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In this document
* Considerations 考虑
* The Basics 基础
* Manifest Declarations 清单声明
* Using Existing Camera Apps 使用现存照相机应用
* Image capture intent 图片捕捉意图
* Video capture intent 视频捕捉意图
* Receiving camera intent result 接收照相机意图结果
* Building a Camera App 构建一个照相机应用
* Detecting camera hardware 检测照相机硬件
* Accessing cameras 访问照相机
* Checking camera features 检查照相机特性
* Creating a preview class 创建一个预览类
* Placing preview in a layout 在一个布局中放置预览
* Capturing pictures 捕捉相片
* Capturing videos 捕捉视频
* Releasing the camera 释放照相机
* Saving Media Files 保存媒体文件
* Camera Features 照相机特性
* Checking feature availability 检查特性可用性
* Using camera features 使用照相机特性
* Metering and focus areas 测量和焦点区域
* Face detection 人脸检测
* Time lapse video 慢速视频(注:录影的帧率比正常要慢很多的视频,定时视频)
Key Classes
See also
Media Playback 媒体回放
Data Storage 数据存储
The Android framework includes support for various cameras and camera features available on devices, allowing you to capture pictures and videos in your applications. This document discusses a quick, simple approach to image and video capture and outlines an advanced approach for creating custom camera experiences for your users.
Before enabling your application to use cameras on Android devices, you should consider a few questions about how your app intends to use this hardware feature.
* Camera Requirement - Is the use of a camera so important to your application that you do not want your application installed on a device that does not have a camera? If so, you should declare the camera requirement in your manifest.
* 照相机要求(注:需要)——照相机的使用对于你的应用程序来说是否太重要以致于你不希望你的应用程序安装在没有一个照相机的设备上?如果那样的话,你应该在你的清单中声明照相机要求。
* Quick Picture or Customized Camera - How will your application use the camera? Are you just interested in snapping a quick picture or video clip, or will your application provide a new way to use cameras? For a getting a quick snap or clip, consider Using Existing Camera Apps. For developing a customized camera feature, check out the Building a Camera App section.
* 快速照片或被定制的照相机——你的应用程序将如何使用照相机?你是否只是感兴趣于拍摄快速照片或视频剪辑,还是你的应用程序将提供一个新的方式来使用照相机?为了获得一个快速拍摄或剪辑,请考虑使用现存照相机应用。为了开发一个被定制的照相机特性,请查看构建一个照相机应用章节。
* Storage - Are the images or videos your application generates intended to be only visible to your application or shared so that other applications such as Gallery or other media and social apps can use them? Do you want the pictures and videos to be available even if your application is uninstalled? Check out the Saving Media Files section to see how to implement these options.
* 存储——你的应用程序生成的照片或视频是否打算只对于你的应用程序可见还是被共享使其它应用程序诸如画廊或其它媒体和社交应用可以使用它们?你是否希望照片和视频是可用的即便你的应用程序被卸载?请查看保存媒体文件章节以了解如何实现这些选择。
The Basics
The Android framework supports capturing images and video through the Camera API or camera Intent. Here are the relevant classes:
This class is the primary API for controlling device cameras. This class is used to take pictures or videos when you are building a camera application.
This class is used to present a live camera preview to the user.
This class is used to record video from the camera.
An intent action type of MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE or MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE can be used to capture images or videos without directly using the Camera object.
Manifest Declarations
Before starting development on your application with the Camera API, you should make sure your manifest has the appropriate declarations to allow use of camera hardware and other related features.
* Camera Permission - Your application must request permission to use a device camera.
* 照相机权限——你的应用程序必须请求权限以使用一个设备照相机。
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
Note: If you are using the camera via an intent, your application does not need to request this permission.
* Camera Features - Your application must also declare use of camera features, for example:
* 照相机特性——你的应用程序还必须声明照相机特性的使用,例如:
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
For a list of camera features, see the manifest Features Reference.
Adding camera features to your manifest causes Google Play to prevent your application from being installed to devices that do not include a camera or do not support the camera features you specify. For more information about using feature-based filtering with Google Play, see Google Play and Feature-Based Filtering.
添加照相机特性到你的清单导致Google Play阻止你的应用程序被安装到不包含一个照相机或不支持你指定的照相机特性的设备。想获得关于使用Google Play的基于特性过滤的更多信息,请参见Google Play和基于特性过滤。
If your application can use a camera or camera feature for proper operation, but does not require it, you should specify this in the manifest by including the android:required attribute, and setting it to false:
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="false" />
* Storage Permission - If your application saves images or videos to the device's external storage (SD Card), you must also specify this in the manifest.
* 存储权限——如果你的应用程序保存图片或视频到设备的外部存储(SD卡),你必须在清单中指定它。
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
* Audio Recording Permission - For recording audio with video capture, your application must request the audio capture permission.
* 音频记录权限——对于伴随视频捕捉的音频记录,你的应用程序必须请求音频捕捉权限。
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
* Location Permission - If your application tags images with GPS location information, you must request location permission:
* 位置权限——如果你的应用程序用GPS位置信息标签图片,你必须请求位置权限:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
For more information about getting user location, see Obtaining User Location.
Using Existing Camera Apps
A quick way to enable taking pictures or videos in your application without a lot of extra code is to use an Intent to invoke an existing Android camera application. A camera intent makes a request to capture a picture or video clip through an existing camera app and then returns control back to your application. This section shows you how to capture an image or video using this technique.
The procedure for invoking a camera intent follows these general steps:
1. Compose a Camera Intent - Create an Intent that requests an image or video, using one of these intent types:
1. 创作一个照相机意图——创建一个Intent,它请求一个图片或视频,使用这些意图类型中的其中一个:
* MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE - Intent action type for requesting an image from an existing camera application.
* MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE——意图动作类型,用于从一个现存照相机应用程序中请求一个图片。
* MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE - Intent action type for requesting a video from an existing camera application.
* MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE——意图动作类型,用于从一个现存照相机应用程序中请求一个视频。
2. Start the Camera Intent - Use the startActivityForResult() method to execute the camera intent. After you start the intent, the Camera application user interface appears on the device screen and the user can take a picture or video.
2. 启动照相机意图——使用startActivityForResult()方法来执行照相机意图。在你启动意图之后,照相机应用程序用户界面出现在设备屏幕上,而用户可以照相或录视频。
3. Receive the Intent Result - Set up an onActivityResult() method in your application to receive the callback and data from the camera intent. When the user finishes taking a picture or video (or cancels the operation), the system calls this method.
