  • 浏览: 45020 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 广州


AttackMode 攻击模式
TYPE_TEAM       团队模式
TYPE_GANG      帮会模式
TYPE_ALL         全部模式
_name          名称
_shortName   短名称
_type    类型
getAttackMode 得到attackmode
getNextAttackMode 得到下一个模式
BaseInfo  基础信息
protected info : Object;
setData(data : Object, fireEvent : Boolean = true)
dispatchEvent(new InfoEvent(InfoEvent.INFO_CHANGE));
setValue(key : String, value : *, fireEvent : Boolean = true)
getString(key : String, defaultValue : String = "")
getInt(key : String, defaultValue : int = -1)

BaseItemInfo extends BaseInfo implements IItemInfo
public static const KEY_ID : String = "id";
public static const KEY_TYPE_CODE : String = "type_code";
public static const KEY_TYPE : String = "type";
public static const KEY_SP_TYPE : String = "sp_type";
public static const KEY_ON_SALE : String = "on_sale";
public static const KEY_NAME : String = "name";
public static const KEY_DESCRIPT : String = "descript";
public static const KEY_MONEY : String = "money";
public static const KEY_GOLD : String = "gold";
public static const KEY_REC_MONEY : String = "rec_money";
public static const KEY_OVERLAY : String = "overlay";
public static const KEY_EXPIRY_HOUR : String = "expiry_hour";
public static const KEY_IS_BIND : String = "is_bind";
public static const KEY_CAN_TRADE : String = "can_trade";
public static const KEY_CAN_STORE : String = "can_store";
public static const KEY_CAN_USE : String = "can_use";
public static const KEY_CAN_DESTROY : String = "can_destroy";
public static const KEY_LEVEL_LMT : String = "level_lmt";
public static const KEY_SOUND_ID : String = "sound_id";
public static const KEY_SCRIPT_ID : String = "script_id";
public static const KEY_ICON : String = "icon";
public static const KEY_VALUABLES : String = "is_valuables";
public static const KEY_CD_TIME : String = "cd";
public static const KEY_CD_TYPE : String = "fcd";
public static const KEY_HONOR : String = "honor_point";
public static const KEY_QUALITY : String = "quality";
public static const KEY_QUEST_ID : String = "quest_id";
//参考ItemInfoType。1 装备,2 药品,3 属性宝石,4 杂项, 5图样
public function get type() : int {
return getInt(KEY_TYPE, -1);

IItemInfo 物品信息接口
function setData(value : Object, fireEvent : Boolean = true) : void;

function get id() : int;

function get systemId() : int;

//1 装备,2 药品,3 杂项
function get type() : int;

//是否出售。0不出售,1 NPC出售,2 商城出售
function get onSale() : int;

function get money() : int;

function get gold() : int;

function get honor() : int;

function get recycleMoney() : int;

function get overlay() : int;

function get expiryHour() : int;

function get isBind() : Boolean;

//能否交易,0 否,1是
function get canTrade() : Boolean;

//能否放入仓库,0 否,1是
function get canStore() : Boolean;

//能否摧毁,0 否,1是
function get canDestroy() : Boolean;

function get levelLmt() : int;

function get soundId() : int;

function get scriptId() : int;

function get questId() : int;

function get hasQuest() : Boolean;
IItem  物品接口
function get iconPath() : String;
function setStatus(value : int, isDispatchEvent : Boolean = false) : void;
function setIndex(value : int, isDispatchEvent : Boolean = false) : void;
function get name() : String;
function get descript() : String;
function get canUse() : Boolean;
function get locked() : Boolean;
function set locked(value : Boolean) : void;
function destroy() : void;
function clone() : IItem;
BuffInfo   效果信息
public function get descript() : String
createBuffInfoByServerData(body : Object)
BuildingInfo 建筑信息
BuildingInfoVO  建筑信息vo

