  • 浏览: 631026 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 杭州










<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 " xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "
 xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd ">
 <name>mydemo Maven Webapp</name>


   <name>Maven repository</name>

   <id>Codehaus Snapshots</id>

   <name>Apache Snapshot Repository</name>

   <id>Codehaus Snapshots</id>
   <name>Maven repository</name>
















  <!-- 集合类 -->

  <!-- XML配置和映射管理器-->

  <!-- ASM字节码库 -->
  <!-- ASM字节码库-->

  <!--===================SpringDM Bundle================-->

  <!--===================Felix Bundle================-->


  <!-- spring必须包 -->
  <!-- spring核心包 -->
   <!-- spring-asm-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar -->
   <!-- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar -->
  <!-- 利用IOC管理Bean的包 -->
  <!-- 对bean再次封装后的包,方便性强。 -->
   <!-- spring-expression-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar -->
   <!-- spring-aop-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar -->
   <!-- aopalliance-1.0.jar -->

  <!-- spring扩展包 -->
  <!-- SpringWeb下的工具包 -->

  <!-- 支持hibernate,对对象映射框架的支持 -->
   <!-- spring-tx-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar -->
   <!-- spring-jdbc-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar -->

   <!-- spring-tx-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar -->
   <!-- spring-jdbc-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar -->


  <!-- struts2.3.1.1必须包 --><dependency>
   <!-- ognl-3.0.3.jar -->
   <!-- asm-commons-3.1.jar -->
   <!-- asm-tree-3.1.jar -->
   <!-- commons-lang-2.5.jar -->
   <!-- commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar -->
   <!-- commons-io-2.0.1.jar -->
   <!-- xwork-core- -->
   <!-- javassist-3.11.0.GA.jar -->
   <!-- freemarker-2.3.18.jar -->
  <!-- struts2对于spring的支持 -->
  <!-- struts2对于json的支持 -->

  <!-- struts2对于spring的支持 -->
  <!-- struts2中对于注解的支持 -->

  <!-- hibernate3.6.9必须包 -->
  <!-- hibernate核心包              -->


  <!-- hibernate使用的一个日志系统 -->




  <!-- ==============mysql数据库驱动 ===================-->


  <!-- ==============dbcp数据库连接池 ===================-->
   <dependency> <groupId>commons-dbcp</groupId>
   <artifactId>commons-dbcp</artifactId> <version>1.4</version>
  <!-- cglib字节码解释器-->
   <dependency> <groupId>cglib</groupId>
   <artifactId>cglib-nodep</artifactId> <version>2.2.2</version>
  <!-- ==============c3p0数据库连接池 ===================-->
   <dependency> <groupId>c3p0</groupId> <artifactId>c3p0</artifactId>
   <version></version> </dependency>
  <!-- ==============proxool数据库连接池===================-->
  <!-- ==============解决jar包冲突问题===================-->

 <!-- ==============解决build打包问题===================-->






    <!-- 设置javac编译器的版本和编码字符 -->


    <plugin> <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty</groupId>
    <version>6.1.24</version> </plugin










<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee "
 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "
    http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd ">
 <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>
 <!-- log4j配置文件地址 -->

 <!-- 配置spring的配置文件 -->

 <!-- 配置proxool的配置文件 -->

 <!-- proxool监听 -->

 <!-- log4j监听 -->

 <!-- Spring监听 -->

 <!-- Spring 刷新Introspector防止内存泄露 -->
 <!-- Open Session In View Filter -->


 <!-- spring编码过滤器 -->
  <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>
   <!-- 强制进行转码 -->

  <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>

 <!-- Struts2配置信息 -->
  <!-- 指定配置文件路径 -->


 <!-- proxool提供的管理监控工具,可查看当前数据库连接情况。如果运行不成功,请删除本行 -->

 <!--验证码servlet  -->

 <!-- 欢迎页面 -->






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans "
 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "
 xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context "
 xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop "
 xmlns:jee="http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee "
 xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx "
 http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.1.xsd
 http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-3.1.xsd
 http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx-3.1.xsd
 http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee/spring-jee-3.1.xsd
 http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-3.1.xsd "

 <!--  aop 注解  -->
 <aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
 <bean class="org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation.AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator" />
 <!-- 使Spring关注Annotation -->
 <context:annotation-config />

 <!-- 让Spring通过自动扫描来查询和管理Bean-->
 <context:component-scan base-package="com.tcs.org.demostic" />

 <!--配置文件导入 -->
 <bean id="propertyConfigurer"
  <property name="location">
 <!--数据源 1 -->
 <bean id="dataSource"
  <property name="driverClassName">
  <property name="url">

 <bean id="sessionFactory"
  <property name="dataSource">
   <ref bean="dataSource" />
  <!-- 后台数据源配置连接池 开始 -->
  <property name="hibernateProperties">
    <prop key="hibernate.dialect">${database.dialect}</prop>
    <prop key="connection.provider_class">${database.connection}</prop>
    <prop key="hibernate.proxool.xml">/WEB-INF/classes/proxool.xml</prop>
    <prop key="hibernate.proxool.pool_alias">mydemo</prop>
    <!-- 缓存设置默认是EhCache
    <prop key="hibernate.cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider</prop>
    <prop key="hibernate.cache.provider_configuration_file_resource_path">/WEB-INF/classes/ehcache-hibernate.xml</prop>
    <prop key="jdbc.batch_size">20</prop>
    <prop key="jdbc.fetch_size">20</prop>
    <prop key="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache">true</prop>
    <prop key="hibernate.cache.use_structured_entries">true</prop>
    <!--hibernate sql设置 -->
    <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
    <prop key="hibernate.format_sql">true</prop>
    <prop key="hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer">true</prop>

