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Cannot select certain rows in List component or DataGrid component
The problem is that for each item in data provider, we must get a unique ID (UID) for it, if two or more items in data provider get the same UID after call itemToUID method, then we only can select one of them and can never successful to select the rest of them. To avoid this problem, refer to the following itemToUID method to understand how Flex components generate the UID and avoid generating the same UID.
Please Note, the following method itemToUID are quoted from class ListBase of SDK source code.
We can use: copyOfOldObject= ObjectUtil.copy(oldObject) to get a new instance, then when we add the copy to the ArrayCollection which is the binding source of dataProvider, we will get different UID for each instance, then we won’t have the problem.
* Determines the UID for a data provider item. All items
* in a data provider must either have a unique ID (UID)
* or one will be generated and associated with it. This
* means that you cannot have an object or scalar value
* appear twice in a data provider. For example, the following
* data provider is not supported because the value "foo"
* appears twice and the UID for a string is the string itself:
* <blockquote>
* <code>var sampleDP:Array = ["foo", "bar", "foo"]</code>
* </blockquote>
* Simple dynamic objects can appear twice if they are two
* separate instances. The following is supported because
* each of the instances will be given a different UID because
* they are different objects:
* <blockquote>
* <code>var sampleDP:Array = [{label: "foo"}, {label: "foo"}]</code>
* </blockquote>
* Note that the following is not supported because the same instance
* appears twice.
* <blockquote>
* <code>var foo:Object = {label: "foo"};
* sampleDP:Array = [foo, foo];</code>
* </blockquote>
* @param data The data provider item.
* @return The UID as a string.
protected function itemToUID(data:Object):String
if (data == null)
return "null";
return UIDUtil.getUID(data);
The problem is that for each item in data provider, we must get a unique ID (UID) for it, if two or more items in data provider get the same UID after call itemToUID method, then we only can select one of them and can never successful to select the rest of them. To avoid this problem, refer to the following itemToUID method to understand how Flex components generate the UID and avoid generating the same UID.
Please Note, the following method itemToUID are quoted from class ListBase of SDK source code.
We can use: copyOfOldObject= ObjectUtil.copy(oldObject) to get a new instance, then when we add the copy to the ArrayCollection which is the binding source of dataProvider, we will get different UID for each instance, then we won’t have the problem.
* Determines the UID for a data provider item. All items
* in a data provider must either have a unique ID (UID)
* or one will be generated and associated with it. This
* means that you cannot have an object or scalar value
* appear twice in a data provider. For example, the following
* data provider is not supported because the value "foo"
* appears twice and the UID for a string is the string itself:
* <blockquote>
* <code>var sampleDP:Array = ["foo", "bar", "foo"]</code>
* </blockquote>
* Simple dynamic objects can appear twice if they are two
* separate instances. The following is supported because
* each of the instances will be given a different UID because
* they are different objects:
* <blockquote>
* <code>var sampleDP:Array = [{label: "foo"}, {label: "foo"}]</code>
* </blockquote>
* Note that the following is not supported because the same instance
* appears twice.
* <blockquote>
* <code>var foo:Object = {label: "foo"};
* sampleDP:Array = [foo, foo];</code>
* </blockquote>
* @param data The data provider item.
* @return The UID as a string.
protected function itemToUID(data:Object):String
if (data == null)
return "null";
return UIDUtil.getUID(data);
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在Flex开发中,`Datagrid`组件是一种常用的展示数据列表的控件,而分页和数据高亮显示是提升用户体验的重要功能。本篇主要探讨如何在Flex的`Datagrid`中实现分页定位和高亮显示。 首先,分页定位涉及的主要任务是...
在Flex编程中,Datagrid组件是用于展示数据集的一个强大工具,它允许用户进行交互式的数据浏览和操作。"Flex Datagrid全选功能"是指在Datagrid中实现一个功能,让用户能够一键选择所有行,这在处理大量数据时非常...
1. **Flex DataGrid组件**: Flex DataGrid是Adobe Flex框架中的一个组件,用于显示结构化的数据集。它可以自动生成列,并根据数据源动态调整大小。DataGrid支持排序、分页、筛选等功能,是UI设计中处理大量数据的...
在Flex开发中,DataGrid组件是一个非常常用的控件,它用于展示数据集合,并提供交互式操作,如排序、选择等。本示例聚焦于DataGrid中的CheckBox集成,特别是实现一个全选的功能。以下是对这个主题的详细解释: 一、...
然后,在这个自定义组件中,我们需要监听ComboBox的事件,如`change`事件,当用户在组合框中选择一个值时触发此事件。接着,我们需要获取DataGrid的`dataProvider`,并根据用户选择的过滤条件更新它。 3. ComboBox...
Flex DataGrid 是 Adobe Flex 中一个重要的组件,用于展示结构化数据。它以表格形式呈现,非常适合用来显示多列数据,并提供了排序、选择、编辑等多种功能。在这个教程中,我们将深入探讨 DataGrid 的基本使用和一些...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨基于Adobe Flex的DataGrid组件的应用实例。Flex是一种强大的富互联网应用程序(RIA)开发框架,主要用于构建交互式、响应式的Web应用。DataGrid是Flex中的一个核心组件,它允许开发者以表格...
标题"flex-带checkbox的datagrid"指的是在Flex Datagrid组件中集成复选框(checkbox)的功能。这种功能常用于多选操作,例如用户可以选择一组数据项进行批量删除、编辑或其他操作。下面将详细介绍如何在Flex中实现带...
本文将深入探讨如何在Flex中的DataGrid组件中实现复选框的全选与取消全选功能,这对于数据操作和用户交互至关重要。 在Flex的DataGrid组件中,我们通常会遇到这样的需求:当用户需要对多条记录进行批量操作时,如...
在标题“flex datagrid doubleclick 实例”中,我们关注的是如何实现DataGrid组件对用户双击事件的响应。双击事件通常用于执行更复杂的操作,例如编辑选定的记录或触发一个新的视图。以下将详细介绍这一功能的实现...
在Flex开发中,Datagrid是一种常用的组件,用于展示表格数据,而checkbox全选功能则是提高用户体验的一个重要特性。本文将详细讲解如何实现Flex Datagrid中checkbox的全选功能。 首先,我们要了解Flex Datagrid的...
本文将深入探讨如何在Flex DataGrid组件中内嵌ComboBox,并且ComboBox中再内嵌一个DataGrid,这是一项高级的UI设计技术,能够提供复杂的数据展示和交互功能。 首先,让我们理解Flex DataGrid组件。DataGrid是Flex中...
在Flex开发中,Spark DataGrid是一个常用的组件,用于展示数据表格。然而,当涉及到自定义交互,如拖动删除功能时,开发者可能会遇到问题,因为MX组件与Spark组件的实现方式有所不同。MX DataGrid和Spark DataGrid在...
DataGrid组件依赖于数据提供者(dataProvider),通常是一个 ArrayCollection 或者其他的可迭代集合。DataGrid会根据这个数据提供者来动态创建行,并显示其中的数据。每个单元格可以通过指定itemRenderer来自定义其...