The site is up at: at the time of writing. The source code is this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<bodystyle="background-color: black;background-image:url('eva.png');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center center;height:100%;margin:0px;padding:0px;">
The audio plays fine in Chrome, IE9, and Firefox, but does not loop in the latter. The audio file can't be malformed, as it was produced by Audacity. Is there any other explanation for why it doesn't loop?
" 和 "Sorry, dad, I won’t be long." 这两句话用到了 "mind doing" 表示介意做某事,以及 "be long" 表示不会花费很长时间。 - "I can do it all by myself. I’m sure. It’s no problem." 这里强调了独立完成...
Why has my order been closed? How do I use a coupon or discount? 任务操作 问题1: I got an error message during the payment process. What should I do? 回答: If you got an error message on our ...
本课件主要围绕八年级下册新人教版初中英语Unit 4 "Why don’t you talk to your parents?"展开,旨在帮助学生掌握如何用情态动词"should"和"could"来谈论问题并给出建议,以及使用结构"Why don’t you…"给出建议的...
《5 Why 分析法详解与应用》 5 Why 分析法是一种源于丰田生产系统的诊断工具,主要用于探究问题的根本原因,防止问题重复发生。通过连续提问五个“为什么”,以揭示问题背后的深层次原因,达到解决问题的目的。这种...
和家亲刷公版固件,需要注意主板版本号为-21177-REV1.5 主控芯片是ezc5540A,WiFi芯片为 MT7601 才可用。
)、“I have too many...”(我太多...)、“Why don’t you...”(你为什么不...)等,其中重点是使用"Why don't you..."结构提供建议。 2. 教学内容着重于学习和掌握基本词汇、短语以及句型,并能够灵活运用这些...
Why Don't Students Like School? 作者: Daniel T. Willingham 出版社: Jossey-Bass 副标题: A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroom 出版年: 2010...
5个Why分析又称5问法,最初由丰田公司提出并在丰 田公司广泛采用,因此也被称为丰田5问法。 5个Why报告在日系企业利用的很多,其首创是丰田公司的大野奈一,来源于一次新闻发布会,有人问,丰田公司的汽车质量怎么...
pundits, they’ll tell you that HTML5 won’t be ready for ten years or more! Why, then, would anyone think that now’s the time for a book called Pro HTML5 Programming? That’s easy. Because for ...
Master Audio:AAA Sound Unity高级音效编辑插件: Master Audio gives you tremendous ease of use, speed, power and flexibility far beyond any contender. Why use another underpowered solution and waste ...
追因分析法5why分析法整理 追因分析法,也被称作5个为什么分析法,它是一种诊断性技术,被用来识别和说明因果关系链,找到问题的根本原因,从而防止问题重演。该方法通过不断提问“为什么”来找到问题的真正根源,...
This updated new edition covers all the most up-to-date techniques and tools needed to build great responsive designs, ensuring that your projects won’t just be built ‘right’ for today, but in the ...
Master Audio gives you tremendous ease of use, speed, power and flexibility far beyond any contender. Why use another underpowered solution and waste your time writing code? We've coded every scenario...
电信CS-TY3-2WCN,移动CS-MY3-3WHY, 可解固件萤石CS-CP1-2C3WF ,300W像素
streaming versus captive digital audio new media assets, digital audio programming and publishing platforms, and why data footprint optimization is important for modern day new media content ...
Why HTML5, and why all the excitement just now? What are the new design principles that make HTML5 truly revolutionary—but also highly accommodating? What are the implications of a plugin-free ...