3. 接收意图结果——在你的应用程序中配置一个onActivityResult()方法以从照相机意图中接收回调和数据。当用户完成照相或录视频时(或取消操作),系统调用这个方法。
Image capture intent
Capturing images using a camera intent is quick way to enable your application to take pictures with minimal coding. An image capture intent can include the following extra information:
* MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT - This setting requires a Uri object specifying a path and file name where you'd like to save the picture. This setting is optional but strongly recommended. If you do not specify this value, the camera application saves the requested picture in the default location with a default name, specified in the returned intent's Intent.getData() field.
* MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT——则个设置需要一个Uri对象指定一个路径和文件名,你喜欢保存相片在那里。这个设置是可选的但是强烈建议的。如果你不指定这个值,那么照相机应用程序保存被请求的相片在默认位置带一个默认的名称,在返回的意图的Intent.getData()域中被指定。
The following example demonstrates how to construct a image capture intent and execute it. The getOutputMediaFileUri() method in this example refers to the sample code shown in Saving Media Files.
private static final int CAPTURE_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE = 100;
private Uri fileUri;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// create Intent to take a picture and return control to the calling application
// 创建Intent以照相并返回控制给调用方应用程序
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
fileUri = getOutputMediaFileUri(MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE); // create a file to save the image 创建一个文件以保存图片
intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri); // set the image file name 设置图片文件名
// start the image capture Intent
// 启动图片捕捉意图
startActivityForResult(intent, CAPTURE_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE);
When the startActivityForResult() method is executed, users see a camera application interface. After the user finishes taking a picture (or cancels the operation), the user interface returns to your application, and you must intercept the onActivityResult() method to receive the result of the intent and continue your application execution. For information on how to receive the completed intent, see Receiving camera intent result.
Video capture intent
Capturing video using a camera intent is a quick way to enable your application to take videos with minimal coding. A video capture intent can include the following extra information:
* MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT - This setting requires a Uri specifying a path and file name where you'd like to save the video. This setting is optional but strongly recommended. If you do not specify this value, the Camera application saves the requested video in the default location with a default name, specified in the returned intent's Intent.getData() field.
* MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT——这个设置需要一个Uri指定一个路径和文件名,你喜欢保存视频在那里。这个设置是可选的,但是强烈建议。如果你不指定这个值,那么照相机应用程序保存被请求的视频在默认位置带有一个默认名称,在返回的意图的Intent.getData()域中被指定。
* MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY - This value can be 0 for lowest quality and smallest file size or 1 for highest quality and larger file size.
* MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY——这个值对于最低质量和最小文件大小可以为0,或者对于最高质量和较大文件大小来说为1。
* MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT - Set this value to limit the length, in seconds, of the video being captured.
* MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT——设置这个值以限制正在被捕捉的视频的长度,单位为秒。
* MediaStore.EXTRA_SIZE_LIMIT - Set this value to limit the file size, in bytes, of the video being captured.
* MediaStore.EXTRA_SIZE_LIMIT——设置这个值以限制正在被捕捉的视频的文件大小,单位为字节。
The following example demonstrates how to construct a video capture intent and execute it. The getOutputMediaFileUri() method in this example refers to the sample code shown in Saving Media Files.
private static final int CAPTURE_VIDEO_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE = 200;
private Uri fileUri;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//create new Intent
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE);
fileUri = getOutputMediaFileUri(MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO); // create a file to save the video 创建一个文件以保存视频
intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri); // set the image file name 设置图片文件的名称
intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY, 1); // set the video image quality to high 设置视频图片质量为高
// start the Video Capture Intent
// 启动视频捕捉意图
startActivityForResult(intent, CAPTURE_VIDEO_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE);
When the startActivityForResult() method is executed, users see a modified camera application interface. After the user finishes taking a video (or cancels the operation), the user interface returns to your application, and you must intercept the onActivityResult() method to receive the result of the intent and continue your application execution. For information on how to receive the completed intent, see the next section.
Receiving camera intent result
Once you have constructed and executed an image or video camera intent, your application must be configured to receive the result of the intent. This section shows you how to intercept the callback from a camera intent so your application can do further processing of the captured image or video.
In order to receive the result of an intent, you must override the onActivityResult() in the activity that started the intent. The following example demonstrates how to override onActivityResult() to capture the result of the image camera intent or video camera intent examples shown in the previous sections.
private static final int CAPTURE_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE = 100;
private static final int CAPTURE_VIDEO_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE = 200;
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
// Image captured and saved to fileUri specified in the Intent
// 图片被捕捉并保存到在Intent中指定的fileUri
Toast.makeText(this, "Image saved to:\n" +
data.getData(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
// User cancelled the image capture
// 用户取消图片捕捉
} else {
// Image capture failed, advise user
// 图片捕捉失败,告知(注:建议)用户
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
// Video captured and saved to fileUri specified in the Intent
// 视频被捕捉并保存到Intent中指定的fileUri
Toast.makeText(this, "Video saved to:\n" +
data.getData(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
// User cancelled the video capture
// 用户取消视频捕捉
} else {
// Video capture failed, advise user
// 视频捕捉失败,告知(注:建议)用户
Once your activity receives a successful result, the captured image or video is available in the specified location for your application to access.
Building a Camera App
Some developers may require a camera user interface that is customized to the look of their application or provides special features. Creating a customized camera activity requires more code than using an intent, but it can provide a more compelling experience for your users.
The general steps for creating a custom camera interface for your application are as follows:
* Detect and Access Camera - Create code to check for the existence of cameras and request access.
* 检测和访问照相机——创建代码以检查照相机的存在和请求访问权。
* Create a Preview Class - Create a camera preview class that extends SurfaceView and implements the SurfaceHolder interface. This class previews the live images from the camera.
* 创建一个预览类——创建一个照相机预览类,它扩展SurfaceView并且实现SurfaceHolder接口。这个类预览来自照相机的现场图片。
* Build a Preview Layout - Once you have the camera preview class, create a view layout that incorporates the preview and the user interface controls you want.
* 构建一个预览布局——一旦你拥有照相机预览类,请创建一个视图布局,它包含你想要的预览和用户界面控件。
* Setup Listeners for Capture - Connect listeners for your interface controls to start image or video capture in response to user actions, such as pressing a button.
* 为捕捉配置监听器——连接你的界面控件的监听器以启动图片或视频捕捉来响应用户动作,诸如按下一个按钮。
* Capture and Save Files - Setup the code for capturing pictures or videos and saving the output.
* 捕捉和保存文件——配置用于捕捉照片或视频和保存输出的代码。
* Release the Camera - After using the camera, your application must properly release it for use by other applications.
* 释放照相机——在使用照相机后你的应用程序必须正确地释放它,以便让其它应用程序使用它。
Camera hardware is a shared resource that must be carefully managed so your application does not collide with other applications that may also want to use it. The following sections discusses how to detect camera hardware, how to request access to a camera, how to capture pictures or video and how to release the camera when your application is done using it.
