范,提供了全面的企业级应用程序部署和管理解决方案。本篇文章将详细讲解JBoss的安装和部署过程,...
JBoss篇:安装与配置 一、安装与配置 在本文中,我们将下载和安装 JBoss 4.2.1.GA 版本。下载地址为 http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=16942&release_id=523619。下载完成...
Windows JBOSS 安装及部署技术详解 本资源摘要信息将详细介绍 JBOSS 在 Windows 平台上的安装和部署过程,涵盖了环境准备、JBOSS 安装、环境变量设置、运行和终止 JBOSS、部署 WAR 文件等多个方面的知识点。 一、...
Jboss 安装配置指南 本指南旨在指导用户安装和配置 Jboss 中间件,包括数据库产品的安装、初始化数据库、Jboss 中间件的安装和配置服务。以下是详细的安装和配置步骤: 一、数据库产品的安装 在安装 Jboss 之前,...
本文将详细介绍如何在Linux系统上安装JBoss 6.4和GlassFish 4.0服务器,同时涉及JDK的安装和配置。首先,我们需要理解JDK是Java开发工具包,是运行Java应用程序的基础。Oracle JDK是其中的一种版本,这里我们选择的...
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### JBoss 安装与配置详解 JBoss是一款开源的应用服务器,它支持多种企业级功能,如Java EE、Web服务和事务处理等。对于初学者和开发者而言,掌握JBoss的安装与配置流程是十分重要的。本文将详细介绍JBOSS5.0 Beta4...
### Linux下JDK与JBoss的安装及JBoss自启动设置 #### JDK的安装步骤 在Linux环境下安装JDK是部署Java应用的基础。本部分将详细介绍如何在Linux系统上安装JDK。 1. **下载JDK安装包**: - 通常推荐从Oracle官网...
【JBoss的安装、配置和部署】 JBoss是一款开源的应用服务器,它基于Java EE(Enterprise Edition)标准,提供了丰富的中间件服务,支持Web应用、EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)、JMS(Java Message Service)等。在...
【Jboss 安装教程】 在安装 Jboss 之前,首要任务是确保系统已经安装了 JDK,因为 Jboss 需要 JDK 提供的运行环境。以下是在 Ubuntu 系统上安装 JDK 和 Jboss 的详细步骤: 1. **安装 JDK** 首先,下载 Java ...
在Linux环境下安装配置JBoss 7.1.1是一个涉及多步骤的过程,下面将详细讲解这些步骤。 首先,我们需要确认Linux系统的版本。通过运行`uname -a`命令,我们可以检查系统是32位还是64位。如果输出中有"x86_64",则...
1.17 JBoss 5.0 安装与配置详解 1.18 JBOSS安装配置 1.19 Oracle,MySql,SQL server分页 1.20 Jboss下的第一个EJB程序 1.21 JNDI 1.22 JNDI配置原理详解 1.23 JSF+Seam框架学习心得 1.24 java jdbc驱动的四...