Cartesian Joins 笛卡尔连接
(page 118)
Cartesian joins occur when all the rows from one table are joined to all the rows of another table. Therefore, the total number of rows resulting from the join equals the number of rows from one table ( A) multiplied by the number of rows in the other table ( B) such that A x B = total rows in the result set.
Cartesian joins often occur when a join condition is overlooked or left out such that there isn’t a specified join column so the only operation possible is to simply join everything from one row source to everything from the other.
当一表的全部行连接到另一表全部行(两两互连接)时就发生了笛卡尔连接。因此,连接生成的总行数等于某表A的行数乘以另一表B的行数,既A x B =
Let’s use the same query used earlier, but leave off the WHERE clause, and break it down into how
the Cartesian join would be processed.
select empno, ename, dname, loc
from emp, dept
This query would be processed as if it we rewritten like the following pseudocode: 该查询的处理过程如下重写的伪代码:
determine the smaller table
select dname, loc from dept
select empno, ename from emp
for each row in dept match it to every row in emp retaining all rows 对于dept表的每行匹配到emp表的每行保留所有行集
Listing 3-22 shows the plan for this query.
Listing 3-22. Cartesian Join
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 56 | 1568 | 9 (0)|
| | 56 | 1568 | 9 (0)|
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DEPT | 4 | 72 | 3 (0)|
| | 14 | 140 | 6 (0)|
| 4 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EMP | 14 | 140 | 2 (0)|
Notice the rows estimates in the plan and how the final row estimate is the product of the rows
from the two tables (4 x 14 = 56). What you end up with in this case is likely a result set that has a whole lot more rows than you want or intended to have. When plans aren’t checked properly while
developing SQL, Cartesian joins may end up causing the result set to appear to have numerous
duplicate rows. And, unfortunately, the first thing many people will do is to add a distinct operator to
the SQL. This has the effect of getting rid of the duplicates so that the result set is correct, but at a
significant cost. The duplicates shouldn’t have been there
in the
first place
but since they’re there,
adding distinct will cause a sort to occur and then all the duplicates will be eliminated.
That’s a lot of
wasted work. So, make sure to always verify the plan for Cartesian joins if you end up with unexpected
duplicate rows in your result set before you simply add distinct out of hand
注意计划中评估的Rows和最后评估的行数是来至两表行数的乘积 (4 x 14 =
One thing you’ll notice about the Cartesian join plan is the presence of the BUFFER SORT operation.
This isn’t really a sort but since Oracle is joining every row to every row, using the buffer sort
mechanism to copy the blocks from the second row source out of the buffer cache and into private
memory has the benefit of not requiring the same blocks in the buffer cache to be revisited over and
These revisits would require a lot more logical reads and would also create more opportunity for
contention on these blocks in the buffer cache. So, buffering the blocks into a private memory area can
be a much more efficient way to accomplish the repeated join.
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