Caution: Remember to release the Camera object by calling the Camera.release() when your application is done using it! If your application does not properly release the camera, all subsequent attempts to access the camera, including those by your own application, will fail and may cause your or other applications to be shut down.
Detecting camera hardware
If your application does not specifically require a camera using a manifest declaration, you should check to see if a camera is available at runtime. To perform this check, use the PackageManager.hasSystemFeature() method, as shown in the example code below:
/** Check if this device has a camera */
/** 检查这台设备是否拥有照相机 */
private boolean checkCameraHardware(Context context) {
if (context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA)){
// this device has a camera
// 这台设备拥有照相机
return true;
} else {
// no camera on this device
// 这台设备上没有照相机
return false;
Android devices can have multiple cameras, for example a back-facing camera for photography and a front-facing camera for video calls. Android 2.3 (API Level 9) and later allows you to check the number of cameras available on a device using the Camera.getNumberOfCameras() method.
Android设备可以拥有多个照相机,例如一个后置照相机用于照相和一个前置照相机用于视频通话。Android 2.3(API级别9)和更新的版本允许你使用Camera.getNumberOfCameras()方法检查一台设备上可用的照相机数量。
Accessing cameras
If you have determined that the device on which your application is running has a camera, you must request to access it by getting an instance of Camera (unless you are using an intent to access the camera).
To access the primary camera, use the Camera.open() method and be sure to catch any exceptions, as shown in the code below:
/** A safe way to get an instance of the Camera object. */
/** 一种安全的方式以获得一个Camera对象的实例。 */
public static Camera getCameraInstance(){
Camera c = null;
try {
c = Camera.open(); // attempt to get a Camera instance 尝试获得一个Camera实例
catch (Exception e){
// Camera is not available (in use or does not exist)
// 照相机不可用(正在使用或不存在)
return c; // returns null if camera is unavailable 返回null如果照相机不可用
Caution: Always check for exceptions when using Camera.open(). Failing to check for exceptions if the camera is in use or does not exist will cause your application to be shut down by the system.
On devices running Android 2.3 (API Level 9) or higher, you can access specific cameras using Camera.open(int). The example code above will access the first, back-facing camera on a device with more than one camera.
在运行Android 2.3(API级别9)或更高的设备上,你可以使用Camera.open(int)访问指定照相机。上面的示例代码将访问带多于一个照相机的设备上第一个背向照相机(注:后置摄像头,一般叫Rear camera,是指照相手机背后的摄像头,是相对Front Facing Camera而言的。可能比正常的数码相机要省电些)。
Checking camera features
Once you obtain access to a camera, you can get further information about its capabilities using the Camera.getParameters() method and checking the returned Camera.Parameters object for supported capabilities. When using API Level 9 or higher, use the Camera.getCameraInfo() to determine if a camera is on the front or back of the device, and the orientation of the image.
Creating a preview class
For users to effectively take pictures or video, they must be able to see what the device camera sees. A camera preview class is a SurfaceView that can display the live image data coming from a camera, so users can frame and capture a picture or video.
The following example code demonstrates how to create a basic camera preview class that can be included in a View layout. This class implements SurfaceHolder.Callback in order to capture the callback events for creating and destroying the view, which are needed for assigning the camera preview input.
/** A basic Camera preview class */
/** 一个基本的Camera预览类 */
public class CameraPreview extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
private SurfaceHolder mHolder;
private Camera mCamera;
public CameraPreview(Context context, Camera camera) {
mCamera = camera;
// Install a SurfaceHolder.Callback so we get notified when the
// underlying surface is created and destroyed.
// 安装一个SurfaceHolder.Callback那样当底层表面被创建和销毁时我们被通知。
mHolder = getHolder();
// deprecated setting, but required on Android versions prior to 3.0
// 被废弃的设置,但在3.0之前的Android版本上是必需的
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
// The Surface has been created, now tell the camera where to draw the preview.
// Surface已经被创建,现在告诉照相机在哪里绘画预览。
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Error setting camera preview: " + e.getMessage());
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
// empty. Take care of releasing the Camera preview in your activity.
// 空。小心在你的活动中释放Camera预览
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) {
// If your preview can change or rotate, take care of those events here.
// Make sure to stop the preview before resizing or reformatting it.
// 如果你的预览可以改变或旋转,请小心这里的那些事件。
// 确保在改变大小或重新格式化它之前停止预览。
if (mHolder.getSurface() == null){
// preview surface does not exist
// 预览表面不存在
// stop preview before making changes
// 在作出改变之前停止预览
try {
} catch (Exception e){
// ignore: tried to stop a non-existent preview
// 忽略:尝试停止一个不存在的预览
// set preview size and make any resize, rotate or
// reformatting changes here
// 在这里设置预览大小并作出任意的改变大小,旋转或
// 重新格式化的改变。
// start preview with new settings
// 用新的设置开始预览
try {
} catch (Exception e){
Log.d(TAG, "Error starting camera preview: " + e.getMessage());
If you want to set a specific size for your camera preview, set this in the surfaceChanged() method as noted in the comments above. When setting preview size, you must use values from getSupportedPreviewSizes(). Do not set arbitrary values in the setPreviewSize() method.
Placing preview in a layout
A camera preview class, such as the example shown in the previous section, must be placed in the layout of an activity along with other user interface controls for taking a picture or video. This section shows you how to build a basic layout and activity for the preview.
The following layout code provides a very basic view that can be used to display a camera preview. In this example, the FrameLayout element is meant to be the container for the camera preview class. This layout type is used so that additional picture information or controls can be overlayed on the live camera preview images.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
On most devices, the default orientation of the camera preview is landscape. This example layout specifies a horizontal (landscape) layout and the code below fixes the orientation of the application to landscape. For simplicity in rendering a camera preview, you should change your application's preview activity orientation to landscape by adding the following to your manifest.
<activity android:name=".CameraActivity"
<!-- configure this activity to use landscape orientation -->
<!-- 配置这个活动以使用宽屏方向 -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Note: A camera preview does not have to be in landscape mode. Starting in Android 2.2 (API Level 8), you can use the setDisplayOrientation() method to set the rotation of the preview image. In order to change preview orientation as the user re-orients the phone, within the surfaceChanged() method of your preview class, first stop the preview with Camera.stopPreview() change the orientation and then start the preview again with Camera.startPreview().