  <!-- 前台数据源配置连接池 开始 -->
  <!-- 前台数据源配置连接池 结束 -->

  <property name="annotatedClasses">
    <!-- pub  start-->
    <!-- pub Menu bean start -->
    <!-- pub Menu bean over -->

    <!-- pub over -->
    <!-- app start-->
    <!-- public user bean start -->
    <!-- public user bean over -->
    <!-- app over -->


 <!-- 配置事务管理器 -->
 <bean id="transactionManager"
  <property name="sessionFactory">
   <ref bean="sessionFactory" />

 <!-- 配置事务的传播特性 -->
 <tx:advice id="txAdvice" transaction-manager="transactionManager">
   <tx:method name="save*" propagation="REQUIRED" read-only="false"/>
   <tx:method name="update*" propagation="REQUIRED" read-only="false"/>
   <tx:method name="delete*" propagation="REQUIRED" read-only="false"/>
   <tx:method name="*" read-only="true" />

 <!-- 那些类的哪些方法参与事务 -->
  <aop:pointcut id="allServiceMethod" expression="execution(* com.tcs.org.demostic.*.*.dao..*(..))" />
  <aop:advisor pointcut-ref="allServiceMethod" advice-ref="txAdvice" />

  配置拦截器 <bean name="logginaop"
  class="com.demo.pub.aops.login.LoggingInterceptor" />
  配置拦截器代理 <bean name="loggingAutoProxy"
  <property name="beanNames"> <list> <value>/loginon</value>
  <value>/reg</value> </list> </property> <property
  name="interceptorNames"> <list> <value>logginaop</value> </list>
  </property> </bean>



 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
          "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
          "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd ">

<!-- Generated by MyEclipse Hibernate Tools.  用不到整合到spring中去了 -->            

  <!-- mysql -->
   <property name="connection.url">
   <property name="dialect">
   <property name="connection.username">root</property>
   <property name="connection.password">1</property>
   <property name="connection.driver_class">
  <!-- oracle 
   <property name="connection.url">
    <property name="connection.driver_class">
    <property name="dialect">
   <property name="connection.username">demo</property>
   <property name="connection.password">1</property>
   <property name="connection.autocommit">true</property>
   <property name="connection.useUnicode">true</property>
   <property name="connection.characterEncoding">utf8</property>
   <property name="show_sql">true</property>
   <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">update</property>
   <property name="hibernate.format_sql">true</property>
    <mapping class="com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.security.group.bean.Group"/>
    <mapping class="com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.security.user.bean.User"/>
    <mapping class="com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.security.role.bean.Role"/>
    <mapping class="com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.security.auth.bean.Auth"/>
    <mapping class="com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.security.module.bean.Module"/>
    <mapping class="com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.security.menu.bean.Menu"/>
     <mapping class="com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.security.user.bean.UserDetail"/>
     <mapping class="com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.security.user.bean.UserSituation"/>




### set log levels ###
log4j.rootLogger = debug, stdout, D, E

### \u8f93\u51fa\u5230\u63a7\u5236\u53f0 ###
#kong zhi tai
log4j.appender.stdout = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
log4j.appender.stdout.Target = System.out
log4j.appender.stdout.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
#log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern = %-d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%t:%r] - [%p] %m%n

### \u8f93\u51fa\u5230\u65e5\u5fd7\u6587\u4ef6 ###
log4j.appender.D = org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender
log4j.appender.D.File = ${webapp.root}/log/log.log
log4j.appender.D.Append = true
log4j.appender.D.Threshold = DEBUG
log4j.appender.D.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
log4j.appender.D.layout.ConversionPattern = %-d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%t:%r] - [%p] %m%n

### \u4fdd\u5b58\u5f02\u5e38\u4fe1\u606f\u5230\u5355\u72ec\u6587\u4ef6 ###
log4j.appender.E = org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender
log4j.appender.E.File = ${webapp.root}/log/error.log
log4j.appender.E.Append = true
log4j.appender.E.Threshold = ERROR
log4j.appender.E.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
log4j.appender.E.layout.ConversionPattern =%-d{yyyy-MM-dd HH\:mm\:ss} [%t\:%r] - [%p] %m%n





## ##公用数据库参数配置
proxool.house-keeping-test-sql=select sysdate from DUAL

## ##  mySql  ## ##

## ##  orcale  ## ##

## ##缓存设置

## ##测试版数据库



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <!--mysql -->
   <property name="user" value="root" />
   <property name="password" value="1" />

   oracle <driver-url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:tcs</driver-url>

   <driver-properties> <property name="user" value="demostic" />
   <property name="password" value="demostic" /> </driver-properties>
  <!-- 最小的数据库连接数  -->
  <!-- 最大的数据库连接数  -->
  <!-- 最少保持的空闲连接数 -->
  <!-- proxool自动侦察各个连接状态的时间间隔(毫秒),侦察到空闲的连接就马上回收,超时的销毁。 -->
  <!-- 指因未有空闲连接可以分配而在队列中等候的最大请求数,超过这个请求数的用户连接就不会被接受 -->
  <!-- 某一时间点的最大连接数 -->
  <!-- 一个线程持有一个连接的最长时间5分钟,单位毫秒(默认5分钟)  -->
  <!-- 一个连接的最长活动时间4小时,单位毫秒(默认4小时) -->
  <house-keeping-test-sql>set names 'UTF-8';</house-keeping-test-sql>
  <house-keeping-test-sql>select 1 from dual</house-keeping-test-sql>





