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《Pro Oracle SQL》--Chapter 6--6.1 Explain Plans--之三
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3.3 Hash Joins
Hash Joins 哈希连接
(page 116)
Hash joins, like sort-merge joins, first reads the two tables to be joined independently and applies the
criteria in the WHERE clause. Based on table and index statistics, the table that is determined to return the fewest rows will be hashed in its entirety into memory.
This hash table includes all the row data for that table and is loaded into hash buckets based on a randomizing function that converts the join key to a hash value.
As long as there is enough memory available, this hash table will reside in memory. However, if there is not enough memory available, the hash table may be written to temp disk space.
The next step is for the other larger table to be read and the hash function is applied to the join key
column. That hash value is then used to probe the smaller in memory hash table for the matching hash
bucket where the row data for the first table resides. Each bucket has a list (represented by a bitmap) of the rows in that bucket. That list is checked for matches with the probing row. If a match is made, the row is returned; otherwise it is discarded. The larger table is read only once and each row is checked for a match. This is different from the nested loops join where the inner table is read multiple times. So really in this case, the larger table is the driving table as it is read only once and the smaller hashed table is probed many times.
Unlike a nested loops join plan, however, the tables are listed in the plan output with the smaller hashed table first and the larger probe table second.
Let’s use the same query used earlier and break it down into how the hash join would be processed.
select empno, ename, dname, loc
from emp, dept
where emp.deptno = dept.deptno
This query would be processed as if it we rewritten like the following pseudocode:
determine the smaller row set, or in the case of an outer join, 确定较小的行集,或者若是外连接,使用外连接表
use the outer joined table
select dname, loc, deptno from dept
hash the deptno column and build a hash table 对dept表的deptno列哈希,且建立哈希表(因为dept数据少,是较小行集)
select empno, ename, deptno from emp
hash the deptno column and probe the hash table 对emp表的deptno列哈希,再探测哈希表
if match made, check bitmap to confirm row match 如果匹配,检查位图确认行匹配
if no match made, discard the row 如果不匹配,抛弃行
Listing 3-20 shows the plan for this query.
Listing 3-20. Hash Join
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 14 | 462 | 7 (15) |
|* 1 | HASH JOIN | | 14 | 462 | 7 (15) |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPT | 4 | 80 | 3 (0) |
| 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP | 14 | 182 | 3 (0) |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - access("EMP"."DEPTNO"="DEPT"."DEPTNO")
In the hash join plan, the smaller hash table is listed first and the probe table is listed second.
Keep in mind that the decision as to which table is smallest depends not just on the number of rows but
the size of those rows as well, since the entire row must be stored in the hash table.
Hash joins are considered more preferable when the row sources are larger and the result set is
larger as well. Also, if one of the tables in the join is determined to always return the same row source,
a hash join would be preferable since it would only access that table once. If a nested loops join was
chosen in that case, the row source would be accessed over and over again, requiring more work than a
single independent access. Finally, if the smaller table can fit in memory, a hash join may be favored.
Blocks are accessed for hash joins similar to how they are accessed for a sort-merge join. The
blocks needed to build the hash table will be read and then the rest of the work will be done against the
hashed data stored in memory (from temp disk space if there isn’t enough memory). So, when you do a
comparison of logical reads for a hash join to a sort-merge join, the block accesses will be
approximately identical. But the logical reads as compared to a nested loops join will be less since the
blocks are read once and either placed into memory (for the hash table) where they are then accessed
or only read once (for the probe table).
Hash joins are only possible if the join is an equi-join.
As mentioned previously, a sort-merge
join can be used to handle joins specified with an inequality condition. The reason why hash joins
can’t be chosen unless the join is an equi-join is that the matches are made on hashed values and it
doesn’t make sense
to consider hashed values in a range.
Listing 3-21 demonstrates how a computed
hash value doesn’t necessarily correspond to the key value being hashed (in terms of its numeric
value, in this case).
Listing 3-21. Hash Values
SQL> select distinct deptno,
2 ora_hash(deptno,1000)
3 from scott.emp
4 order by deptno;
--------------- ---------------
10 547
20 486
30 613
SQL> select deptno
2 from
3 (
4 select distinct deptno,
5 ora_hash(deptno,1000) hv
6 from scott.emp
7 order by deptno
8 )
9 where hv between 100 and 500;
SQL> select distinct deptno,
2 ora_hash(deptno,1000,50) hv
3 from scott.emp
4 order by deptno;
--------------- ---------------
10 839
20 850
30 290
SQL> select deptno
2 from
3 (
4 select distinct deptno,
5 ora_hash(deptno,1000,50) hv
6 from scott.emp
7 order by deptno
8 )
9 where hv between 100 and 500;
I used the ora_hash function to demonstrate how a hash value might be generated. The ora_hash
function takes up to three parameters: an input value of any base type, the maximum hash bucket value
(the minimum value is zero), and a seed value (also defaults to zero).
So, for example, ora_hash(10,1000) will return an integer value between zero and 1000.
In the two examples, I use the default seed in the first and a seed value of 50 for the second. Notice
how the hash values for each deptno are quite different in each query. So when I try to query a range of
hash values for each, I get a different result. However, in both cases, if I was simply querying a range
of the column values, I could easily formulate
what I wanted and be assured of always getting the right
answer. This example is a bit forced,
but I wanted to give you a visual on hash value comparisons so
you could better understand why they don’t work with inequality joins.
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3 -- 3.3.5 Outer Joins
2012-04-02 11:41 1298Outer Joins 外连接 (p ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3.4 Cartesian Joins
2012-04-01 02:14 1046Cartesian Joins 笛卡尔连接 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3.2 Sort-Merge Joins
2012-03-27 22:07 1042Sort-Merge Joins 排序-合并连接 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3.1 Nested Loops Joins
2012-03-25 18:12 1066Nested Loops Joins 嵌套循环连接 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3 Join Methods
2012-03-24 15:51 1044Join Methods 连接方法 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.7 Index Fast Full Scan
2012-03-24 01:09 1559Index Fast Full Scan 索引快速全扫描 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.6 Index Skip Scan
2012-03-23 00:57 1170Index Skip Scan 索引跳跃扫描 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3--3.2.5 Index Full Scan
2012-03-22 05:08 965Index Full Scan 索引全扫描 (pa ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.4 Index range scan
2012-03-20 00:10 1064Index range scan 索引范围扫描 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.3 Index Unique Scan
2012-03-19 05:26 999Index Unique Scan 索引 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.2 Index Scan Types
2012-03-17 23:34 1050Index Scan Types 索引扫描 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2 Index Scan Access Methods--3.2.1 Index Structure
2012-03-15 20:04 977Index Scan Access Methods ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.1.4 Full Scans and the Highwater Mark
2012-03-14 20:49 977Full Scans and the Highwater Ma ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.1 Full Scan Access Methods 之二
2012-03-11 23:14 951Full Scans and Throwaway 全扫描和“ ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.1Full Scan Access Methods之一
2012-03-10 18:01 961Chapter3 Access and Join Metho ...
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