注意:一个照相机预览不一定处于宽屏模式。在Android 2.2开始(API级别8),你可以使用setDisplayOrientation()方法以设置预览图片的旋转。为了在用户改变电话方向时改变预览方向,在你的预览类的surfaceChanged()方法内,首先用Camera.stopPreview()停止预览,改变方向,然后再次用Camera.startPreview()启动预览。
In the activity for your camera view, add your preview class to the FrameLayout element shown in the example above. Your camera activity must also ensure that it releases the camera when it is paused or shut down. The following example shows how to modify a camera activity to attach the preview class shown in Creating a preview class.
public class CameraActivity extends Activity {
private Camera mCamera;
private CameraPreview mPreview;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Create an instance of Camera
// 创建一个Camera实例
mCamera = getCameraInstance();
// Create our Preview view and set it as the content of our activity.
// 创建我们的预览视图并设置它作为我们的活动的内容。
mPreview = new CameraPreview(this, mCamera);
FrameLayout preview = (FrameLayout) findViewById(id.camera_preview);
Note: The getCameraInstance() method in the example above refers to the example method shown in Accessing cameras.
Capturing pictures
Once you have built a preview class and a view layout in which to display it, you are ready to start capturing images with your application. In your application code, you must set up listeners for your user interface controls to respond to a user action by taking a picture.
In order to retrieve a picture, use the Camera.takePicture() method. This method takes three parameters which receive data from the camera. In order to receive data in a JPEG format, you must implement an Camera.PictureCallback interface to receive the image data and write it to a file. The following code shows a basic implementation of the Camera.PictureCallback interface to save an image received from the camera.
private PictureCallback mPicture = new PictureCallback() {
public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
File pictureFile = getOutputMediaFile(MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE);
if (pictureFile == null){
Log.d(TAG, "Error creating media file, check storage permissions: " +
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(pictureFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "File not found: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Error accessing file: " + e.getMessage());
Trigger capturing an image by calling the Camera.takePicture() method. The following example code shows how to call this method from a button View.OnClickListener.
// Add a listener to the Capture button
// 添加一个监听器到捕捉按钮
Button captureButton = (Button) findViewById(id.button_capture);
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// get an image from the camera
// 从照相机中获得一个图片
mCamera.takePicture(null, null, mPicture);
Note: The mPicture member in the following example refers to the example code above.
Caution: Remember to release the Camera object by calling the Camera.release() when your application is done using it! For information about how to release the camera, see Releasing the camera.
Capturing videos
Video capture using the Android framework requires careful management of the Camera object and coordination with the MediaRecorder class. When recording video with Camera, you must manage the Camera.lock() and Camera.unlock() calls to allow MediaRecorder access to the camera hardware, in addition to the Camera.open() and Camera.release() calls.
Note: Starting with Android 4.0 (API level 14), the Camera.lock() and Camera.unlock() calls are managed for you automatically.
注意:从Android 4.0(API级别14)开始,自动地为你管理Camera.lock()和Camera.unlock()调用。
Unlike taking pictures with a device camera, capturing video requires a very particular call order. You must follow a specific order of execution to successfully prepare for and capture video with your application, as detailed below.
1. Open Camera - Use the Camera.open() to get an instance of the camera object.
1. 打开照相机——使用Camera.open()以获得一个照相机对象的实例。
2. Connect Preview - Prepare a live camera image preview by connecting a SurfaceView to the camera using Camera.setPreviewDisplay().
2. 连接预览——准备一个现场照相机图片预览,通过使用Camera.setPreviewDisplay()连接一个SurfaceView到照相机。
3. Start Preview - Call Camera.startPreview() to begin displaying the live camera images.
3. 开始预览——调用Camera.startPreview()以开始显示现场照相机图片。
4. Start Recording Video - The following steps must be completed in order to successfully record video:
4. 开始记录视频——为了成功地记录视频,以下步骤必须被完成:
a. Unlock the Camera - Unlock the camera for use by MediaRecorder by calling Camera.unlock().
a. 解锁照相机——为了通过MediaRecorder来使用,通过调用Camera.unlock()解锁照相机。(注:待考)
b. Configure MediaRecorder - Call in the following MediaRecorder methods in this order. For more information, see the MediaRecorder reference documentation.
b. 配置MediaRecorder——在以下MediaRecorder方法中以这个次序来调用。想获得更多信息,请参见MediaRecorder参考文档。
1. setCamera() - Set the camera to be used for video capture, use your application's current instance of Camera.
1. setCamera()——设置照相机以被用于视频捕捉,使用你的应用程序的当前Camera实例。
2. setAudioSource() - Set the audio source, use MediaRecorder.AudioSource.CAMCORDER.
2. setAudioSource()——设置音频源,使用MediaRecorder.AudioSource.CAMCORDER。
3. setVideoSource() - Set the video source, use MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA.
3. setVideoSource()——设置视频源,使用MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA。
4. Set the video output format and encoding. For Android 2.2 (API Level 8) and higher, use the MediaRecorder.setProfile method, and get a profile instance using CamcorderProfile.get(). For versions of Android prior to 2.2, you must set the video output format and encoding parameters:
4. 设置视频输出格式和编码。对于Android 2.2(API级别8)和更高,请使用MediaRecorder.setProfile方法,并且使用CamcorderProfile.get()取得一个简介(注:剖析)实例。对于2.2之前的Android版本,你必须设置视频输出格式和编码参数:
i. setOutputFormat() - Set the output format, specify the default setting or MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.MPEG_4.
i. setOutputFormat()——设置输出格式,指定默认设置或MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.MPEG_4
ii. setAudioEncoder() - Set the sound encoding type, specify the default setting or MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB.
ii. setAudioEncoder()——设置声音编码类型,指定默认设置或MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB。
iii. setVideoEncoder() - Set the video encoding type, specify the default setting or MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.MPEG_4_SP.
iii. setVideoEncoder()——设置视频编码类型,指定默认默认设置或MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.MPEG_4_SP。
5. setOutputFile() - Set the output file, use getOutputMediaFile(MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO).toString() from the example method in the Saving Media Files section.
5. setOutputFile()——设置输出文件,使用来自保存媒体文件章节中的示例方法的getOutputMediaFile(MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO).toString()。
6. setPreviewDisplay() - Specify the SurfaceView preview layout element for your application. Use the same object you specified for Connect Preview.