### Struts default properties
###(can be overridden by a struts.properties file in the root of the classpath)

### Specifies the Configuration used to configure Struts
### one could extend org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration
### to build one's customize way of getting the configurations parameters into Struts
# struts.configuration=org.apache.struts2.config.DefaultConfiguration

### This can be used to set your default locale and encoding scheme
# struts.locale=en_US

### if specified, the default object factory can be overridden here
### Note: short-hand notation is supported in some cases, such as "spring"
###       Alternatively, you can provide a com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory subclass name here 
struts.objectFactory = spring

### specifies the autoWiring logic when using the SpringObjectFactory.
### valid values are: name, type, auto, and constructor (name is the default)
struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire = name

### indicates to the struts-spring integration if Class instances should be cached
### this should, until a future Spring release makes it possible, be left as true
### unless you know exactly what you are doing!
### valid values are: true, false (true is the default)
struts.objectFactory.spring.useClassCache = true

### if specified, the default object type determiner can be overridden here
### Note: short-hand notation is supported in some cases, such as "tiger" or "notiger"
###       Alternatively, you can provide a com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ObjectTypeDeterminer implementation name here
### Note: By default, com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer is used which handles type detection
###       using generics. com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.GenericsObjectTypeDeterminer was deprecated since XWork 2, it's
###       functions are integrated in DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer now.
###       To disable tiger support use the "notiger" property value here.
#struts.objectTypeDeterminer = tiger
#struts.objectTypeDeterminer = notiger

### Parser to handle HTTP POST requests, encoded using the MIME-type multipart/form-data
# struts.multipart.parser=cos
# struts.multipart.parser=pell
# uses javax.servlet.context.tempdir by default

### Load custom property files (does not override struts.properties!)
# struts.custom.properties=application,org/apache/struts2/extension/custom

### How request URLs are mapped to and from actions

### Used by the DefaultActionMapper
### You may provide a comma separated list, e.g. struts.action.extension=action,jnlp,do
struts.action.extension = action,do,

### Used by FilterDispatcher
### If true then Struts serves static content from inside its jar.
### If false then the static content must be available at <context_path>/struts

### Used by FilterDispatcher
### This is good for development where one wants changes to the static content be
### fetch on each request.
### NOTE: This will only have effect if struts.serve.static=true
### If true -> Struts will write out header for static contents such that they will
###             be cached by web browsers (using Date, Cache-Content, Pragma, Expires)
###             headers).
### If false -> Struts will write out header for static contents such that they are
###            NOT to be cached by web browser (using Cache-Content, Pragma, Expires
###            headers)

### Set this to false if you wish to disable implicit dynamic method invocation
### via the URL request. This includes URLs like foo!bar.action, as well as params
### like method:bar (but not action:foo).
### An alternative to implicit dynamic method invocation is to use wildcard
### mappings, such as <action name="*/*" method="{2}" class="actions.{1}">
struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation = true

### Set this to true if you wish to allow slashes in your action names.  If false,
### Actions names cannot have slashes, and will be accessible via any directory
### prefix.  This is the traditional behavior expected of WebWork applications.
### Setting to true is useful when you want to use wildcards and store values
### in the URL, to be extracted by wildcard patterns, such as
### <action name="*/*" method="{2}" class="actions.{1}"> to match "/foo/edit" or
### "/foo/save".
struts.enable.SlashesInActionNames = false

### use alternative syntax that requires %{} in most places
### to evaluate expressions for String attributes for tags

### when set to true, Struts will act much more friendly for developers. This
### includes:
### - struts.i18n.reload = true
### - struts.configuration.xml.reload = true
### - raising various debug or ignorable problems to errors
###   For example: normally a request to foo.action?someUnknownField=true should
###                be ignored (given that any value can come from the web and it
###                should not be trusted). However, during development, it may be
###                useful to know when these errors are happening and be told of
###                them right away.
struts.devMode = false

### when set to true, resource bundles will be reloaded on _every_ request.
### this is good during development, but should never be used in production

### Standard UI theme
### Change this to reflect which path should be used for JSP control tag templates by default
#sets the default template type. Either ftl, vm, or jsp

### Configuration reloading
### This will cause the configuration to reload struts.xml when it is changed

### Location of velocity.properties file.  defaults to velocity.properties
struts.velocity.configfile = velocity.properties

### Comma separated list of VelocityContext classnames to chain to the StrutsVelocityContext
struts.velocity.contexts =

### Location of the velocity toolbox

### used to build URLs, such as the UrlTag
struts.url.http.port = 80
struts.url.https.port = 443
### possible values are: none, get or all
struts.url.includeParams = get

### Load custom default resource bundles

### workaround for some app servers that don't handle HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap()
### often used for WebLogic, Orion, and OC4J
struts.dispatcher.parametersWorkaround = false

### configure the Freemarker Manager class to be used
### Allows user to plug-in customised Freemarker Manager if necessary
### MUST extends off org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager

### Enables caching of FreeMarker templates
### Has the same effect as copying the templates under WEB_APP/templates

### Enables caching of models on the BeanWrapper

### See the StrutsBeanWrapper javadocs for more information

### configure the XSLTResult class to use stylesheet caching.
### Set to true for developers and false for production.

### A list of configuration files automatically loaded by Struts

### Whether to always select the namespace to be everything before the last slash or not



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?>
<!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN" "[url=http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd]http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd[/url]">
 <constant name="struts.i18n.encoding" value="GBK" />
 <constant name="struts.locale" value="zh_CN" />
 <constant name="struts.multipart.maxSize" value="300000000" />
 <constant name="struts.action.extension" value="action,struts2,json,html,demo,do,htm," />
 <constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value="true" />
 <constant name="struts.enable.SlashesInActionNames" value="true" />
 <constant name="struts.ui.theme" value="simple" />
 <constant name="struts.convention.relative.result.types" value="dispatcher,freemarker,velocity" />
 <constant name="struts.devMode" value="true" />
 <constant name="struts.convention.classes.reload" value="true" />
 <constant name="struts.convention.action.suffix" value="action,demo" />
 <constant name="struts.convention.action.name.lowercase" value="true" />
 <constant name="struts.convention.action.name.separator" value="-" />
 <constant name="struts.custom.i18n.resources" value="com.demo.resources.ApplicationResources*" />

package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.until;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolException;
import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolFacade;
import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.configuration.JAXPConfigurator;
import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.configuration.PropertyConfigurator;

import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Properties;

 * proxool初始化
public class ProxoolListener implements
  javax.servlet.ServletContextListener {

 private static final Log LOG = LogFactory

 private static final String XML_FILE_PROPERTY = "proxoolConfigLocation";

 private boolean autoShutdown = true;

 public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent servletConfig) {

  String appDir = servletConfig.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");

  Properties properties = new Properties();
  String value = servletConfig.getServletContext().getInitParameter(
  LOG.debug("proxoolConfigLocation:" + value);

  try {
   File file = new File(value);
   if (file.isAbsolute()) {
    JAXPConfigurator.configure(value, false);
   } else {
    LOG.debug(appDir + File.separator + value);
    JAXPConfigurator.configure(appDir + File.separator + value,
  } catch (ProxoolException e) {
   LOG.error("Problem configuring " + value, e);
  if (properties.size() > 0) {
   try {
   } catch (ProxoolException e) {
    LOG.error("Problem configuring using init properties", e);

 public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent s) {
  if (autoShutdown) {




 package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.until;

import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport;

 *oracle实例   (demo)
 *doc/oracle--mysql   create.readme
public class createTable {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  Configuration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration().configure();
  SchemaExport export = new SchemaExport(cfg);
  export.create(true, true);
  // SchemaUpdate update =new SchemaUpdate(cfg);
  // update.execute(true, true);










package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.action;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import net.sf.json.JSONObject;

import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

 * @author Jar.lin $<br>
 * @notes Created on 2010-01-25 $<br>
 *        Revision of last commit:$Revision: 01 $<br>
 *        Author of last commit:$Author: ssydxa219@126.com $<br>
 *        Date of last commit:$Date: 2010-01-25 16:47:12 +0800 <br>
 *        <p>
public class BaseAction extends ActionSupport {

 private int page;

 private String msg;

 public String getMsg() {
  return msg;

 public void setMsg(String msg) {
  this.msg = msg;

 public int getPage() {
  return page;

 public void setPage(int page) {
  this.page = page;



package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.bean;

 * 页索引,主要是起始页和终止页 $
 * @author Jar.lin $<br>
 * @notes Created on 2010-01-25 $<br>
 *        Revision of last commit:$Revision: 01 $<br>
 *        Author of last commit:$Author: ssydxa219@126.com $<br>
 *        Date of last commit:$Date: 2010-01-25 16:47:12 +0800 (周一, 25 一月 2010)$<br>
 *        <p>
public class PageIndex {
 /** 开始索引 **/
 private int startIndex;
 /** 结束索引 **/
 private int endIndex;

 public PageIndex(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
  this.startIndex = startIndex;
  this.endIndex = endIndex;

 public int getStartIndex() {
  return startIndex;

 public void setStartIndex(int startIndex) {
  this.startIndex = startIndex;

 public int getEndIndex() {
  return endIndex;

 public void setEndIndex(int endIndex) {
  this.endIndex = endIndex;

  * 起始页和终止页
  * @param viewPageCount
  *            显示多少页
  * @param currentPage
  *            当前页
  * @param totalpage
  *            总页数
  * @return PageIndex 起始页和终止页
 public static PageIndex getPageIndex(int viewPageCount, int currentPage,
   int totalpage) {
  int startpage = currentPage
    - (viewPageCount % 2 == 0 ? viewPageCount / 2 - 1
      : viewPageCount / 2);
  int endpage = currentPage + viewPageCount / 2;
  if (startpage < 1) {
   startpage = 1;
   if (totalpage >= viewPageCount)
    endpage = viewPageCount;
    endpage = totalpage;
  if (endpage > totalpage) {
   endpage = totalpage;
   if ((endpage - viewPageCount) > 0)
    startpage = endpage - viewPageCount + 1;
    startpage = 1;
  return new PageIndex(startpage, endpage);



package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.bean;

import java.util.List;

