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Although the Active MQ website already gives a pithy, to-the-point explanation of ActiveMQ, I would like to add some more context to their definition.
From the ActiveMQ project’s website:
“ActiveMQ is an open sourced implementation of JMS 1.1 as part of the J2EE 1.4 specification.”
Here’s my take: ActiveMQ is an open-source, messaging software which can serve as the backbone for an architecture of distributed applications built upon messaging. The creators of ActiveMQ were driven to create this open-source project for two main reasons:
The available existing solutions at the time where proprietary/very expensive
Developers with the Apache Software Foundation were working on a fully J2EE compliant application server (Geronimo) and they needed a JMS solution that had a license compatible with Apache’s licensing.
Since its inception, ActiveMQ has turned into a strong competitor of the commercial alternatives, such as WebSphereMQ, EMS/TIBCO and SonicMQ and is deployed in production in some of the top companies in industries ranging from financial services to retail.
Using messaging as an integration or communication style leads to many benefits such as:
Allowing applications built with different languages and on different operating systems to integrate with each other
Location transparency – client applications don’t need to know where the service applications are located
Reliable communication – the producers/consumers of messages don’t have to be available at the same time, or certain segments along the route of the message can go down and come back up without impacting the message getting to the service/consumer
Scaling – can scale horizontally by adding more services that can handle the messages if too many messages are arriving
Asynchronous communication – a client can fire a message and continue other processing instead of blocking until the service has sent a response; it can handle the response message only when the message is ready
Reduced coupling – the assumptions made by the clients and services are greatly reduced as a result of the previous 5 benefits. A service can change details about itself, including its location, protocol, and availability, without affecting or disrupting the client.
Please see Gregor Hohpe’s description about messaging or the book he and Bobby Woolf wrote about messaging-based enterprise application integration.
There are other advantages as well (hopefully someone can add other benefits or drawbacks in the comments), and ActiveMQ is a free, open-source software that can facilitate delivering those advantages and has proven to be highly reliable and scalable in production environments.
This entry was posted by admin on December 27, 2011 at 10:08 pm under ActiveMQ. Tagged activemq, apache, esb, java, messaging. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Although the Active MQ website already gives a pithy, to-the-point explanation of ActiveMQ, I would like to add some more context to their definition.
From the ActiveMQ project’s website:
“ActiveMQ is an open sourced implementation of JMS 1.1 as part of the J2EE 1.4 specification.”
Here’s my take: ActiveMQ is an open-source, messaging software which can serve as the backbone for an architecture of distributed applications built upon messaging. The creators of ActiveMQ were driven to create this open-source project for two main reasons:
The available existing solutions at the time where proprietary/very expensive
Developers with the Apache Software Foundation were working on a fully J2EE compliant application server (Geronimo) and they needed a JMS solution that had a license compatible with Apache’s licensing.
Since its inception, ActiveMQ has turned into a strong competitor of the commercial alternatives, such as WebSphereMQ, EMS/TIBCO and SonicMQ and is deployed in production in some of the top companies in industries ranging from financial services to retail.
Using messaging as an integration or communication style leads to many benefits such as:
Allowing applications built with different languages and on different operating systems to integrate with each other
Location transparency – client applications don’t need to know where the service applications are located
Reliable communication – the producers/consumers of messages don’t have to be available at the same time, or certain segments along the route of the message can go down and come back up without impacting the message getting to the service/consumer
Scaling – can scale horizontally by adding more services that can handle the messages if too many messages are arriving
Asynchronous communication – a client can fire a message and continue other processing instead of blocking until the service has sent a response; it can handle the response message only when the message is ready
Reduced coupling – the assumptions made by the clients and services are greatly reduced as a result of the previous 5 benefits. A service can change details about itself, including its location, protocol, and availability, without affecting or disrupting the client.
Please see Gregor Hohpe’s description about messaging or the book he and Bobby Woolf wrote about messaging-based enterprise application integration.
There are other advantages as well (hopefully someone can add other benefits or drawbacks in the comments), and ActiveMQ is a free, open-source software that can facilitate delivering those advantages and has proven to be highly reliable and scalable in production environments.
This entry was posted by admin on December 27, 2011 at 10:08 pm under ActiveMQ. Tagged activemq, apache, esb, java, messaging. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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在IT行业中,Apache ActiveMQ是一个广泛使用的开源消息代理和队列服务器,它是Java Message Service (JMS) 的实现,允许应用程序之间进行异步通信。这篇博客"ActiveMQ问题解决记录"可能涵盖了作者在使用ActiveMQ过程...