6. setPreviewDisplay()——指定你的应用程序的SurfaceView预览布局元素。使用你为连接预览所指定的相同对象。
Caution: You must call these MediaRecorder configuration methods in this order, otherwise your application will encounter errors and the recording will fail.
c. Prepare MediaRecorder - Prepare the MediaRecorder with provided configuration settings by calling MediaRecorder.prepare().
c. 准备MediaRecorder——通过调用MediaRecorder.prepare()用提供的配置设置准备MediaRecorder。
d. Start MediaRecorder - Start recording video by calling MediaRecorder.start().
d. 启动MediaRecorder——通过调用MediaRecorder.start()开始记录视频。
5. Stop Recording Video - Call the following methods in order, to successfully complete a video recording:
5. 停止记录视频——依次调用以下方法,以成功地完成一个视频记录:
a. Stop MediaRecorder - Stop recording video by calling MediaRecorder.stop().
a. 停止MediaRecorder——通过调用MediaRecorder.stop()停止记录视频。
b. Reset MediaRecorder - Optionally, remove the configuration settings from the recorder by calling MediaRecorder.reset().
b. 重置MediaRecorder——可选地,通过调用MediaRecorder.reset()从记录器中移除配置设置。
c. Release MediaRecorder - Release the MediaRecorder by calling MediaRecorder.release().
c. 释放MediaRecorder——通过调用MediaRecorder.release()释放MediaRecorder。
d. Lock the Camera - Lock the camera so that future MediaRecorder sessions can use it by calling Camera.lock(). Starting with Android 4.0 (API level 14), this call is not required unless the MediaRecorder.prepare() call fails.
d. 锁定照相机——锁定照相机,使得未来的MediaRecorder会话可以通过调用Camera.lock()来使用它。从Android 4.0(API级别14)开始,这个调用不是必需的,除非MediaRecorder.prepare()调用失败。
6. Stop the Preview - When your activity has finished using the camera, stop the preview using Camera.stopPreview().
6. 停止预览——当你的活动已经完成使用照相机,请使用Camera.stopPreview()停止预览。
7. Release Camera - Release the camera so that other applications can use it by calling Camera.release().
7. 释放照相机——通过调用Camera.release()释放照相机以使得其它应用程序可以使用它。
Note: It is possible to use MediaRecorder without creating a camera preview first and skip the first few steps of this process. However, since users typically prefer to see a preview before starting a recording, that process is not discussed here.
Tip: If your application is typically used for recording video, set setRecordingHint(boolean) to true prior to starting your preview. This setting can help reduce the time it takes to start recording.
Configuring MediaRecorder
When using the MediaRecorder class to record video, you must perform configuration steps in a specific order and then call the MediaRecorder.prepare() method to check and implement the configuration. The following example code demonstrates how to properly configure and prepare the MediaRecorder class for video recording.
private boolean prepareVideoRecorder(){
mCamera = getCameraInstance();
mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
// Step 1: Unlock and set camera to MediaRecorder
// 步骤1:解锁并设置照相机到MediaRecorder
// Step 2: Set sources
// 步骤2:设置源
// Step 3: Set a CamcorderProfile (requires API Level 8 or higher)
// 步骤3:设置一个CamcorderProfile(需要API级别8或更高)
// Step 4: Set output file
// 步骤4:设置输出文件
// Step 5: Set the preview output
// 步骤5:设置预览输出
// Step 6: Prepare configured MediaRecorder
// 步骤6:准备被配置的MediaRecorder
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "IllegalStateException preparing MediaRecorder: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "IOException preparing MediaRecorder: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
return true;
Prior to Android 2.2 (API Level 8), you must set the output format and encoding formats parameters directly, instead of using CamcorderProfile. This approach is demonstrated in the following code:
在Android 2.2(API级别8)开始,你必须直接地设置输出格式和编码格式参数,而非使用CamcorderProfile。这个方法被演示在以下代码中:
// Step 3: Set output format and encoding (for versions prior to API Level 8)
// 步骤3:设置输出格式和编码(注:编码器)(对于版本在API级别8之前)
The following video recording parameters for MediaRecorder are given default settings, however, you may want to adjust these settings for your application:
* setVideoEncodingBitRate()
* setVideoSize()
* setVideoFrameRate()
* setAudioEncodingBitRate()
* setAudioChannels()
* setAudioSamplingRate()
Starting and stopping MediaRecorder
When starting and stopping video recording using the MediaRecorder class, you must follow a specific order, as listed below.
1. Unlock the camera with Camera.unlock()
1. 用Camera.unlock()解锁照相机
2. Configure MediaRecorder as shown in the code example above
2. 配置MediaRecorder正如上面代码示例中所示
3. Start recording using MediaRecorder.start()
3. 使用MediaRecorder.start()开始记录
4. Record the video
4. 记录视频
5. Stop recording using MediaRecorder.stop()
5. 使用MediaRecorder.stop()停止记录
6. Release the media recorder with MediaRecorder.release()
6. 使用MediaRecorder.release()释放媒体记录器
7. Lock the camera using Camera.lock()
7. 使用Camera.lock()锁定照相机
The following example code demonstrates how to wire up a button to properly start and stop video recording using the camera and the MediaRecorder class.
Note: When completing a video recording, do not release the camera or else your preview will be stopped.
private boolean isRecording = false;
// Add a listener to the Capture button
// 添加监听器到捕捉按钮
Button captureButton = (Button) findViewById(id.button_capture);
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (isRecording) {
// stop recording and release camera
// 停止记录并释放照相机
mMediaRecorder.stop(); // stop the recording 停止记录
releaseMediaRecorder(); // release the MediaRecorder object 释放MediaRecorder对象
mCamera.lock(); // take camera access back from MediaRecorder 从MediaRecorder中取回照相机访问权
// inform the user that recording has stopped
// 告诉用户记录已经停止
isRecording = false;
} else {
// initialize video camera
// 初始化视频照相机
if (prepareVideoRecorder()) {
// Camera is available and unlocked, MediaRecorder is prepared,
// now you can start recording
// 照相机是可用和解锁的,MediaRecorder被准备,
// 现在你可以开始记录
// inform the user that recording has started
// 告知用户记录已经开始
isRecording = true;
} else {
// prepare didn't work, release the camera
// 准备没有工作,释放照相机
// inform user
// 告诉用户
Note: In the above example, the prepareVideoRecorder() method refers to the example code shown in Configuring MediaRecorder. This method takes care of locking the camera, configuring and preparing the MediaRecorder instance.
Releasing the camera
Cameras are a resource that is shared by applications on a device. Your application can make use of the camera after getting an instance of Camera, and you must be particularly careful to release the camera object when your application stops using it, and as soon as your application is paused (Activity.onPause()). If your application does not properly release the camera, all subsequent attempts to access the camera, including those by your own application, will fail and may cause your or other applications to be shut down.
