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Windows的adb shell中使用vi不乱码方法及AdbPutty -
我觉得这种东西自己开发太麻烦了,就别自己捣鼓了,找个第三方,方 ...
HTML5 WebSocket 技术介绍 -
[转]android 一直在最前面的浮动窗口效果 -
[转]android 一直在最前面的浮动窗口效果 -
When I build "call ...
Step by Step about How to Build libjingle 0.4
The Voice Browser Working Group's mission is to support browsing the web by voice . The web is much more than just the web pages you can see, it is also the web pages you can hear and speak to. While end users are familiar with interacting with visual html web pages rendered in their browser of choice, many users might be surprised to realize that today they regularly interact with the voice web through VoiceXML (VXML) and other technologies developed and standardized by the Voice Browser Working Group. Just as many sites have an html presence on the web for visual browsing, most large companies have a vxml presence on the web for voice browsing, which is most often accessed by calling the companies phone number. Unlike most visual web browsers, voice web browsers are typically without chrome and run in the cloud, so they are often transparent to the end user. But otherwise, all the normal power of the web applies including taking advantage of web services, markup, linking, uris, cacheing, standards, accessibility, and cross-browser support.
There are a suite of independent standards that are also supported as a parts of VoiceXML. These standards can be, and are being, used alone in non-VXML contexts; however, they achieve a powerful synergy when used in support of VXML. The latest recommendation of these web standards are:
In addition to recommendations that are used as part of VoiceXML, there are a couple of powerful specifications that are used to interact and control voice sessions (as well as control many other types of sessions and processes). These are:
The W3C Voice Browser Working Group (members only) is chartered to develop the next generation of the voice web. Currently the group's main two areas of focus in the near term are on driving SCXML to last call status and on the next version of VoiceXML (3.0).
Voice detection for Android
2012-07-23 11:39 2369Here it is, my fist JAVA applic ... -
Google hired one of Nuance soft engineers to help work around all Nuance patents
2012-07-10 14:33 1110很有趣的消息: http://forums.macrumor ... -
2012-07-04 14:19 1333http://www.nuance.com/ http: ... -
Nuance HTTP Services
2012-07-03 13:57 993http://dragonmobile.nuancemobil ... -
Nuance - Dragon Mobile SDK - Speech Kit Library Guide (for Android)
2012-07-03 13:09 6521Speech Kit Library Gu ... -
Nuance - Dragon Mobile SDK - Speech Kit
2012-07-02 15:57 1431http://dragonmobile.nuancemobil ... -
Nuance’s Dragon ID Lets You Unlock Your Smartphone Or Tablet By Talking To It
2012-07-02 11:22 1163http://techcrunch.com/2012/06/0 ... -
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean adds Offline Voice Typing
2012-06-28 14:38 1423Google has added offline vo ... -
The http request header of Vlingo request
2012-05-22 21:48 1185Cache-Control no-cache,no-store ... -
三星已经禁止运行在其他手机上的S Voice应用访问服务器了
2012-05-22 09:45 1289S Voice刚被破解不久,三星就采取行动,禁止运行在其他手机 ... -
三星的S Voice应用
2012-05-21 14:58 1104三星的S Voice应用原来不是自己的技术,应该一点自己的技术 ... -
Samsung S Voice
2012-05-21 12:52 1006三星Galaxy S III的S Voice应用已经被提取出来 ... -
The response from Vlingo
2012-05-14 16:53 1048<?xml version="1.0" ... -
TrulyHandsfree™ - The Important First Step in a Voice User Interface
2012-04-14 18:16 1178http://sensoryinc.com/blog/?p=4 ... -
eyes-free - Speech Enabled Eyes-Free Android Applications
2012-04-06 14:01 1134http://code.google.com/p/eyes-f ... -
Biometric Identification (生物特征识别)
2012-03-27 14:58 1275What is Biometric Identificat ... -
2012-03-25 21:43 14703参考网址一:http://blog.csdn.net/sshc ... -
2012-03-23 10:25 1330数字音频处理技术http://apps.hi.baidu.co ... -
2012-03-21 23:27 2898TTS在句子中间会停顿,你也可以通过在任何字符串中加点&quo ... -
The speech energy endpointer implementation from Chrome
2012-03-14 19:26 1179http://src.chromium.org/svn/tru ...
The voice of few, the opinions of many evidence of social biases in Twitter COVID-19 fake news sharing_推特2019冠状病毒疾病的社会偏见.pdf
本文将深入探讨“voice_voice库”及其在Arduino上的使用,特别是其中的`arduino_voice`函数,帮助你更好地理解和应用这个库。 首先,`voice_voice库`是一个专为Arduino设计的库,它的主要目的是为了实现音频文件的...
这个“Scratch少儿编程项目音效音乐素材-【影视作品】音效-中国好声音the voice of china(一长一短2个).zip”压缩包提供了适用于Scratch项目的音效资源,特别适合在制作与音乐、娱乐相关的编程项目时使用。...
Scratch少儿编程项目音效音乐素材-【影视作品】音效-中国好声音-转身叮叮叮the voice of china.zip
voicebox voicebox for matlab matlab中的voicebox工具箱,主要功能是进行语音分析。 解压到matlab安装路径中的toolbox文件夹中, 之后在matlab主界面点击“设置路径”然后将voicebox工具箱添加路径即可。好东西,...
标题中的"sounder-src.zip_The Sound_voice"表明这是一个与声音相关的源代码压缩包,可能包含用于处理、生成或分析声音的软件源代码。描述中的"voice is the great sound be louder"暗示了这个项目可能专注于语音...
SocketCoder语音会议模块源码 voice conferencing systems with the full source code for developers and end users
Using the function to sample the voice signal and achieve fast Fourier transform in MATLAB, and then get the signal characteristics of the spectrum.Filtering the signal from the filter,and then ...
声音活动检测(Voice Activity Detection,简称VAD)技术在通信领域扮演着重要的角色。尤其在加密通信终端中,通过有效地区分语音段与非语音段,可以显著减少传输所需带宽并降低延迟。《声音活动检测在Tiger平台中的...
RT-Voice Pro2024 Unity
RT Voice PRO是一款针对Unity开发的游戏或应用的文本到语音(TTS)插件,它能够帮助开发者实现在游戏运行过程中将文字脚本转化为自然的语音对话。这款插件特别适用于那些需要角色配音或者语音提示的项目,使得游戏...
Voice user interfaces (VUIs) are becoming all the rage today. But how do you build one that people can actually converse with? Whether you’re designing a mobile app, a toy, or a device such as a home...
VoiceBox工具箱是MATLAB的一个重要组成部分,专为语音处理和信号处理设计。本篇将详细介绍VoiceBox工具箱及其在MATLAB中的应用。 VoiceBox工具箱包含了丰富的函数和模块,主要涵盖了以下几个方面的内容: 1. **...
The MATLAB and Praat code files for performing voice conversion. By: Matthew Hutchinson