Laender, A. H. F.; Ribeiro-Neto, B. A.; da Silva, A. S. & Teixeira, J. S. A brief survey of web data extraction tools. SIGMOD Rec., ACM, 2002, 31, 84-93
Abstract:In the last few years, several works in the literature have addressed
the problem of data extraction from Web pages. The importance of this
problem derives from the fact that, once extracted, the data can be
handled in a way similar to instances of a traditional database. The
approaches proposed in the literature to address the problem of Web
data extraction use techniques borrowed from areas such as natural
language processing, languages and grammars, machine learning,
information retrieval, databases, and ontologies. As a consequence,
they present very distinct features and capabilities which make a
direct comparison difficult to be done. In this paper, we propose a
taxonomy for characterizing Web data extraction fools, briefly survey
major Web data extraction tools described in the literature, and
provide a qualitative analysis of them. Hopefully, this work will
stimulate other studies aimed at a more comprehensive analysis of data
extraction approaches and tools for Web data.
文件"A Brief Survey of Web Data Extraction Tools.pdf"可能会涵盖以下内容: 1. **基础概念**:介绍网页数据提取的基本原理,包括HTTP/HTTPS协议、网页结构(HTML、CSS、JavaScript)以及爬虫的工作方式。 2. **...
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