To release an instance of the Camera object, use the Camera.release() method, as shown in the example code below.
public class CameraActivity extends Activity {
private Camera mCamera;
private SurfaceView mPreview;
private MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder;
protected void onPause() {
releaseMediaRecorder(); // if you are using MediaRecorder, release it first 如果你正在使用MediaRecorder,请首先释放它。
releaseCamera(); // release the camera immediately on pause event 在暂停事件上立刻释放照相机
private void releaseMediaRecorder(){
if (mMediaRecorder != null) {
mMediaRecorder.reset(); // clear recorder configuration 清除记录器配置
mMediaRecorder.release(); // release the recorder object 释放记录器对象
mMediaRecorder = null;
mCamera.lock(); // lock camera for later use 为后面的使用锁定照相机
private void releaseCamera(){
if (mCamera != null){
mCamera.release(); // release the camera for other applications 为其它应用程序释放照相机
mCamera = null;
Caution: If your application does not properly release the camera, all subsequent attempts to access the camera, including those by your own application, will fail and may cause your or other applications to be shut down.
Saving Media Files
Media files created by users such as pictures and videos should be saved to a device's external storage directory (SD Card) to conserve system space and to allow users to access these files without their device. There are many possible directory locations to save media files on a device, however there are only two standard locations you should consider as a developer:
* Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES) - This method returns the standard, shared and recommended location for saving pictures and videos. This directory is shared (public), so other applications can easily discover, read, change and delete files saved in this location. If your application is uninstalled by the user, media files saved to this location will not be removed. To avoid interfering with users existing pictures and videos, you should create a sub-directory for your application's media files within this directory, as shown in the code sample below. This method is available in Android 2.2 (API Level 8), for equivalent calls in earlier API versions, see Saving Shared Files.
* Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES)——这个方法返回用于保存相片和视频的标准、共享和建议的位置。这个目录是共享的(公共的),所以其它应用程序可以轻易的发现、读取、改变和删除保存在这个目录中的文件。如果你的应用程序被用户卸载,那么保存到这个目录的媒体文件将不被移除。为了避免干扰用户的现存相片和视频,你应该在这个目录中为你的应用程序的媒体文件创建一个子目录,正如下面的代码示例中所示。这个方法在Android 2.2(API级别8)中可用,想获得在较早API版本中等效的调用,请参见保存共享文件。
* Context.getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES) - This method returns a standard location for saving pictures and videos which are associated with your application. If your application is uninstalled, any files saved in this location are removed. Security is not enforced for files in this location and other applications may read, change and delete them.
* Context.getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES)——这个方法返回一个标准位置用于保存与你的应用程序关联的相片和视频。如果你的应用程序被卸载,保存在这个位置中的任意文件被移除。对于这个位置中的文件来说安全不被实施,而其它应用程序可能会读取、改变和删除它们。
The following example code demonstrates how to create a File or Uri location for a media file that can be used when invoking a device's camera with an Intent or as part of a Building a Camera App.
public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE = 1;
public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO = 2;
/** Create a file Uri for saving an image or video */
/** 创建一个文件Uri以保存一个图片或视频 */
private static Uri getOutputMediaFileUri(int type){
return Uri.fromFile(getOutputMediaFile(type));
/** Create a File for saving an image or video */
/** 创建一个File以保存一个文件或视频 */
private static File getOutputMediaFile(int type){
// To be safe, you should check that the SDCard is mounted
// using Environment.getExternalStorageState() before doing this.
// 为了安全,你应该在做这件时之前使用
// Environment.getExternalStorageState()检查SD卡被挂载。
File mediaStorageDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(
Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), "MyCameraApp");
// This location works best if you want the created images to be shared
// between applications and persist after your app has been uninstalled.
// 这个位置工作最佳,如果你希望被创建的图片在应用程序之间被共享
// 以及在你的应用已经被卸载后保留下来
// Create the storage directory if it does not exist
// 创建存储目录如果它不存在
if (! mediaStorageDir.exists()){
if (! mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()){
Log.d("MyCameraApp", "failed to create directory");
return null;
// Create a media file name
// 创建一个媒体文件名
String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date());
File mediaFile;
if (type == MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE){
mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator +
"IMG_"+ timeStamp + ".jpg");
} else if(type == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator +
"VID_"+ timeStamp + ".mp4");
} else {
return null;
return mediaFile;
Note: Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory() is available in Android 2.2 (API Level 8) or higher. If you are targeting devices with earlier versions of Android, use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() instead. For more information, see Saving Shared Files.
注意:Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory()在Android 2.2(API级别8)或更高中可用。如果你正把目标定在带有较早版本Android的设备,那么请改为使用Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()。想获得更多信息,参见保存共享文件。
For more information about saving files on an Android device, see Data Storage.
Camera Features
Android supports a wide array of camera features you can control with your camera application, such as picture format, flash mode, focus settings, and many more. This section lists the common camera features, and briefly discusses how to use them. Most camera features can be accessed and set using the through Camera.Parameters object. However, there are several important features that require more than simple settings in Camera.Parameters. These features are covered in the following sections:
* Metering and focus areas
* 测量和焦点区域
* Face detection
* 脸部检测
* Time lapse video
* 慢速视频
For general information about how to use features that are controlled through Camera.Parameters, review the Using camera features section. For more detailed information about how to use features controlled through the camera parameters object, follow the links in the feature list below to the API reference documentation.
Table 1. Common camera features sorted by the Android API Level in which they were introduced.
表1. 通用照相机特性,根据它们被引入的Android API级别排列。
* Feature API Level Description
* 特性 API级别 描述
* Face Detection 14 Identify human faces within a picture and use them for focus, metering and white balance
* 脸部检测 14 在照片中标识人脸并使用它们用于聚焦,测量和白色平衡
* Metering Areas 14 Specify one or more areas within an image for calculating white balance
* 测量区域 14 在一个图片内标识一个或多个区域以计算白平衡
* Focus Areas 14 Set one or more areas within an image to use for focus
* 焦点区域 14 在图片内设置一个或多个区域以用于聚焦
* White Balance Lock 14 Stop or start automatic white balance adjustments
* 白平衡锁 14 停止或开始自动白平衡调整(注:白平衡在数码相机中是指色温)
* Exposure Lock 14 Stop or start automatic exposure adjustments
* 曝光锁 14 停止或开始自动曝光调整(注:曝光指摄影的过程中允许进入镜头照在感光媒体——胶片相机的底片或是数码照相机的图像传感器——上的光量)
* Video Snapshot 14 Take a picture while shooting video (frame grab)
* 视频快照 14 在抓拍视频时拍一张图片(注:这里的shoot video可能是Photo shoot的引申)(帧抓取)(注:影片撷取,另外,有一种专门的设备叫Frame grabber)
* Time Lapse Video 11 Record frames with set delays to record a time lapse video
* 慢速视频 11 记录设置延时的帧以记录一个慢速视频
* Multiple Cameras 9 Support for more than one camera on a device, including front-facing and back-facing cameras
* 多照相机 9 在设备上支持多于一个照相机,包括前置和后置照相机
* Focus Distance 9 Reports distances between the camera and objects that appear to be in focus
* 焦距 9 报告照相机与显得对齐焦点(注:清晰)的对象的距离。
* Zoom 8 Set image magnification
* 缩放 8 设置图片放大率
* Exposure Compensation 8 Increase or decrease the light exposure level
* 曝光补偿 8 增加或降低光线曝光级别
* GPS Data 5 Include or omit geographic location data with the image
* GPS数据 5 包含或忽略图片的地理位置数据。
* White Balance 5 Set the white balance mode, which affects color values in the captured image
* 白平衡 5 设置白平衡模式,它影响被捕捉图片的颜色值。
* Focus Mode 5 Set how the camera focuses on a subject such as automatic, fixed, macro or infinity
* 焦点模式 5 设置照相机如何聚焦在一个主体(注:主题)上诸如自动、固定、宏或无限。(注:这些应该是摄影术语,macro可能是指Macrophotography微距摄影,Macro是指镜筒比较长?infinity则可能是指焦点在无限远处)
* Scene Mode 5 Apply a preset mode for specific types of photography situations such as night, beach, snow or candlelight scenes
* 场景模式 5 为特定类型的照相环境应用一个维持模式诸如夜晚、沙滩、下雪或烛光场景。
* JPEG Quality 5 Set the compression level for a JPEG image, which increases or decreases image output file quality and size
* JPEG质量 5 为一个JPEG图片设置压缩级别,它增加或降低图片输出文件质量和大小
* Flash Mode 5 Turn flash on, off, or use automatic setting
* 闪光灯模式 5 打开闪光灯,关闭,或者使用自动设置
* Color Effects 5 Apply a color effect to the captured image such as black and white, sepia tone or negative.