private var _type : int;
private var _name : String;
private var _iconClass : Class;
private var _desc : String;
private var _productList : Array;
private var _upgradeInfoArr : Array;
BuildingInfoVO(type : int = -1, name : String = "", iconClass : Class = null, desc : String = "", productList : Array = null, upgradeInfoArr : Array = null)

public function get productList() : Array {
return ItemProduceConfig.instance.getBuildingProduct(_type);
BuildingUpgradeVO 建筑升级信息vo
public var level : int;
public var health : int;
public var money : int;
public var time : int;
ChatTextInfo   聊天文字
* 分线
public var line : int = -1;

public var channelCmd : uint;
public var channelName : String;
public var channelColor : int;

public var word : String;
public var wordColor : int;
public function get isSystemMessage() : Boolean {
return channelCmd == 0x0607;

public static function getLineStr(line : int) : String
public var senderName : String;
public var senderID : int;
public var senderColor : int;
public var vip : Number;

public var viewCloud : Boolean;
CoolDown 冷却类
public var id : int; 
public var time : int;
private var commonCD : CoolDown;
private var _lastRunTime : int;
private var _objects : Vector.<ICoolDownObject>;
private var _coolDowns : Vector.<CoolDown>;
public function CoolDown(id : int, time : int, commonCD : CoolDown = null) {
public function addObject(object : ICoolDownObject, currTime : int = -1)
public function removeObject(object : ICoolDownObject) : Boolean
addCoolDown(cd : CoolDown)
removeCoolDown(cd : CoolDown)
run(currTime : int, elapsedTime : int = 0)
EquipmentItemInfo   extends ItemInfo 装备物品信息
public static const KEY_SEX : String = "sex";
public static const KEY_FACTION : String = "faction";
public static const KEY_EFFECTS_A : String = "effects_a";

public static const KEY_HOLD : String = "hold";
public static const KEY_HOLD_MAX : String = "hold_max";

public static const KEY_INLAY : String = "inlay";
public static const KEY_INLAY_TYPE : String = "inlay_type";
public static const KEY_CAN_SPOILAGE : String = "can_spoilage";

public static const KEY_ACTOR : String = "actor";
public static const KEY_GRADE : String = "grade";
public static const KEY_UPGRADE : String = "upgrade";
public static const KEY_MOUNT_V : String = "mount_v";

public static const KEY_ATK_REQ : String = "atk_req";
public static const KEY_AGI_REQ : String = "agi_req";
public static const KEY_STR_REQ : String = "str_req";
public static const KEY_CON_REQ : String = "con_req";
public static const KEY_MUS_REQ : String = "mus_req";

public static const KEY_ATK : String = "atk";
public static const KEY_DEF : String = "def";
public static const KEY_ATK_LEVEL : String = "atk_level";
public static const KEY_AGI_ADD : String = "agi_add";
public static const KEY_STR_ADD : String = "str_add";
public static const KEY_CON_ADD : String = "con_add";
public static const KEY_MUS_ADD : String = "mus_add";
public static const KEY_HP_ADD : String = "hp_add";
public static const KEY_MP_ADD : String = "mp_add";
public static const KEY_CRIT : String = "crit";
public static const KEY_HIT : String = "hit";
public static const KEY_MISS : String = "miss";
                public static const KEY_APP : String = "app";
public static const KEY_ACT : String = "act";
                public static const SUFF_MAX : String = "_max";
public static const PREF_APPRAISE : String = "app_";
public static const PREF_ACTIVE : String = "act_";
* 镶嵌宝石
* 镶嵌的位置最多为4个
public function get inlay() : Array
private static const REJECT_MESSAGE : String = "m";
private static const REJECT_TEAM : String = "t";
private static const REJECT_ADDFRIEND : String = "f";
private static const REJECT_GETINFO : String = "l";
private static const REJECT_PLAYER : String = "s";
private static const REJECT_TRADE : String = "b";
private static const REJECT_STRANGERMESSAGE : String = "str";
private static const REJECT_BMG : String = "bmg";
private static const REJECT_EFFECT : String = "eff";
private static const BMG_VOLUME : String = "bmgVol";
private static const EFFECT_VOLUME : String = "effVol";
public static const KEY_HOLD : String = "hold";
public static const KEY_HOLD_MAX : String = "hold_max";
FBInfo 副本信息
public var id : int;
public var type : int;
public var name : String;
public var sceneIDs : Array;
public var minLevel : int;
public var maxLevel : int;
public var minPlayer : int;
public var maxPlayer : int;
public var drops : Vector.<Array>;
public var descript : String;
get firstScene()
EquipmentPlatItemInfo 图样
EquipmentPlatItemInfo(object : Object = null, fireEvent : Boolean = true)

