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Windows的adb shell中使用vi不乱码方法及AdbPutty -
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The Android emulator is a key tool for Android developers in building and testing their apps. As the power and diversity of Android devices has grown quickly, it’s been hard for the emulator keep pace.
Today we’re thrilled to announce several significant improvements to the emulator, including a dramatic performance upgrade and support for a broader range of hardware features, notably sensors and multi-finger input.
Added GPU Support
The system image we’re shipping today has built-in GPU support (Android 4.0.3 r2). With Android’s growing reliance on using the GPU to improve performance, the difference is significant. In the video below, the emulator is still interpreting ARM instructions; the performance boost is the effect of putting the GPU to work.
As a bonus, since we’re now supporting OpenGL ES 2.0, your OpenGL games can now run inside the emulator.
Please note that there are a lot of GPUs out there, and we haven’t tested all of them for this beta release, so let us know if you have feedback or encounter issues.
More Hardware Feature Emulation
The hardware features of mobile devices are a significant part of what makes them a unique platform for development, so we’re also pleased to announce that in addition to the camera support we added last year, it’s now possible to use a tethered Android device to supply inputs for sensors and multi-touch input.
We’re working on providing emulator support for more hardware features including Bluetooth and NFC.
Improved CPU Performance
We’ve also improved the CPU performance of the Android emulator. Hardware floating point operation has been available for system images since Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0), allowing CPU operations to be emulated roughly twice as quickly.
Last week’s r17 developer tools release included x86 system images and host drivers (available through the SDK Manager), allowing the emulator to access the host CPU natively and offer significantly faster execution.
This video shows a CPU-bound application on two emulators running the same system image, one with virtualization, one without.
Building a modern emulator
Because the Android platform allows deep interaction between applications, and with system components, we need to provide an emulator with a complete system image. Our emulator virtualizes a complete device: hardware, kernel, low-level system libraries, and app framework.
Of course, the system being emulated typically has an ARM CPU; historically, we’d been emulating those instructions in software, and that worked OK until the advent of tablet support with additional animations and complexity in Android 3.0.
The missing pieces were the completion of Android x86 support, and the GPU support in last week’s release of SDK Tools r17. This works by funneling the OpenGL ES 2.0 instructions from the emulator to the host OS, converted to standard OpenGL 2.0, and running natively on the host GPU.
The Android ecosystem has a lot of devices in many different form factors. Developers need a good way of testing these apps without having to own everything out there and a fast, rich Android emulator is immensely helpful.
We hope that these new improvements will make the emulator a more useful tool in your development and testing, and look forward to improving it further for you.
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Windows的adb shell中使用vi不乱码方法及AdbPutty
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在他们的论文《Faster and Better: A Machine Learning Approach to Corner Detection》中,作者详细描述了该算法的改进之处。 FAST-ER算法的三大改进点如下: 1. 首先,作者提出了一种新的启发式特征检测方法,并...
Make web applications run faster by using advanced PHP, SQL and JavaScript techniques
SlimYOLOv3是一种针对无人机(UAV)实时应用优化的轻量级目标检测模型。在无人机等资源有限的平台上,传统的深度学习模型,如YOLO(You Only Look Once)系列,由于其庞大的参数量、高内存占用和较长的推理时间,...
As an alternative means for building better applications, theauthors present two "lightweight" open source architectures:Hibernate--a persistence framework that does its job with a minimalAPI and ...
<<Better Faster Lighter Java>>, the book for advanced Java development.
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Learn about problem identification, best strategies, and UI design patterns as well to build a clean, fast web application Book Description This book will get you started with the latest benchmarking...
John Ousterhoutd i g i t a l Western Research Laboratory 100 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, California 94301 USAThe Western Research Laboratory (WRL) is a computer systems research group that was founded ...
The Inner Workings of word2vec By Chris McCormick,Welcome to my word2vec eBook!...realize your own goals faster and with better results. Here is an overview of the content you’ll find in this book.
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· A faster decoder · Better support for generic MPEG-4 playback · Faster, higher quality post-processing · Improved bi-directional coding (including multiple adaptive B-frames) · "Fastest" and ...
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better,faster lighter java