* 颜色效果 5 应用一个颜色效果到被捕捉的图片诸如黑白,深褐色调,或反色。
* Anti-Banding 5 Reduces the effect of banding in color gradients due to JPEG compression
* 抗色彩带 5 降低由于JPEG压缩造成颜色渐变中的色彩带效果(注:banding,色彩带,又称色带,是电脑图学上色彩显示不准确的问题,一般是由色深低导致。详细见http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%89%B2%E5%BD%A9%E5%B8%B6。这里应该是指JPEG压缩太大而导致严重的彩色失真)
* Picture Format 1 Specify the file format for the picture
* 相片格式 1 指定相片的文件格式
* Picture Size 1 Specify the pixel dimensions of the saved picture
* 相片大小 1 指定被保存照片的像素尺寸
Note: These features are not supported on all devices due to hardware differences and software implementation. For information on checking the availability of features on the device where your application is running, see Checking feature availability.
Checking feature availability
The first thing to understand when setting out to use camera features on Android devices is that not all camera features are supported on all devices. In addition, devices that support a particular feature may support them to different levels or with different options. Therefore, part of your decision process as you develop a camera application is to decide what camera features you want to support and to what level. After making that decision, you should plan on including code in your camera application that checks to see if device hardware supports those features and fails gracefully if a feature is not available.
You can check the availabilty of camera features by getting an instance of a camera’s parameters object, and checking the relevant methods. The following code sample shows you how to obtain a Camera.Parameters object and check if the camera supports the autofocus feature:
// get Camera parameters
// 获得Camera的参数
Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters();
List<String> focusModes = params.getSupportedFocusModes();
if (focusModes.contains(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO)) {
// Autofocus mode is supported
// 自动对焦模式被支持
You can use the technique shown above for most camera features. The Camera.Parameters object provides a getSupported...(), is...Supported() or getMax...() method to determine if (and to what extent) a feature is supported.
If your application requires certain camera features in order to function properly, you can require them through additions to your application manifest. When you declare the use of specific camera features, such as flash and auto-focus, Google Play restricts your application from being installed on devices which do not support these features. For a list of camera features that can be declared in your app manifest, see the manifest Features Reference.
如果你的应用程序需要某些照相机特性以便正确地起作用,那么你可以通过添加到你的应用程序清单来需要它们。当你声明特定照相机特性的使用时,诸如闪光灯和自动对焦,Google Play限制你的应用程序不被安装在不支持这些特性的设备上。想获得一个可以被声明在你的应用清单中的照相机特性的列表,请参见清单特性参考手册。
Using camera features
Most camera features are activated and controlled using a Camera.Parameters object. You obtain this object by first getting an instance of the Camera object, calling the getParameters() method, changing the returned parameter object and then setting it back into the camera object, as demonstrated in the following example code:
// get Camera parameters
// 获得Camera的参数
Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters();
// set the focus mode
// 设置焦点模式
// set Camera parameters
// 设置Camera的参数
This technique works for nearly all camera features, and most parameters can be changed at any time after you have obtained an instance of the Camera object. Changes to parameters are typically visible to the user immediately in the application’s camera preview. On the software side, parameter changes may take several frames to actually take effect as the camera hardware processes the new instructions and then sends updated image data.
Important: Some camera features cannot be changed at will. In particular, changing the size or orientation of the camera preview requires that you first stop the preview, change the preview size, and then restart the preview. Starting with Android 4.0 (API Level 14) preview orientation can be changed without restarting the preview.
重要:一些照相机特性不能被随意改变。特别地,改变照相机预览的大小或方向需要你首先停止预览,改变预览大小,然后重启预览。从Android 4.0(API级别14)开始预览方向可以被改变而不重启预览。
Other camera features require more code in order to implement, including:
* Metering and focus areas
* 测量和焦点区域
* Face detection
* 脸部检测
* Time lapse video
* 慢速视频
A quick outline of how to implement these features is provided in the following sections.
Metering and focus areas
In some photographic scenarios, automatic focusing and light metering may not produce the desired results. Starting with Android 4.0 (API Level 14), your camera application can provide additional controls to allow your app or users to specify areas in an image to use for determining focus or light level settings and pass these values to the camera hardware for use in capturing images or video.
在一些摄影场景中,自动对焦(注:Autofocus,AF,自动变焦)和光线测量(注:Metering mode,测光模式,是指照相机通过测量主体的亮度以决定正确曝光的模式)可能不产生理想的结果。从Android 4.0(API级别14)开始,你的照相机应用程序可以提供额外的控制以允许你的应用或用户在图片(注:映像)中指定区域以用于确定焦点或光线等级设置,并且传递这些值给照相机硬件供捕捉图片或视频使用。
Areas for metering and focus work very similarly to other camera features, in that you control them through methods in the Camera.Parameters object. The following code demonstrates setting two light metering areas for an instance of Camera:
// Create an instance of Camera
// 创建一个Camera实例
mCamera = getCameraInstance();
// set Camera parameters
// 设置Camera的参数
Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters();
if (params.getMaxNumMeteringAreas() > 0){ // check that metering areas are supported 检查测量(注:仪表)区域被支持
List<Camera.Area> meteringAreas = new ArrayList<Camera.Area>();
Rect areaRect1 = new Rect(-100, -100, 100, 100); // specify an area in center of image 在图片正中指定一个区域
meteringAreas.add(new Camera.Area(areaRect1, 600)); // set weight to 60% 设置权重为60%
Rect areaRect2 = new Rect(800, -1000, 1000, -800); // specify an area in upper right of image 在图片右上方指定一个区域
meteringAreas.add(new Camera.Area(areaRect2, 400)); // set weight to 40% 设置权重为40%
The Camera.Area object contains two data parameters: A Rect object for specifying an area within the camera’s field of view and a weight value, which tells the camera what level of importance this area should be given in light metering or focus calculations.
