There is no free lunch.
There is free software.
It is some kind of implications for society
It is also new macroeconomic framework.
Break intellectual property barrier and create new cooperation model.
Commodity markets are price-sensitive precisely because the goods being traded are commodities.
Free Software - Gift Ecnomy.
What's Free/Free Software?
It works against the concentration of wealth.
So when free software creates more wealth, the benefits are general.
1 Ubuntu
3 Blender
4 FireFox
5 Skype/QQ/MSN
6 OpenOffice
7 Gmail/Google
Why we should use free software?
How to get free software?
There is free software, there is also free lunch.
SaaS- Software as a service.
Free Software has the effect of removing points of economic friction by circumventing the traps and nets that allow certain types of profit to be accumulated.
It does this by creating 'valuable' intellectual property and placing it into the public domain (policed by the GPL).
This low cost software represents a 'savings' as compared to proprietary, high-cost software, and a business can exploit these savings, lower their costs, increase their profits, and pass the remainder on to the consumer.
These savings apply a powerful economic incentive for businesses, large and small, to adopt Linux in favor of Microsoft Windows, in order to become more competitive in their sphere of competition.
Thus, in this way, open source can be, and is becoming a powerful global economic force that will not be diverted.
虽然自由软件(Free Software)与开源软件(Open Source Software)在表面上看起来相似,但实际上它们有着本质的区别。自由软件关注的是用户的自由,强调用户有权获得软件的源代码,并且可以自由地使用、复制、修改...
How to Run a Successful Free Software Project......
理查德·M·斯托曼(Richard M. Stallman),自由软件运动的先驱者,他在计算机科学领域做出的贡献广为人知,特别是在推广自由软件方面。他的言论和论文集《自由软件,自由社会》中,斯托曼深入探讨了自由软件的哲学...
### 自由软件BugFree知识点详解 #### 一、BugFree简介与来源 - **BugFree定义**:BugFree是一款借鉴微软公司软件研发理念而设计的Bug管理系统,它使用PHP+MySQL构建,旨在帮助软件团队有效地管理和追踪软件开发...
Karl Fogel:Producing Open Source Software——How to Run a Successful Free Software Project Karl Fogel:Producing Open Source Software——How to Run a Successful Free Software Project Karl Fogel:...
opus - free optical design software for Linux from opus is a software application for designing and evaluating optical systems. The first release of this opus software ...
Two free PC version of the software, has been used very stable, and I hope to be useful to you! Use tutorials: Download = = right mouse button "administrator running" = > completed!
这个名为"GNU and free"的压缩包包含了两个关键文件:"GNU and free software.ppt"(可能是PowerPoint演示文稿)和"GNU and the free software.doc"(可能是Word文档),它们可能详细阐述了这两个主题...
根据自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation, FSF)的定义,用户拥有以下四种基本自由:运行程序的自由、研究并改变程序使其满足个人需求的自由、重新发布副本的自由以及改进程序并公开发布的自由。 ### 许可证...
- `/gdi:software/hardware`: 选择软件或硬件图形接口。 - `/cert-ignore`: 忽略证书验证,用于测试环境。 ### 5. 高级配置 FreeRDP还支持通过配置文件来管理连接参数,这在管理大量服务器或有特定需求时非常有用...
涵盖了开源开发的人文方面。 描述成功项目的运作方式,用户和开发人员的期望以及自由软件的文化。
【标题】:“awesome-free-software:自由软件的精选清单” 这个标题揭示了资源的核心内容,即一个关于自由软件的精选列表。"awesome-free-software"是这个项目或列表的名称,它代表了一种高质量、免费且开源的软件...
自由软件之父 Free Software, Free Society Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman
with the Invariant Sections being “Free Software” and “Free Software Needs Free Documentation”, with the Front-Cover Texts being “A GNU Manual,” and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. ...
该文档由Free Electrons发布,并遵循Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 许可协议。这意味着任何人都可以自由地复制、分发、展示和执行此作品,也可以基于此作品制作衍生作品和用于商业用途。但必须满足...
How to Run a Successful Free Software Project (制造开源软件-如何成功运营自由软件项目) Karl Fogel 章节标题 前言 1. 介绍 2. 起步 3. 技术基础设施 4. 社会和政治的基础架构 5. 金钱 6. 交流 7. 打包...
A one-semester college ... A free MOOC (massively open online course) at follows the book's content and adds programming assignments and quizzes. See for details.
通过阅读《CAAREA Free Software License and Use Agreement》,开发者可以了解自己的权利和义务,避免在使用过程中触犯法律,同时也能更好地利用开源社区的资源进行开发和创新。这份协议是开源文化的重要组成部分,...
Free as in Freedom - Richard Stallman’s Crusade for Free Software Free as in Freedom (2.0): Richard Stallman and the Free Software Revolution