This package is the backport of
introduced in
Java 5.0
and further refined in Java 6.0,
to older Java platforms. The backport is based on public-domain sources from the
JSR 166 CVS repository
, the
package, and the Doug Lea's
The ambition of this project is to provide a concurrency library that works with
uncompromised performance on all Java platforms currently in use,
allowing development of fully portable concurrent applications. More precisely,
the traget scope is Java 1.3 and above, and some limited support if offered for Java 1.2.
The backport is close to complete; unsupported functionality is
limited to: 1) classes that rely on explicit
JVM support and cannot be emulated at a satisfactory
performance level on platforms before 5.0, 2) some of the functions
described in the original javadoc as "designed primarily for use in
monitoring in system state, not for synchronization control".
The ultimate purpose of the backport is to enable gradual migration to java.util.concurrent.
In a perfect world, everybody would instantly and simultaneously upgrade to Java 6.0 once
it comes out. In reality, many people are, for various reasons, still stuck to older platforms.
The backport allows them to use the JSR 166 goodies without upgrading just yet.
And once they are ready to switch, their concurrency code will require only very minor
modifications, such as changing the import statements.
《backport-util-concurrent:Java并发编程的利器》 在Java的世界里,高效并发处理是提升应用程序性能的关键因素之一。backport-util-concurrent库,正如其名,是一种将Java 5及以上版本的并发特性“回移植”到Java...
backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar 和 geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar 复制到 MyEclipse 6.5\eclipse\plugins\Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0\lib 文件夹下。 (3).注册此 jar 包: 修改MyEclipse 6.5\eclipse...
- copy %AXIS2_HOME%\lib\backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar 到%ECLIPSE_HOME%\plugins\Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0\lib - 注册此 jar 包: 編輯 %ECLIPSE_HOME%\plugins\Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0\plugin.xml , ...
《回溯:Java中的backport-util-concurrent》 在Java编程领域,backport-util-concurrent是一个重要的库,尤其对于那些需要在Java 5之前的版本中使用Java 5及更高版本引入的并发特性的开发者来说。这个库的目标是将...
"backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar" 文件到 Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0 的 lib 目录中 , 同时修改 Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0 下的 plugin.xml 文件 , 在 <runtime> 中添加 <library name="lib/geronimo-stax-...
《backport-util-concurrent_java_backport_源码分析》 backport-util-concurrent是一个Java库,它的主要目的是将Java 5中的并发工具类(java.util.concurrent)回移植到Java 1.3和1.4等早期版本。这个库使得开发者...