 * * 分页数据包装,包括分页信息和List数据 $<br>
 * @author Jar.lin $<br>
 * @notes Created on 2010-01-25 $<br>
 *        Revision of last commit:$Revision: 01 $<br>
 *        Author of last commit:$Author: ssydxa219@126.com $<br>
 *        Date of last commit:$Date: 2010-01-25 16:47:12 +0800 (周一, 25 一月 2010)$<br>
 *        <p>
public class PageView<T> {
 /** 分页数据 **/
 private List<T> records;
 /** 页码开始索引和结束索引 **/
 private PageIndex pageIndex;
 /** 总页数 **/
 private int totalPage = 1;
 /** 每页显示记录数 **/
 private int maxResult = 10;
 /** 当前页 **/
 private int currentPage = 1;
 /** 总记录数 **/
 private int totalRecord;
 /** 每次显示多少页,必须保证大于3页,保证左右链接都可以使用 **/
 private int viewPageCount = 10;

 /** 要获取记录的开始索引 **/
 public int getFirstResult() {
  return (this.currentPage - 1) * this.maxResult;

 public int getViewPageCount() {
  return viewPageCount;

 public void setViewPageCount(int viewPageCount) {
  this.viewPageCount = viewPageCount;

 public PageView(int maxResult, int currentPage) {
  this.maxResult = maxResult;
  this.currentPage = (currentPage <= 0 ? 1 : currentPage);

 public PageView(int currentPage) {
  this.currentPage = (currentPage <= 0 ? 1 : currentPage);

 public void setQueryResult(QueryResult<T> qr) {

 public int getTotalRecord() {
  return totalRecord;

 public void setTotalRecord(int totalRecord) {
  this.totalRecord = totalRecord;
  setTotalPage(this.totalRecord % this.maxResult == 0 ? this.totalRecord
    / this.maxResult : this.totalRecord / this.maxResult + 1);

 public List<T> getRecords() {
  return records;

 public void setRecords(List<T> records) {
  this.records = records;

 public PageIndex getPageIndex() {
  return pageIndex;

 public int getTotalPage() {
  return totalPage;

 public void setTotalPage(int totalPage) {
  this.totalPage = totalPage;
  this.pageIndex = PageIndex.getPageIndex(viewPageCount, currentPage,

 public int getMaxResult() {
  return maxResult;

 public int getCurrentPage() {
  return currentPage;




package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.bean;

import java.util.List;

 **查询结果集,包括数据和总数 $<br>
 * @author Jar.lin $<br>
 * @notes Created on 2010-01-25 $<br>
 *        Revision of last commit:$Revision: 01 $<br>
 *        Author of last commit:$Author: ssydxa219@126.com $<br>
 *        Date of last commit:$Date: 2010-01-25 16:47:12 +0800 (周一, 25 一月 2010)$<br>
 *        <p>
public class QueryResult<T> {
 /** 查询得出的数据List **/
 private List<T> resultList;
 /** 查询得出的总数 **/
 private int totalRecord;

 public List<T> getResultList() {
  return resultList;

 public void setResultList(List<T> resultList) {
  this.resultList = resultList;

 public int getTotalRecord() {
  return totalRecord;

 public void setTotalRecord(int totalRecord) {
  this.totalRecord = totalRecord;



package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.dao.impl;

import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
import javax.persistence.Entity;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.HibernateDaoSupport;

import com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.bean.QueryResult;
import com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.dao.IBaseDao;
import com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.util.GenericsUtils;

 * DAO层封装使用了泛型,包含常用的CURD和分页操作
 * @author Jar.lin $<br>
 * @notes Created on 2010-01-25 $<br>
 *        Revision of last commit:$Revision: 01 $<br>
 *        Author of last commit:$Author: ssydxa219@126.com $<br>
 *        Date of last commit:$Date: 2010-01-25 16:47:12 +0800 (周一, 25 一月 2010)$<br>
 *        <p>
public abstract class BaseDaoImpl<T> extends HibernateDaoSupport implements IBaseDao<T> {
 protected Class<T> entityClass = GenericsUtils.getSuperClassGenricType(this.getClass());
 protected String entityClassName = getEntityName(this.entityClass);
 protected String keyFieldName = getKeyFieldName(this.entityClass);

 // 为父类HibernateDaoSupport注入sessionFactory的值
 @Resource(name = "sessionFactory")
 public void setSuperSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {

  * @see findByEntity(java.lang.Object)
 public List<T> findByEntity(Object entiey)throws Exception {
  return super.getHibernateTemplate().findByExample(entiey);

  * Order By
 public List<T> findByEntityOrderBy(Object entiey,String orderBy,String descasc)throws Exception{
  String entieyOrderBy = "from" +entityClassName+ " o Order By " + orderBy +" "+descasc;
  return super.getHibernateTemplate().find(entieyOrderBy);
  * @see findByProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
 public List<T> findByProperty(String propertyName, Object value)throws Exception {
  String queryString = "from " + entityClassName + " o where o."
    + propertyName + "= ?";
  return super.getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString, value);

  * @see find(java.io.Serializable)
 public T find(Serializable entityId) throws Exception {
  if (null != entityId)
   return (T) super.getHibernateTemplate().get(entityClass, entityId);
  return null;

  * @see getCount()
 public int getCount() throws Exception {
  String hql = "select count( " + keyFieldName + ") from "
    + entityClassName;
  int count = Integer.parseInt(super.getHibernateTemplate().find(hql)
  return count;

 public void save(Object entity) throws Exception {

  * @see update(java.lang.Object)
 public void update(Object entity) throws Exception {

 public void saveOrUpdate(Object entity) {
  * @see delete(java.io.Serializable[])
 public void delete(Serializable... entityids) throws Exception {
  for (Object id : entityids) {
   super.getHibernateTemplate().delete(find((Serializable) id));