The Rect field in a Camera.Area object describes a rectangular shape mapped on a 2000 x 2000 unit grid. The coordinates -1000, -1000 represent the top, left corner of the camera image, and coordinates 1000, 1000 represent the bottom, right corner of the camera image, as shown in the illustration below.
在Camera.Area对象中的一个Rect域描述一个矩形图形,它被映射在一个2000 x 2000单位的格(注:单元格)。坐标-1000, -1000代表照相机图片的左上角,而坐标1000, 1000代表照相机图片的右下角,正如下面的插图中所示。
-1000, -1000
1000, -1000
0, 0
-1000, 1000
Rect 333, 333, 667, 667
Figure 1. The red lines illustrate the coordinate system for specifying a Camera.Area within a camera preview. The blue box shows the location and shape of an camera area with the Rect values 333,333,667,667.
图1. 红色线描绘用于在一个照相机预览内指定一个Camera.Area的坐标系。蓝色框展示一个照相机区域的位置和形状,它的Rect数值为333,333,667,667。
The bounds of this coordinate system always correspond to the outer edge of the image visible in the camera preview and do not shrink or expand with the zoom level. Similarly, rotation of the image preview using Camera.setDisplayOrientation() does not remap the coordinate system.
Face detection
For pictures that include people, faces are usually the most important part of the picture, and should be used for determining both focus and white balance when capturing an image. The Android 4.0 (API Level 14) framework provides APIs for identifying faces and calculating picture settings using face recognition technology.
对于包含人的相片,脸部通常是相片的最重要部分,并且当捕捉一个图片时应该被用于确定焦点和白平衡。Android 4.0(API级别14)框架提供API用于使用脸部识别技术标识脸部和计算相片设置。
Note: While the face detection feature is running, setWhiteBalance(String), setFocusAreas(List) and setMeteringAreas(List) have no effect.
Using the face detection feature in your camera application requires a few general steps:
* Check that face detection is supported on the device
* 检查脸部检测在设备上被支持
* Create a face detection listener
* 创建一个脸部检测监听器
8 Add the face detection listener to your camera object
* 添加脸部检测监听器到你的照相机对象
* Start face detection after preview (and after every preview restart)
* 在预览后(并且在每次预览重启之后)启动脸部检测
The face detection feature is not supported on all devices. You can check that this feature is supported by calling getMaxNumDetectedFaces(). An example of this check is shown in the startFaceDetection() sample method below.
In order to be notified and respond to the detection of a face, your camera application must set a listener for face detection events. In order to do this, you must create a listener class that implements the Camera.FaceDetectionListener interface as shown in the example code below.
class MyFaceDetectionListener implements Camera.FaceDetectionListener {
public void onFaceDetection(Face[] faces, Camera camera) {
if (faces.length > 0){
Log.d("FaceDetection", "face detected: "+ faces.length +
" Face 1 Location X: " + faces[0].rect.centerX() +
"Y: " + faces[0].rect.centerY() );
After creating this class, you then set it into your application’s Camera object, as shown in the example code below:
mCamera.setFaceDetectionListener(new MyFaceDetectionListener());
Your application must start the face detection function each time you start (or restart) the camera preview. Create a method for starting face detection so you can call it as needed, as shown in the example code below.
public void startFaceDetection(){
// Try starting Face Detection
// 尝试开始脸部检测
Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters();
// start face detection only *after* preview has started
// 只在预览已经开始之后才开始脸部检测
if (params.getMaxNumDetectedFaces() > 0){
// camera supports face detection, so can start it:
You must start face detection each time you start (or restart) the camera preview. If you use the preview class shown in Creating a preview class, add your startFaceDetection() method to both the surfaceCreated() and surfaceChanged() methods in your preview class, as shown in the sample code below.
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
try {
startFaceDetection(); // start face detection feature 启动脸部检测特性
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Error setting camera preview: " + e.getMessage());
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) {
if (mHolder.getSurface() == null){
// preview surface does not exist
// 预览表面不存在
Log.d(TAG, "mHolder.getSurface() == null");
try {
} catch (Exception e){
// ignore: tried to stop a non-existent preview
// 忽略:尝试停止一个不存在的预览
Log.d(TAG, "Error stopping camera preview: " + e.getMessage());
try {
startFaceDetection(); // re-start face detection feature 重新启动脸部检测特性
} catch (Exception e){
// ignore: tried to stop a non-existent preview
// 忽略:尝试停止一个不存在的预览
Log.d(TAG, "Error starting camera preview: " + e.getMessage());
Note: Remember to call this method after calling startPreview(). Do not attempt to start face detection in the onCreate() method of your camera app’s main activity, as the preview is not available by this point in your application's the execution.
Time lapse video
Time lapse video allows users to create video clips that combine pictures taken a few seconds or minutes apart. This feature uses MediaRecorder to record the images for a time lapse sequence.
To record a time lapse video with MediaRecorder, you must configure the recorder object as if you are recording a normal video, setting the captured frames per second to a low number and using one of the time lapse quality settings, as shown in the code example below.
// Step 3: Set a CamcorderProfile (requires API Level 8 or higher)
// 步骤3:设置一个CamcorderProfile(需要API级别8或更高)
// Step 5.5: Set the video capture rate to a low number
// 步骤5.5:设置视频捕捉速率为一个低数值
mMediaRecorder.setCaptureRate(0.1); // capture a frame every 10 seconds 每10秒捕捉1帧
These settings must be done as part of a larger configuration procedure for MediaRecorder. For a full configuration code example, see Configuring MediaRecorder. Once the configuration is complete, you start the video recording as if you were recording a normal video clip. For more information about configuring and running MediaRecorder, see Capturing videos.
Except as noted, this content is licensed under Apache 2.0. For details and restrictions, see the Content License.
除特别说明外,本文在Apache 2.0下许可。细节和限制请参考内容许可证。
Android 4.0 r1 - 16 Apr 2012 17:06
Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.
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