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Windows的adb shell中使用vi不乱码方法及AdbPutty -
我觉得这种东西自己开发太麻烦了,就别自己捣鼓了,找个第三方,方 ...
HTML5 WebSocket 技术介绍 -
[转]android 一直在最前面的浮动窗口效果 -
[转]android 一直在最前面的浮动窗口效果 -
When I build "call ...
Step by Step about How to Build libjingle 0.4
Speech recognition giant Nuance has made their share of plays in the mobile space before — they acquired Vlingo last year and pushed out their Dragon Go! voice command app to both iOS and Android.
Their latest mobile endeavor, Dragon ID , is a little different — its main draw is that it’s capable of recognizing distinct voices and using them to authenticate users and unlock devices.
It turns out that Dragon ID is quite the polyglot too, as the service is capable of recognizing voice input in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Simply saying “Hello Dragon” in any of those languages unlocks the phone and allows users to dive into their content.
Their demo video (seen below) is where things start to get a little confusing. Instead of just a voice print authentification service, the video paints a portrait of Dragon ID as (yet another) intelligent assistant capable of reminding users about meetings and making snarky quips about playing Angry Birds.
It could be a puzzling show of how Dragon ID could integrate with something like Nuance’s Dragon Go! voice command app, though many of the commands issued in the video don’t work (yet?) with the app. Dragon ID also appears capable of managing different user accounts and homescreens, functionality that doesn’t yet exist on most consumer smartphones and tablets. Features like that would explain why we the people won’t be able to download Dragon ID any time soon.
Voiceprint identification is an interesting concept to say the least, but Nuance points out that they’re making Dragon ID available only to “consumer device OEMs” for the time being — no word on who they’ve reached out to so far. Interestingly enough, Nuance also notes that Dragon ID will be available for “Android and other platforms,” which of course raises the question of who else has the option of running with the service. Apple is likely off the table for obvious reasons, but Nuance hints that the voice recognition could soon find its way to PCs so Microsoft and their ilk could be potential users of this service going forward.
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Windows的adb shell中使用vi不乱码方法及AdbPutty
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Voice detection for Android
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or configure the technology in the environment in which you wish to deploy it. If your deployment environment of choice is the JBoss Application Server, then this book is for you because it covers ...
### nuance uapi介绍及示例 #### 一、引言与概述 nuance uapi是一种先进的语音识别接口,被广泛应用于Android系统中。通过nuance的语音库,开发者能够轻松地为Android应用添加语音识别功能。本篇将详细介绍nuance ...
As we’ll see, the clustered key is duplicated in every nonclustered index row, so keeping your clustered key small will allow you to have more index fit per page in all your indexes. Note The ...
Nuance PaperPort Professional是一款备受赞誉的文档管理软件,尤其在扫描、组织和分类文档方面表现出色。这款软件以其高效的工作流程和智能化的功能,深受广大用户喜爱。本文将深入探讨其核心功能以及如何利用提供...
Nuance Omnipage SDK v19 帮助文档 OCR 效果还可以的
Dragon NaturallySpeaking是一款由Nuance Communications公司开发的高级语音识别软件,尤其在11版本中,其性能和准确性得到了显著提升,深受广大用户的喜爱。这款软件的主要功能是将用户的语音指令转化为文字,极大...
### Cognos案例分析:Nuance-Watson (HK) Limited #### 概述 Nuance-Watson (HK) Limited作为香港国际机场领先的零售运营商,管理着47家世界级免税店,提供包括手表珠宝、时尚配饰、香水化妆品、视听电子设备、...
微软对Nuance Communications的收购是IT行业内一次重大的战略行动,这一举措对于人工智能(AI)尤其是语音识别技术的发展产生了深远的影响。Nuance是一家全球领先的语音和语言解决方案提供商,其技术广泛应用于医疗...
1.语音识别概述 语音识别技术,Automatic Speech Recognition,简称ASR,是一种让机器听懂人类语言的技术。语言是人类进行信息交流的最主要、最长用、最直接的方式。语音识别技术是实现人机对话的一项重大突破,在...
这个小型API提供了使用Linux中的CURL命令访问Nuance Dragon 的功能。 例子 File shellScript = new File("ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO/nuance_curl.sh"); NuanceConnection nuance = new NuanceConnection(host...
粤语语言包非常难找,这里补充一个资源,粤语NextUp-Nuance-Scansoft-TTS-Chinese-Cantonese-F-Sin-Ji.exe.baiduyun 把后缀扩展名删除 粤语NextUp-Nuance-Scansoft-TTS-Chinese-Cantonese-F-Sin-Ji.exe, 然后解压后...
粤语语言包非常难找,这里补充一个资源,粤语NextUp-Nuance-Scansoft-TTS-Chinese-Cantonese-F-Sin-Ji.exe.baiduyun 把后缀扩展名删除 粤语NextUp-Nuance-Scansoft-TTS-Chinese-Cantonese-F-Sin-Ji.exe, 然后解压后...
Nuance语音识别技术是Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)领域中的领军者,致力于让机器理解并处理人类的语言。这项技术在信息交流中起着至关重要的作用,因为它使人与机器之间的交互变得更加自然和便捷。语音识别...