ActiveMQ是中国最流行的开源消息中间件之一,由Apache软件基金会开发。它基于Java Message Service (JMS) 规范,提供了可靠的消息传递功能,适用于分布式系统中的应用间通信。本压缩包“activeMQ收发工具.rar”包含...
ActiveMQ路由配置方式 ActiveMQ路由配置是Apache ActiveMQ项目中的一种重要配置方式,它依赖另一个Apache项目Camel。ActiveMQ集成了Camel,启动时同时会启动Camel。通过Camel Web Console可以进行Routing配置。 ...
**ActiveMQ的activemq.xml配置详解** ActiveMQ是Apache软件基金会开发的一个开源消息代理,它遵循Java消息服务(JMS)规范,提供可靠的消息传递功能。`activemq.xml`是ActiveMQ的核心配置文件,它定义了服务器的...
2. 客户端连接:客户端通过WebSocket API建立到ActiveMQ的连接,指定目标URL通常是ws://或者wss://(如果是加密连接)加上ActiveMQ服务器的地址和WebSocket端口。 3. 订阅主题或队列:连接建立后,客户端可以订阅想...
Apache ActiveMQ in Action is a thorough, practical guide to implementing message-oriented systems in Java using ActiveMQ. The book lays out the core of ActiveMQ in clear language, starting with the ...
### ActiveMQ-CPP 开发手册知识点详述 #### 一、引言 - **编写目的**:本手册旨在帮助开发者快速掌握 CMS (C++ Messaging Service) 的使用方法,提高 C++ 开发者在消息传递系统方面的开发效率,并作为 CMS 开发的...
**ActiveMQ配置文件详解** Apache ActiveMQ 是一个开源的消息中间件,它实现了多种消息协议,如JMS(Java Message Service)和AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol),并且广泛应用于分布式系统中,提供可靠的...
jmx监控ActiveMQ监控 jmx(Java Management Extensions)是一种Java技术,为Java应用程序提供了管理和监控的功能。ActiveMQ是Apache软件基金会下的一个开源消息队列系统,提供了高效、可靠的消息传递服务。在生产...
Apache ActiveMQ是开源的、基于Java消息服务(JMS)的Message Broker,它允许应用程序通过消息传递进行异步通信。ActiveMQ客户端库是用于与ActiveMQ服务器交互的接口,允许开发者在他们的应用中发送和接收消息。这个...
ActiveMQ是Apache软件基金会开发的一款开源消息中间件,它遵循开放消息传递标准(JMS,Java Message Service),用于在分布式系统中实现可靠的消息传递。在本文中,我们将深入探讨ActiveMQ v6.0.1的核心特性、应用...
Apache ActiveMQ是业界广泛使用的开源消息中间件,它基于Java消息服务(JMS)标准,提供了高度可扩展、可靠的异步通信能力。标题"apache-activemq-5.16.5"指的是该软件的一个特定版本,即5.16.5版本,通常每个新版本...
Apache ActiveMQ是开源的、基于Java消息服务(JMS)的应用服务器,它是Apache软件基金会的一部分。这个名为"apache-activemq-5.17.3"的压缩包包含了ActiveMQ的5.17.3版本,这是一个稳定且功能丰富的发布版本。在深入...
Apache ActiveMQ是开源社区中最流行的Java消息代理,也是企业级消息中间件(Message Broker)的首选之一。在最新的稳定版5.15.0中,它提供了可靠的消息传递功能,适用于分布式应用程序之间的通信,实现了异步处理、...
Apache ActiveMQ是业界广泛使用的开源消息中间件,尤其在Linux环境下表现出色。它基于Java语言开发,遵循Apache软件基金会的许可证,并且实现了多种消息传递协议,包括OpenWire、STOMP、AMQP和XMPP等。在Linux系统上...
### ActiveMQ高并发处理方案详解 #### 一、引言 在现代分布式系统中,消息队列作为异步通信的核心组件之一,对于提高系统的吞吐量、降低响应时间和实现服务解耦等方面起着至关重要的作用。Apache ActiveMQ作为一款...
**ActiveMQ 深度解析** ActiveMQ 是一个开源的消息中间件,它是 Apache 软件基金会的一个项目,主要用于处理应用程序之间的消息通信。ActiveMQ 的核心功能是作为消息代理,支持多种消息协议,如 OpenWire、AMQP、...
在Linux环境下,Apache ActiveMQ是一个广泛使用的开源消息代理和队列服务器,它是Java Message Service (JMS) 的实现,能够处理大量的并发消息传递。ActiveMQ提供了高可用性、可扩展性和稳定性,使得它成为分布式...