0 = "帮主";
1 = "副帮主";
2 = "长老";
3 = "堂主";
4 = "香主";
5 = "帮众";
public static const LEVEL0 : GangJob = new GangJob(0, "帮主");
public static const LEVEL1 : GangJob = new GangJob(1, "副帮主");
public static const LEVEL2 : GangJob = new GangJob(2, "长老");
public static const LEVEL3 : GangJob = new GangJob(3, "堂主");
public static const LEVEL4 : GangJob = new GangJob(4, "香主");
public static const LEVEL5 : GangJob = new GangJob(5, "帮众");
GemItemInfo 属性宝石
public static const KEY_GEM_TYPE : String = "gem_type";
public static const KEY_GEM_GRADE : String = "gem_grade";
public static const KEY_AGI_ADD : String = "agi_add";
public static const KEY_STR_ADD : String = "str_add";
public static const KEY_CON_ADD : String = "con_add";
public static const KEY_MUS_ADD : String = "mus_add";
HangInfo   挂机设置
ICoolDownObject   extends EventListener
function get coolDowning() : Boolean;
function get coolDownId() : int;
function get coolDownTime() : int;

function get startCDTime() : int;
function get totalCDTime() : int;
// function setCoolDowning(value : Boolean) : void;
// function runCoolDown(time : int, elapsedTime : int = 0) : void;
function setCoolDown(cd : CoolDown) : void;

IItem  物品接口
function get iconPath() : String;
function setStatus(value : int, isDispatchEvent : Boolean = false) : void;
function setIndex(value : int, isDispatchEvent : Boolean = false) : void;
function get name() : String;
function get descript() : String;
function get canUse() : Boolean;
function get locked() : Boolean;
function set locked(value : Boolean) : void;
function destroy() : void;
function clone() : IItem;
InlayGem 镶嵌的宝石
* 起始位置是1
public var index : int = -1;
public var type : int;
public var add : int;
public var spId : int;
public function get addName() : String {
switch (type) {
case 301:
return "攻击";
case 302:
return "防御";
case 303:
return "命中";
case 304:
return "躲闪";
case 305:
return "生命";
case 306:
return "内力";
return "";
public static const KEY_SP_ID : String = "sp_id";
public static const KEY_POSITION : String = "position";
public static const KEY_STATUS : String = "status";
public static const KEY_AMOUNT : String = "amount";
public static const KEY_IDX : String = "idx";
public static const KEY_DURATION : String = "duration";
public static const KEY_MAX_DURATION : String = "max_duration";
public static const KEY_BIND : String = "bind";
public static const KEY_USE_UNTIL : String = "use_until";

* 商店
public static const STATUS_STORE : int = -4;
* 技能
public static const STATUS_SKILL : int = -3;
* 快捷栏
public static const STATUS_SHORTCUT : int = -2;
* 无
public static const STATUS_NONE : int = -1;
* 锁定状态
public static const STATUS_LOCK : int = 0;
* 装备栏
public static const STATUS_ARMED : int = 1;
* 背包
public static const STATUS_BAG : int = 2;
* 仓库
public static const STATUS_STORAGE : int = 3;
* 交易中途状态,只能跟2(背包中)互换z
public static const STATUS_TRADE : int = 4;
* 帮会
public static const STATUS_GANG : int = 5;
* 摊位
public static const STATUS_STALL : int = 6;
* 许愿背包
public static const STATUS_WISHBAG : int = 7;

