Q19. How do I build my own kernel for CoLinux?
The kernel included with CoLinux should work for most people, but some people mi
ght need to roll their own. Here is a quick overview of how to make a Linux-2.4.
27 kernel that works with CoLinux. I'm running Gentoo, and I'm building from wit
hin my coLinux environment, but the general idea should work for everybody.
Set up a development environment with GCC 3.3.3 (or earlier). The 2.4.27 and ear
lier kernel sources won't compile with GCC 3.4.1. Under Gentoo, you can install
GCC 3.3.3 with "emerge '=gcc-3.3.3'", and then you can switch between GCC 3.4.1
and 3.3.3 with gcc-config.
Get 2.4 kernel sources and extract them to /usr/src. CoLinux 0.6.1 was released
against 2.4.26, so that is the safest version, but I've been using 2.4.27 for a
while now with no problems. Under Gentoo, use "emerge vanilla-sources".
Get the coLinux-0.6.1 source tarball. Extract it on your development platform.
Patch the kernel with the coLinux patch:
cd /usr/src/linux
patch -p1 < (extraction-point)/colinux-20040529/patch/linux
Fix anything that didn't patch correctly. On my machine, /Makefile didn't patch
(just edit Makefile and add "-co-0.6.1" at the end of the "EXTRAVERSION = " line
), and drivers/block/Makefile didn't patch (add "obj-$(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_PBD) += co
bd.o" somewhere).
Copy the default config from the coLinux sources:
cd /usr/src/linux
cp (extraction-point)/colinux-20040529/conf/linux-config .config
Configure your kernel as needed with menuconfig ("make menuconfig").
You probably don't want to mess with Processor Type - coLinux can crash if the k
ernel tries to use processor features that coLinux isn't expecting the kernel to
mess with. You can enable /dev/cpu/*/cpuid, but I suggest not messing with anyt
hing else. Make sure to leave COPIC Support enabled.
Under General Setup, don't enable PCI, ISA, EISA, MCA, etc., unless you want coL
inux and Windows to fight over hardware. Do leave Cooperative Mode enabled.
Under Block Devices, leave coLinux block device support enabled.
Under Network Device Support, leave Coooperative Virtual Ethernet driver support
Under Console Drivers, leave coLinux Pseudo-VGA text console enabled.
For Gentoo, make sure to enable /proc, /dev, automatically mount /dev, and disab
le /dev/pts.
Apply any other patches as needed. I applied the CIFS VFS patch to replace the d
ated SMBFS module.
make dep && make vmlinux modules modules_install
Back up the vmlinux that was installed with coLinux.
Copy /usr/src/linux/vmlinux to your Windows coLinux directory (overwrite the ori
ginal vmlinux that was installed with coLinux).
Restart coLinux.
I tried to find one but failed, I had to build one myself. Share with you. HangUp Screen: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/536924335.html --- Release Notes --- Purpose: Linux CONFIG_...
Colinux,全称为Cooperative Linux,是一个开源项目,允许用户在Windows系统上运行Linux操作系统内核。它通过在用户空间模拟Linux内核的部分功能来实现这一目标,而不是像虚拟机那样在完整隔离的环境中运行。这里...
### Colinux概述与关键技术知识点 #### 一、Colinux简介 **Colinux**(Cooperative Linux)是一项技术创新,它让Windows用户能够在不依赖第三方虚拟机软件(如VMware或VirtualPC)的情况下,直接将Linux作为普通...
**科隆Linux(CoLinux)** 是一个独特的开源项目,它允许用户在Windows操作系统上运行Linux内核,而无需虚拟机。这个系统是通过在Windows系统内部层与Linux内核进行交互来实现的,使得用户可以在同一台电脑上同时...
CoLinux(Cooperative Linux 的缩写)是第一种免费使用和开源的解决方案,它让Linux更好的运行在Microsoft Windows 本机系统下。通常的, colinux是Linux内核使自己友好的和其它操作系统共同运行在一台机器上的一条...
CoLinux(Cooperative Linux 的缩写)是第一种免费使用和开源的解决方案,它让Linux更好的运行在Microsoft Windows 本机系统下。通常的, colinux是Linux内核使自己友好的和其它操作系统共同运行在一台机器上的一条...
An optimized virtual Linux system for Windows
CoLinux(Cooperative Linux 的缩写)是一种免费使用和开源的解决方案,它让Linux更好的运行在Microsoft Windows 本机系统下。
可以引导启动LINUX镜像系统,也可启动本地的LINUX系统 速度比VMWARE快很多
### CoLinux 扩展硬盘容量方法详解 #### 一、CoLinux简介与优势 CoLinux是一种轻量级的Linux环境,它可以无缝地运行在Windows操作系统之上。与传统的虚拟机相比,CoLinux具有以下显著特点: 1. **资源占用低**:...
### Colinux安装指南详解 #### 一、引言 随着嵌入式开发需求的增加,开发者需要一个高效、稳定的Linux开发环境。Colinux作为一种轻量级的解决方案,可以在Windows平台上快速构建一个完整的Linux开发环境。本文将...
标题 "colinux虚拟环境安装——在windows系统下怎么安装linux" 涉及的知识点是使用CoLinux在Windows操作系统上创建一个Linux虚拟环境。CoLinux(协同Linux)是一种特殊的Linux发行版,它允许用户在不借助传统虚拟机...
Fedora coLinux是功能齐全的coLinux发行版。 与coLinux官方站点上提供的许多软件包不同,它提供了与Fedora core 6捆绑在一起的coLinux,具有完整的网络功能,并且易于安装。