  * @see getScrollData(int, int, java.lang.String,
  * java.lang.Object[], java.util.LinkedHashMap)
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(final int firstindex,
   final int maxresult,
   final String wherejpql,
   final Object[] queryParams,
   final LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderby) throws Exception {
  final QueryResult<T> queryResult = new QueryResult<T>();

  super.getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback<T>() {
   public T doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException,
     SQLException {
    String hql = "from "
      + entityClassName
      + " o "
      + (wherejpql == null || "".equals(wherejpql.trim()) ? ""
        : " where " + wherejpql)
      + buildOrderby(orderby);
    Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
    setQueryParams(query, queryParams);// where
    queryResult.setTotalRecord(query.list().size());// first get
    // size

    if (firstindex != -1 && maxresult != -1)
     query.setFirstResult(firstindex).setMaxResults(maxresult);// last
    // page


    return null;


  return queryResult;


  * @see getScrollData(int, int, java.lang.String,
  * java.lang.Object[], java.util.LinkedHashMap)
  * SELECT 语句
  SELECT[predicate]{*|table.*|[table.]field [,[table.]field2[,...]]} [AS alias1 [,alias2[,...]]]
  FROM tableexpression [,...][IN externaldatabase]
  [GROUP BY...]
  [ORDER BY...]
  SELECT 语句包括下面几个部分


  * @see getScrollData(int, int, java.lang.String,
  * java.lang.Object[])
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(int firstindex, int maxresult,
   String wherejpql, Object[] queryParams)throws Exception {
  return getScrollData(firstindex, maxresult, wherejpql, queryParams,

  * @see getScrollData(int, int, java.util.LinkedHashMap)
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(final int firstindex,
   final int maxresult, final LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderby) throws Exception {
  return getScrollData(firstindex, maxresult, null, null, orderby);


  * @see getScrollData(int, int)
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(final int firstindex,
   final int maxresult) throws Exception {
  return getScrollData(firstindex, maxresult, null, null, null);

  * @see getScrollData()
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData() throws Exception {
  return getScrollData(-1, -1, null, null, null);

  * @see  save(java.lang.Object)

  * 获取实体的名称
  * @param <E>
  * @param clazz
  *            实体类
  * @return
 protected static <E> String getEntityName(Class<E> clazz) {
  String entityname = clazz.getSimpleName();
  Entity entity = clazz.getAnnotation(Entity.class);
  if (entity.name() != null && !"".equals(entity.name())) {
   entityname = entity.name();
  return entityname;

  * 获取实体的主键
  * @param <E>
  * @param clazz
  *            实体类
  * @return 主键名
 protected static <E> String getKeyFieldName(Class<E> clazz) {
  try {
   PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = Introspector
   for (PropertyDescriptor propertydesc : propertyDescriptors) {
    Method method = propertydesc.getReadMethod();
    if (null != method
      && null != method
        .getAnnotation(javax.persistence.Id.class)) {
     return propertydesc.getName();
  } catch (Exception e) {
  return "id";

  * 设置HQL里边的属性值
  * @param query
  * @param queryParams
 protected static void setQueryParams(Query query, Object[] queryParams) {
  if (queryParams != null && queryParams.length > 0) {
   for (int i = 0; i < queryParams.length; i++) {
    query.setParameter(i, queryParams[i]);// 从0开始

  * 组装order by语句
  * @param orderby
  * @return
 protected static String buildOrderby(LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderby) {
  StringBuffer orderbyql = new StringBuffer("");
  if (orderby != null && orderby.size() > 0) {
   orderbyql.append(" order by ");
   for (String key : orderby.keySet()) {
    orderbyql.append("o.").append(key).append(" ").append(
   orderbyql.deleteCharAt(orderbyql.length() - 1);
  return orderbyql.toString();

 protected static <E> String getCountField(Class<E> clazz) throws Exception {
  String out = "o";
  try {
   PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = Introspector
   for (PropertyDescriptor propertydesc : propertyDescriptors) {
    Method method = propertydesc.getReadMethod();
    if (method != null
      && method.isAnnotationPresent(EmbeddedId.class)) {
     PropertyDescriptor[] ps = Introspector.getBeanInfo(
     out = "o."
       + propertydesc.getName()
       + "."
       + (!ps[1].getName().equals("class") ? ps[1]
         .getName() : ps[0].getName());
  } catch (Exception e) {
  return out;




package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.dao;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;

import com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.bean.QueryResult;

 * DAO层封装接口,包含常用的CURD和分页操作 $<br>
 * @author Jar.lin $<br>
 * @notes Created on 2010-01-25 $<br>
 *        Revision of last commit:$Revision: 01 $<br>
 *        Author of last commit:$Author: ssydxa219@126.com $<br>
 *        Date of last commit:$Date: 2010-01-25 16:47:12 +0800 (周一, 25 一月 2010)$<br>
 *        <p>

public interface IBaseDao<T> {

  * 根据属性查找对象
  * @param propertyName
  *            属性(对应Bean)
  * @param value
  *            属性
  * @return 根据属性查找对象
 public List<T> findByProperty(String propertyName, Object value) throws Exception;

  * 根据实体查找对象
  * @param entiey
  *            实体(T类型)
  * @return 根据属性查找对象
 public List<T> findByEntity(Object entiey)throws Exception;

  * 获取记录总数
  * @param entityClass
  *            实体类
  * @return
 public int getCount()throws Exception;

  * 保存实体
  * @param entity
  *            实体id
 public void save(Object entity)throws Exception;

  * 更新实体
  * @param entity
  *            实体id
 public void update(Object entity)throws Exception;

