OK so I have a strongly-typed Customer "Details" view that takes a Customer object Model.
I am using LINQ to SQL and every Customer can have multiple (parking) Spaces.
This is a FK relationship in the database so my LINQ-generated Customer model has a "Spaces" collection. Great!
Here is a code snippet from my CustomerRepository where I iterate through the Customer's parking spaces to delete all payments, spaces and then finally the customer:
public void Delete(Customer customer)
foreach (Space s in customer.Spaces)
Everything works as expected!
Now in my "Details" view I want to populate a table with the Customer's Spaces:
<% foreach (var s in Model.Spaces)
{ %>
<td><%: s.ID %></td>
<td><%: s.InstallDate %></td>
<td><%: s.SpaceType %></td>
<td><%: s.Meter %></td>
<% } %>
I get the following error:
foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet' because 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'
Finally, if I add this bit of code to my Customer partial class and use the foreach in the view to iterate through ParkingSpaces everything works as expected:
public IEnumerable<Space> ParkingSpaces
return Spaces.AsEnumerable();
The problem here is that I don't want to repeat myself. I was also thinking that I could use a ViewModel to pass a Spaces collection to the View, however LINQ already infers and creates the Spaces property on the Customer model so I think it would be cleanest to just use that.
I am missing something simple or am I approaching this incorrectly?
ANS:Sorry if Im a bit late answering this but the correct method of solving your problem is to add an assembly reference to your web.config file so that the view can access the GetEnumerator() method. You can do this using the assembly reference string provided in the page compliation error. eg
<add assembly="System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
在JavaScript中,有三种主要的循环方法:`forEach`、`for-in`和`for-of`,每种都有其特定的用途和特点。 `forEach`方法是ES5引入的一个数组方法,简化了对数组元素的遍历。例如: ```javascript myArray.forEach...
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foreach (类型 变量 in 集合) { // 循环体,执行的操作 } ``` 1. **类型**:这是迭代变量的类型,它应该与集合中的元素类型相匹配。 2. **变量**:在每次迭代中,`foreach`会将集合中的下一个元素赋值给这个变量。...
Delphi Foreach循环的用法实例,演示如何使用For Each生成循环,用赋值于文本框控件中,程序试图使用多种方式生成Foreach,并最终清除它。本示例面向Delphi基础学者,了解Delphi基础知识的一些应用。
foreach (var item in collection) { // 在这里执行针对item的操作 } ``` 这里的`collection`是你要遍历的集合,`item`是集合中的单个元素。`foreach`会依次处理集合中的每个元素,每次迭代都会将当前元素赋值给`...
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`C-FOREACH`是JavaServer Pages (JSP)中JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library)的一部分,用于在页面上进行循环遍历。它提供了便利的方式来迭代数组、集合、Map或者其他迭代对象中的元素。在JSP开发中,`C-...
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