* 同一类型物品共享一个系统物品信息
protected var _systemInfo : SystemItemInfo;

ItemInfoFactory 创建ItemInfo,根据类型不同,创建不同类型的物品
public static function createItemInfo(data : Object)
if (data["sp_id"] != null) {
var type : int = SystemItemInfoManager.instance.getSystemItemInfoType(data["sp_id"]);

if (type == ItemInfoType.TYPE_Equipment) {
return new EquipmentItemInfo(data);
} else if (type == ItemInfoType.TYPE_Physic) {
return new PhysicItemInfo(data);
} else if (type == ItemInfoType.TYPE_Gem) {
return new GemItemInfo(data);
} else if (type == ItemInfoType.TYPE_Plat) {
return new EquipmentPlatItemInfo(data);
} else {
return new ItemInfo(data);
ItemInfoType 物品类型
* 装备
public static const TYPE_Equipment : int = 1;
* 药品
public static const TYPE_Physic : int = 2;
* 属性宝石
public static const TYPE_Gem : int = 3;
* 其他
public static const TYPE_Other : int = 4;
* 图样
public static const TYPE_Plat : int = 5;

public static const TYPE_CODE_PHYSIC_PLAYER : int = 201;

public static const TYPE_CODE_PHYSIC_PET : int = 202;

public static const TYPE_CODE_HORSE : int = 112;

// 经验
public static const SPECIAL_ID_EXP : int = 1;
// 银
public static const SPECIAL_ID_MONEY : int = 2;
// 元宝
public static const SPECIAL_ID_GOLD : int = 3;
ItemInfoG 一组系统ID相同的Item组
ItemSceneIcon   物品场景图标
public static const SCENE_ICON_MONEY : int = 0;
public static const SCENE_ICON_OTHER : int = 100;
public static const SCENE_ICON_PHYSIC : int = 101;
public static const SCENE_ICON_GEM : int = 102; //属性宝石
getSceneIconPathById(systemId : int)
getSceneIconPath(item : SystemItemInfo)
ItemSpec 物品种类
* 玄青石
public static const XUAN_QING_SHI : int = 40000003;
* 天工符
public static const TIAN_GONG_FU : int = 40000002;
* 金霞石
public static const JING_XIA_SHI : int = 40000004;
* 补天石
public static const BU_TIAN_SHI : int = 40000005;

* 凤凰令 道具
public static const REVIVE : int = 40000081;

* 洗髓丹
public static const XISUIDAN : int = 40000086;

* 世界喇叭
public static const WORLD_SPEAKER : int = 40000085;

* 隐姓符
public static const YIN_XING_FU : int = 40000089;

* 歃血令
public static const SHA_XUE_LING : int = 40000079;
* 闭关令
public static const BI_GUAN_LING : int = 40000092;

* 双倍经验单
public static const DOUBLE_EXP : int = 40000091;

* 战将复活
public static const PET_REVIVE : int = 40000082;

* 藏宝图全卷
public static const TREASURE_MAP_FULL : int = 40000097;

* 藏宝图钥匙
public static const TREASURE_MAP_KEY : int = 40000098;

LifeSkillProductConditionVO  生活技能生产条件vo
public var sp_id : int = -1;
public var name : String = "";
public var num : int = 0;
LifeSkillSubVO  生活技能子分类vo
public var sub : int = -1;
public var name : String = "";
LifeSkillProductVO  生活技能生产的产品vo
public var sp_id:int = -1;
public var name:String = "";
public var desc:String = "";
public var iconPath:String = "";
public var needList:Vector.<LifeSkillProductConditionVO> = null;
public var needStra:int = -1;
public var needLevel:int = -1;
public var type:int = -1;
public var sub:int = -1;
public var quality:int = -1;
LifeSkillTypeVO 生活技能分类vo
public var type : int = -1;
public var name : String = "";
public var iconPath : String = "";
public var exp : int = -1;
public var level : int = -1;
public var subList : Vector.<LifeSkillSubVO> = null;
NPCDialogInfo NPC对话内容
* npc id
public var npcId : int;