  * 更新或保存实体
  * @param entity
  *            实体id
 public void saveOrUpdate(Object entity)throws Exception;
  * 删除实体
  * @param entityClass
  *            实体类
  * @param entityids
  *            实体id数组
 public void delete(Serializable... entityids)throws Exception;

  * 获取实体
  * @param <T>
  * @param entityClass
  *            实体类
  * @param entityId
  *            实体id
  * @return
 public T find(Serializable entityId)throws Exception;
  * 获取分页数据
  * @param firstindex
  *            开始索引
  * @param maxresult
  *            每页显示记录数
  * @param wherejpql
  *            where语句
  * @param queryParams
  *            查询参数
  * @param orderby
  *            排序序列
  * @return 分页数据
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(final int firstindex,
   final int maxresult, final String wherejpql,
   final Object[] queryParams,
   final LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderby)throws Exception;

  * 获取分页数据
  * @param firstindex
  *            开始索引
  * @param maxresult
  *            每页显示记录数
  * @param wherejpql
  *            where语句
  * @param queryParams
  *            查询参数
  * @return 分页数据
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(final int firstindex,
   final int maxresult, final String wherejpql,
   final Object[] queryParams)throws Exception;

  * 获取分页数据
  * @param firstindex
  *            开始索引
  * @param maxresult
  *            每页显示记录数
  * @param orderby
  *            排序序列
  * @return 分页数据
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(final int firstindex,
   final int maxresult, final LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderby)throws Exception;

  * 获取分页数据
  * @param firstindex
  *            开始索引
  * @param maxresult
  *            每页显示记录数
  * @return 分页数据
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(final int firstindex,
   final int maxresult)throws Exception;

  * 获取所有对象
  * @return 所有对象
 public QueryResult<T> getScrollData()throws Exception;



package com.tcs.org.demostic.pub.base.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * 泛型工具类 $<br>
 * @author Jar.lin $<br>
 * @notes Created on 2010-01-25 $<br>
 *        Revision of last commit:$Revision: 01 $<br>
 *        Author of last commit:$Author: ssydxa219@126.com $<br>
 *        Date of last commit:$Date: 2010-01-25 16:47:12 +0800 (周一, 25 一月 2010)$<br>
 *        <p>
public class GenericsUtils {
  * 通过反射,获得指定类的父类的泛型参数的实际类型. 如BuyerServiceBean extends DaoSupport<Buyer>
  * @param clazz
  *            clazz 需要反射的类,该类必须继承范型父类
  * @param index
  *            泛型参数所在索引,从0开始.
  * @return 范型参数的实际类型, 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,所以直接返回
  *         <code>Object.class</code>
 public static Class getSuperClassGenricType(Class clazz, int index) {
  Type genType = clazz.getGenericSuperclass();// 得到泛型父类
  // 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,直接返回Object.class
  if (!(genType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
   return Object.class;
  // 返回表示此类型实际类型参数的Type对象的数组,数组里放的都是对应类型的Class, 如BuyerServiceBean extends
  // DaoSupport<Buyer,Contact>就返回Buyer和Contact类型
  Type[] params = ((ParameterizedType) genType).getActualTypeArguments();
  if (index >= params.length || index < 0) {
   throw new RuntimeException("你输入的索引"
     + (index < 0 ? "不能小于0" : "超出了参数的总数"));
  if (!(params[index] instanceof Class)) {
   return Object.class;
  return (Class) params[index];

  * 通过反射,获得指定类的父类的第一个泛型参数的实际类型. 如BuyerServiceBean extends DaoSupport<Buyer>
  * @param clazz
  *            clazz 需要反射的类,该类必须继承泛型父类
  * @return 泛型参数的实际类型, 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,所以直接返回
  *         <code>Object.class</code>
 public static Class getSuperClassGenricType(Class clazz) {
  return getSuperClassGenricType(clazz, 0);

  * 通过反射,获得方法返回值泛型参数的实际类型. 如: public Map<String, Buyer> getNames(){}
  * @param Method
  *            method 方法
  * @param int index 泛型参数所在索引,从0开始.
  * @return 泛型参数的实际类型, 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,所以直接返回
  *         <code>Object.class</code>
 public static Class getMethodGenericReturnType(Method method, int index) {
  Type returnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
  if (returnType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
   ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) returnType;
   Type[] typeArguments = type.getActualTypeArguments();
   if (index >= typeArguments.length || index < 0) {
    throw new RuntimeException("你输入的索引"
      + (index < 0 ? "不能小于0" : "超出了参数的总数"));
   return (Class) typeArguments[index];
  return Object.class;

  * 通过反射,获得方法返回值第一个泛型参数的实际类型. 如: public Map<String, Buyer> getNames(){}
  * @param Method
  *            method 方法
  * @return 泛型参数的实际类型, 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,所以直接返回
  *         <code>Object.class</code>
 public static Class getMethodGenericReturnType(Method method) {
  return getMethodGenericReturnType(method, 0);

  * 通过反射,获得方法输入参数第index个输入参数的所有泛型参数的实际类型. 如: public void add(Map<String,
  * Buyer> maps, List<String> names){}
  * @param Method
  *            method 方法
  * @param int index 第几个输入参数
  * @return 输入参数的泛型参数的实际类型集合, 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,所以直接返回空集合
 public static List<Class> getMethodGenericParameterTypes(Method method,
   int index) {
  List<Class> results = new ArrayList<Class>();
  Type[] genericParameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
  if (index >= genericParameterTypes.length || index < 0) {
   throw new RuntimeException("你输入的索引"
     + (index < 0 ? "不能小于0" : "超出了参数的总数"));
  Type genericParameterType = genericParameterTypes[index];
  if (genericParameterType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
   ParameterizedType aType = (ParameterizedType) genericParameterType;
   Type[] parameterArgTypes = aType.getActualTypeArguments();
   for (Type parameterArgType : parameterArgTypes) {
    Class parameterArgClass = (Class) parameterArgType;
   return results;
  return results;

