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论文:Incremental web page template detection

Yu Wang, Bingxing Fang, Xueqi Cheng, Li Guo, Hongbo Xu. Incremental web page template detection.WWW '08: Proceeding of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, ACM, 2008, 1247-1248.

Abstract: Most template detection methods process web pages in batches that a newly crawled page can not be processed until enough pages have been collected. This results in large storage consumption and a huge delay of data refreshing. In this paper, we present an incremental framework to detect templates in which a page is processed as soon as it has been crawled. In this framework, we don't need to cache any web page. Experiments show that our framework consumes less than 7% storage than traditional methods. And also the speed of data refreshing is accelerated because of the incremental manner.



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