*  对话内容索引
public var dialogId : int;

public var options : Array;
public static const CLOSE_DIALOG : int = 0; //关闭窗口
public static const OPEN_QUEST : int = 1; //打开任务窗口
public static const FINISH_QUEST : int = 2; //完成任务
public static const SHOP : int = 3; //商店
public static const VISIT_NPC : int = 4; //拜访
public static const NPC_TALK : int = 5; //npc对话
public static const NPC_SKILL_LEARN : int = 6; //学习技能
public static const EQUIPMENT : int = 7; //装备打造
public static const GANG : int = 8; //创建门派
public static const GOTO_TingYuan : int = 9; //进入庭院
public static const USER_STORE : int = 10; //用户仓库
public static const RECRUIT_PET : int = 11; //招募战将
public static const HONOR_STORE : int = 13; //荣誉商店
public static const OPEN_CREATE_ARENA : int = 14; //打开摆擂台窗口
public static const OPEN_ARENA_LIST : int = 15; //打开擂台列表窗口
NPCQuestStatus   任务类型
public static const NONE : int = 0;
public static const CAN_FINISH : int = 1;
public static const CAN_ACCEPT : int = 2;
public static const CANNOT_FINISH : int = 3;
ProductInfoVO  产品信息vo
public var sp_id : int;
public var name : String;
public var type : int;
public var buildingLevel : int;
public var health : int;
public var money : int;
public var time : int;
public var iconPath : String;
public var descript : String;
PhysicItemInfo  药品
public static const KEY_EFFECTS_A : String = "effects_a";
public static const KEY_INTERVAL : String = "interval";
public static const KEY_HP_ADD : String = "hp_add";
public static const KEY_MP_ADD : String = "mp_add";
public static const KEY_STA_ADD : String = "sta_add";
public static const KEY_HP_ADD_PER : String = "hp_add_per";
public static const KEY_MP_ADD_PER : String = "mp_add_per";
public static const KEY_CD : String = "cd";
public static const KEY_CD_TYPE : String = "cdType";
public static const KEY_RELIVE : String = "relive";
PhysicItemInfo(object : Object = null, fireEvent : Boolean = true)
effectsA() 特效
isPetPhysic() 宠物药品
interval() 影响间隔时间(秒)
PhoenixCode   系统文本编码
public static const CODE_BR : String = "br"; //换行
public static const CODE_EXP : String = "ep"; //表情图片
public static const CODE_COLOR : String = "cl"; //文字颜色

public static const CODE_SYSTEM_ITEM_INFO : String = "is"; //系统物品信息
public static const CODE_ITEM_INFO : String = "ii"; //物品信息
public static const CODE_PLAYER_INFO : String = "pi"; //玩家信息
public static const CODE_SKILL_INFO : String = "si"; //技能信息
public static const CODE_SCENE_LOCATION : String = "sl"; //坐标
public static const CODE_MONSTER : String = "ms"; //MONSTER
public static const CODE_NPC : String = "np"; //NPC
public static const CODE_IMAGE : String = "ig";

public static const CODE_BUILD : String = "bd"; //采集

public static const CODE_OPEN_WINDOW : String = "op"; //打开指定面板
public static const CODE_OPEN_PHYSIQUE : String = "oa"; //打开人物属性界面
public static const CODE_GOTO_SCENE_ITEM : String = "_go"; //疾风令Code, 只在内部用,不公开
public static const CODE_NONE : String = "_";

NPCOptionInfo  npc选项内容

public var type : int;

public var npcId : int;

* 对于dialog.xml文件中选项的索引
public var index : int;

* npc命令
* @see NPCCommandType
public var command : int;