  * 通过反射,获得方法输入参数第一个输入参数的所有泛型参数的实际类型. 如: public void add(Map<String, Buyer>
  * maps, List<String> names){}
  * @param Method
  *            method 方法
  * @return 输入参数的泛型参数的实际类型集合, 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,所以直接返回空集合
 public static List<Class> getMethodGenericParameterTypes(Method method) {
  return getMethodGenericParameterTypes(method, 0);

  * 通过反射,获得Field泛型参数的实际类型. 如: public Map<String, Buyer> names;
  * @param Field
  *            field 字段
  * @param int index 泛型参数所在索引,从0开始.
  * @return 泛型参数的实际类型, 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,所以直接返回
  *         <code>Object.class</code>
 public static Class getFieldGenericType(Field field, int index) {
  Type genericFieldType = field.getGenericType();

  if (genericFieldType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
   ParameterizedType aType = (ParameterizedType) genericFieldType;
   Type[] fieldArgTypes = aType.getActualTypeArguments();
   if (index >= fieldArgTypes.length || index < 0) {
    throw new RuntimeException("你输入的索引"
      + (index < 0 ? "不能小于0" : "超出了参数的总数"));
   return (Class) fieldArgTypes[index];
  return Object.class;

  * 通过反射,获得Field泛型参数的实际类型. 如: public Map<String, Buyer> names;
  * @param Field
  *            field 字段
  * @param int index 泛型参数所在索引,从0开始.
  * @return 泛型参数的实际类型, 如果没有实现ParameterizedType接口,即不支持泛型,所以直接返回
  *         <code>Object.class</code>
 public static Class getFieldGenericType(Field field) {
  return getFieldGenericType(field, 0);





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1 楼 CoderDream 2014-11-29  




    这个压缩包文件"struts-2.3.1+spring3.1.1+hibernate3.6.9整合&配置文件"提供了将这三个框架整合使用的配置和依赖。下面我们将详细讨论这三个框架以及它们的整合过程。 **Struts 2** 是一个基于MVC设计模式的Java ...



    Ubuntu 18.04.1+Mysql 5.7.29+Python 3.6.9部署django项目

    服务器环境:Ubuntu 18.04.1+Mysql 5.7.29+Python 3.6.9 ** 步骤一:布置环境 mysql安装(sudo apt-get update): 1.1命令安装 (1)sudo apt-get install mysql-server (2)sudo apt-get install mysql-client (3)...

    Hibernate 3.6.9 官方汉化版教程

    SSH(Struts、Spring、Hibernate)是经典的Java企业级开发框架组合,其中Hibernate作为数据层解决方案,Spring提供依赖注入和事务管理,Struts则处理视图和控制器。了解Hibernate是掌握SSH架构的关键步骤。 本教程...




    - **3.6.9.Final (2011-12-15)**:此版本修复了一些小错误并增强了稳定性。 - **3.6.8.Final (2011-10-27)**:进一步优化了性能并解决了几个安全问题。 - …… - **3.6.0.Final (2010-10-14)**:这是3.6.x系列的...


    作者使用的操作系统是Windows 7 64位,JDK版本为1.6和1.7,开发环境为Eclipse Java EE Indigo,网站容器为Tomcat 7.0,开发框架包括Struts,Spring 3.1.0-release,Hibernate 4.0.0-Final和3.6.9-Final。...

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    Apache Maven 是一个强大的项目管理和构建工具,主要用于Java应用程序的开发。它基于项目对象模型(Project Object Model,POM)的概念,能够自动化构建过程,管理依赖关系,并提供了统一的构建过程,使得开发人员的...







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    凯沃里 :: API org.kevoree/org.kevoree.api/3.6.9/org.kevoree.api-3.6.9.jar


    智慧消防云平台融合了无线烟感监测、...springboot2 + mysql 5.7 + redis 5.0.0 + elasticsearch 6.5.4 + rabbitmq 3.6.9 + vue3 使用根目录下maven 配置文件 mysql数据库资源创建好后,执行sql文件创建初始化数据库


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    java jar包,亲测试可用 安全,可以对其进行数字签名,只让能够识别数字签名的用户使用里面的东西。 加快下载速度; 压缩,使文件变小,与ZIP压缩机制完全相同。 ...能够让JAR包里面的文件依赖于统一版本的类文件。...

    Python-3.6.9 tar+tar.xz.rar

    在本文件"Python-3.6.9 tar+tar.xz.rar"中,包含的是Linux平台上的Python 3.6.9源代码,以两种不同的压缩格式存储:tgz和tar.xz。 1. **Python 3.6.9**:这个版本引入了诸多新特性,包括但不限于: - **asyncio...


    hibernate-c3p0.jar 各个版本,免费下载 C3PO JDBC 连接池工具


    本压缩包“maven3.6.3-windows.rar”提供了Apache Maven 3.6.3版本,专为Windows操作系统设计。这个版本在稳定性和性能上都有所提升,对于Windows用户来说,安装和使用都非常方便。 **Maven的核心概念** 1. **项目...

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