modify file name util - python
a util script to modify file/folder name recusively, written in python, on ubuntu system,
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @author: eric
# @date: 03/04/2012 00:09 am
# @mail:
# this is a python util to modify file names, replace substring in file/folder name with another substring, recursively.
# you should modify variable 'basic_dir' / 'c' / 'c_new', before run this script
# everything, include file/folder recurisively, under the 'basic_dir' will be rename,
# how to run this script, just "./"
# ps: backup before modify is good manners.
import os
import shutil
# basic dir to where files resides
basic_dir = "/tmp/test/"
# substring to replace
c = " "
# new substring
c_new = " "
# function to modify file name recursively
def modify_name(dir,c,c_new):
# check whether the 2 substring are the same
if c == c_new:
print ("2 substring are the same, no need to change")
return True
# add '/' to dir end, if necessary,
if not dir.endswith('/'):
dir += '/'
# check dir exists
if os.path.isdir(dir):
print ("dir is: "+dir)
print ("dir not exist:" + dir)
return False
# file list
# iterator filelist
for fname in filelist:
# change file name if need
if fname.find(c) >= 0:
fname_new=fname.replace(c, c_new)
print fname_new
fname = fname_new
# call the function recurisively on the sub dir
if os.path.isdir(dir+fname):
# the entry, call the function, with the basic dir
Knowlton -- Python. Create-Modify-Reuse -- 2008 -- code.7z
根据提供的文件信息,“Knowlton -- Python....总的来说,《Python Create-Modify-Reuse》这本书通过一系列具体项目,全面而深入地介绍了Python编程的基础知识、实战经验和高级技巧,适合不同层次的Python学习者参考。
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