* 命令参数,可能为空
public var parameters : Array;
SystemEquipmentItemType  系统装备道具类型
public static const LOCATION_ARMOR : int = 7;
public static const LOCATION_RIDE : int = 9;
public static const LOCATION_WEAPON : int = 0;

public static const LOCATION_ID0 : int = 0; //武器
public static const LOCATION_ID1 : int = 1; //暗器、符
public static const LOCATION_ID2 : int = 2; //项链
public static const LOCATION_ID3 : int = 3; //戒指
public static const LOCATION_ID4 : int = 4; //戒指
public static const LOCATION_ID5 : int = 5; //锦囊、玉佩
public static const LOCATION_ID6 : int = 6; //头盔
public static const LOCATION_ID7 : int = 7; //衣服
public static const LOCATION_ID8 : int = 8; //鞋子
public static const LOCATION_ID9 : int = 9; //坐骑
SystemItemInfo 系统物品信息
物品级别 完美普通等
SystemEquipmentItemInfo  系统装备物品信息
SystemGemItemInfo 属性宝石
Tip  关键字以及对应code
public var key : String;
public var id : int;
public var code : String;
SystemPhysicItemInfo  系统药品
if (obj[BaseItemInfo.KEY_TYPE] == ItemInfoType.TYPE_Equipment) {
info = new SystemEquipmentItemInfo(obj);
} else if (obj[BaseItemInfo.KEY_TYPE] == ItemInfoType.TYPE_Physic) {
info = new SystemPhysicItemInfo(obj);
} else if (obj[BaseItemInfo.KEY_TYPE] == ItemInfoType.TYPE_Gem) {
info = new SystemGemItemInfo(obj);
} else if (obj[BaseItemInfo.KEY_TYPE] == ItemInfoType.TYPE_Plat) {
info = new SystemEquipmentPlatItemInfo(obj);
} else { //其他
info = new SystemItemInfo(obj);



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    论文研究-基于agent-based model的住房市场演化问题研究.pdf, 在房地产市场中, 多个具有一定量财富的个体依据其不同需求产生具有差异性的住房选择行为, 在宏观上会呈现...

    WoWModelViewer wow模型查看器

    《WoWModelViewer:深入探索魔兽世界模型查看器》 ...综上,WoWModelViewer不仅是一个娱乐工具,也是学习和研究魔兽世界模型的重要辅助软件,通过MPQ模型查看器,我们可以深入了解游戏背后的设计艺术和技术实现。


    modeltest用法 modeltest是一种常用的DNA进化模型选择工具,主要用于选择最合适的DNA进化模型,以便...本文详细介绍了modeltest的使用方法和相关知识点,为研究人员提供了一个详细的指南,以便更好地选择DNA进化模型。


    在OpenCV4.1.0中,"face_landmark_model.zip"这个压缩包文件提供了一个关键组件——"face_landmark_model.dat",这是一个用于人脸识别和面部特征定位的预训练模型。 面部地标模型(Face Landmark Model)是计算机...

    Hou_model.zip_Hou model_abaqus子模型_材料 模拟_纤维_纤维UMAT






    jakes model.rar

    《杰克斯模型在无线通信中的应用与理解》 在无线通信领域,杰克斯模型(Jake's Model)是一个至关重要的概念,...通过对“jakes model”文件的深入研究,我们可以更全面地掌握这一模型的原理及其在实际工程中的应用。

    Bayesian Graphical Model 1

    贝叶斯图模型(Bayesian Graphical Model)是概率图模型的一种形式,它结合了概率论和图论的方法,用以表示多个随机变量之间的条件依赖关系。在贝叶斯图模型中,通常使用有向无环图(DAG)来表示变量间的依赖关系,...

    fib model code 2020新动向

    在土木工程和混凝土结构设计领域,fib Model Code 2020(Fédération ...通过不断吸收最新的研究成果,并将之转化为设计实践中的应用,fib Model Code将继续作为引领国际混凝土结构设计标准的指导性文件。

    Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation Using MATLAB

    《Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation Using MATLAB》是一本非常实用且全面的参考书籍,适合从事控制工程领域的研究人员、工程师以及高校教师和学生阅读。通过学习本书,读者不仅可以掌握...

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